RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (Full Version)

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operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 1:47:25 PM)

Turn 13


It's the first winter turn of 1914 with Russians in a good position to take this city, they have steadily repositioned and attacked taking morale losses. Deployed a fresh AC (armored Car) to backside of city, and moved my general into the city because of it's better defense rating than an SG.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 1:58:05 PM)

Turn 13


No combat this turn, stayed in the defense mode and repaired..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 2:18:43 PM)

Turn 14

This is the last tech tree that is released, which begins with Vehicle Research, also on this turn the owner receives 2 extra labs.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 2:24:49 PM)

Turn 14

Christmas Truce has no effect on gameplay, Historically unusual and true..![:)]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 2:29:08 PM)

Turn 14

Not a lot to offer here, except the ID of units that can be deployed from the queue..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 2:34:48 PM)

Turn 14


I was hoping to include the action up by Trondheim, obviously did not fit into SS. What you do see is a German sub on it's way to possibly save what remains of the merchant fleet up north. OK, down by Glasgow the English merchant fleet did not make it to port resulting in a delay of 3 turns and a loss of 50 supplies (the equivalent of one whole German turn PP). Notice the German sub's morale is starting to revive towards normal, one sub moved slightly to the north (undetected) while the other went on to attack the merchant fleet causing a 2 point (20 supplies) loss. Over-all I consider this a small victory for CP.[sm=happy0005.gif]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 3:44:51 PM)

Turn 14


Captured Turku is the high light of this turn here along with some fleet rearrangements, besides scouting the coast around Tallinn.[8D]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 3:53:24 PM)

Turn 14

Was able to make some gains to the west of Brest-Litovsk eliminating 2 Russian units, at the same time lost AH garrison to the southeast of that city. There was attacks and counter attacks all up and down this front this turn. Some units got the chance to repair and others upgraded, much the same with the Kriegsmarine. Fresh sub deployed up by Koenigsberg and fresh AH infantry arrived at Lemberg. German artillery RR from Serbia to Przemysl. If you look at the Russian positions, many have yet to fortify. ATM the Russians have 9 infantry to CP 6. If I can get more air-power on this front I may be able to really push the Russians back in the spring..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 4:11:47 PM)

Turn 14


The Germans were able to capture a hex that was acting like a choke point to interior German movement, now I am able to prevent the French deploying units from the queue north of Calais. Did harrying attacks up and down the line to help Aleve the pressure on my Nancy front line units. Germany's economy cannot support a 2 front war, right now the Eastern Front shows the most promise for a victory there, likely I will shift over to a more defensive posture here in succeeding turns to put more effort and PP into the East.[sm=mad-1003.gif]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 4:32:20 PM)

Turn 14

As you can see I am setting up a relay line of AH subs into the Aegean Sea. With the French AC now sunk these subs will now hunt down the Entente fleets blocking the straits to Constantinople. Those Entente fleets can be spotted on the mini-map, but not identified. After that blockade is eliminated, it will be time to deal will the Russians bombarding the piss out of Constantinople.[sm=00000023.gif]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 4:42:00 PM)

Turn 14


Remember I said: "Do not underestimate your enemy". Here's a perfect case of it, Many players disband the SGs at Basra and Kuwait, I don't, each city has 4 PP, which is more than a lot of other cities. For sure something has disembarked near Basra, to prepare for this I just happen to have a spare general to deploy here and the position is fortified, all I can do is wait and see what happens. I'm hoping I do not have to buy a unit to deploy there, it would be a waste of PP needed elsewhere.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 4:52:27 PM)

Turn 14


True to form the Russians continued to attack but could not see the AC that is now threatening to cut off their supply and isolate the main army here and also capture Sarikamish.. Wait to see how they react..!! Mean-while fresh reinforcements arrive.[:)]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/25/2018 5:01:42 PM)

Turn 14


This time I counter attacked with artillery and infantry and put a real hurt on the English cav..!! Allah is Great..!![:D]


berto -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/26/2018 12:51:30 AM)

Dedicated thread follower here. Stay the course!

operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/26/2018 1:30:59 AM)

Hello berto,

Could not help but noticed you just bought the game: Welcome Aboard..! The present match is at about turn 68. There are hundreds of SSs yet to be edited, resized and to be posted here. It's a labor of love and do so much appreciate you enjoy this AAR. [;)]

operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/27/2018 4:00:20 AM)

Turn 15

This is what happens when a SS is not resized (missed this one)..

The English merchant finally made it to port (3 turns later than it should have).
Thought I would have a little fun with the English cruiser which took 3 damage to 2 damage CP, really was not worth it
should of headed for home port immediately for refit. Don't know, if you don't try different tactics.[8|]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/27/2018 4:13:41 AM)

Turn 15


Whoops missed resizing this one too![sm=00000117.gif]

Rescue is on the way to Trondheim, at the very least the German sub is within striking distance and will be able to trap the English cruiser from escape.[sm=character0085.gif]

Grouped my fleets to make it near impossible for enemy sub fleets to pass, plus support the Turku garrison that is under siege. Expecting a merchant fleet to spawn next turn..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/27/2018 3:52:42 PM)

Turn 15

Eastern Front:

It's the 3rd turn of winter with the Germans putting pressure on the Russian center. Used the Danzig zep to keep the Russian artillery suppressed and damaged. Embarked a garrison next to Koenigsberg port destined for Finland. You'll see 3 repairs and 4 upgrades. Did not advance into the hex the Russian infantry retreated from, felt if a garrison moved in there it would be very vulnerable. Might try to take that position next turn with a fresh unit.. Due to "This Game's" Russian economy (lop sided) that Russian units should be pouring in anytime soon. At least for now CP is not totally on the defense.[:)]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/27/2018 4:15:10 PM)

Turn 15


Felt this needed it's own SS for the reader may not realize the air support the AH are receiving each turn to trip up the Russians due to lack of Russian air units. AH artillery is earning it's keep along with combined arms to drive the Russians from their salient east of Lemberg. AH is also repairing and upgrading too. German artillery is contributing to the war effort putting the hurt on Russian infantry. The main idea here is to drive down the over-all morale of Russian units..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/27/2018 4:29:59 PM)

Turn 15


Messed up centering this SS.[:(] Again I'm just beefing up this front in expectation that my opponent is building an airforce that'll make life difficult to sustain here, for I know that 100 point English merchant fleets should be arriving soon, enough to buy to buy 3 air units at a time (that's when the game starts to really "suck"). Had a new arrival up by Dortmund and decided to upgrade there before deploying to a front line position. Over by Stuttgart repaired it's zep there to get it's full bombing potential. The MP losses still continue at Nancy. Unless my supply transports keep arriving there is just no way to keep up with the over-all Entente PP production and be viable..


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/27/2018 4:47:33 PM)

Turn 15

Eastern Mediterranean:

After the success at Izmir went after the blockaders by Gallipoli doing damage to a French AC and probably making them quite nervous about hanging around.[:D] Once that Strait is open I can then sail the Constantinople fleets into the fight. Sent 1 sub fleet to protect Ismir from bombardment while the SG begins fortifying before the turn 23 landings. Another sub just deployed by Cattaro. ACs cannot be replaced that's the best part about sinking them when it's at all possible.[;)]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/27/2018 5:05:21 PM)

Turn 15


OK the Russians know they are in trouble and are making a dash back towards Sarikamish obviously to recapture it, otherwise they can not readily receive reinforcements and possibly be cut off from full supply. Noticed all the Russians have morale (yellow) drops from moving in winter and I intend to make them pay during their withdrawal. Fresh units deployed here and at Samsun.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/27/2018 5:15:04 PM)

Turn 15


Basra, the French are getting hurt bad here from combat losses and out of supply attrition, expect they will not last another turn.[:)]

Gaza, is a different story, I'm on the defense here taking continual losses, but at least holding my ground. I know mrdozer has air-power here, not sure how much, it's the one great advantage he has over the OE.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/28/2018 4:01:17 AM)

Turn 16

Scapa Flow: Sent my sub fleets to the west of here, fearing that the English fleets might give chase and catch my subs in the narrows below Scapa Flow. The other factor is that in 3 turns or so German subs are due for a torpedo upgrade, from where these subs are now they should be in port for the upgrades without additional damage.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/28/2018 4:09:55 AM)

Turn 16

Ok, the English cruiser may finish off the merchant fleet up by Trondheim, I'll guarantee that cruiser will be with the fishes before all is said and done.[sm=comp16.gif]

The fleet with the yellow arrow is a transport that is disembarking a garrison there. My blocking armada has got the attention of a couple mean English subs who can't bust through to go up north.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/28/2018 12:01:25 PM)

Turn 16

Eastern Front:

Decided to lay off on a center push on the Russians and rest and repair there. Brest-Litovsk is now in my crosshairs, If CP can take that it'll present a problem for the Russians deploying fresh units, plus capturing that fort will cause a -5 NM loss to the Russians.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/28/2018 12:16:37 PM)

Turn 16


Securing the Russian salient here will be CP's anchor in order to push north towards Brest-Litovsk. What's important here is that now both CP artillery will be able to coordinate their barrages instead of working separately. That Russian AT (armored train) is in for a treat.[sm=00000002.gif]


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/28/2018 12:44:45 PM)

Turn 16

Eastern Mediterranean:

Gallipoli: Was able to finish off the French AC here allowing the German raider to join the action for a combined action on the remaining English AC, there's no escape for the AC. Once he is sunk, CP should have enough turns to go after the Russian Black Sea fleets and get them off OE's back. I don't remember why I sent an AH sub over towards Sicily, possibly in search of enemy fleets..? Another sub fleet deployed at Cattaro.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/28/2018 3:00:33 PM)

Turn 16


Winter is tough on morale even when stalemated in trench warfare. Over by Calais can see a Brit infantry buildup to possibly push on my salient there, it's what you don't see that bothers me. Like what air-power is going to be used to support these units? The English navy has done it's job just about every turn pounding my exposed coastal units, sometimes scoring losses, most of the time degrading morale to where those units are ineffective in combat, basically they have become punching bags in order to keep Antwerp on the CP side of the ledger.[:(] Same over at Nancy: If I give up on my salient there it will expose Strasberg to direct assault perhaps draining it of it's sorely needed 6 PP. Here I can apply some air support with air support degrading the French with minimal losses and with the garrisons losses do not go unanswered for th attacking French do also gain losses, but the big factor in their favor is it's artillery, with tech upgrades this unit becomes more vicious. AH is sending units from the Serbian campaign to Trento to prepare for the Italian campaign which should happen around turn 25. The Germans do manage to have some minor successes harrying French units at a couple of points while others finish with upgrading and repair.


operating -> RE: mrdozer2379 vs operating (active match) (11/28/2018 3:39:34 PM)

Turn 16


Basra, The French punched themselves into oblivion against a superior force knowing their cost of upkeep there was not worth it and with no means of escape just gave up on this adventure, however am not going to let my guard down here, although did detach the OE general to be attached up by Beirut where a Brit infantry looks to disembarking soon.

Gaza, Both sides are dishing out punishment here, I'll have to admit the Brits are starting to get the upper hand although it does not appear that way to the reader, again his naval and air attacks are unrelenting where I have nothing here to counter those advantages.. Yes, it would be nice to have the AH navy here, as you have read earlier they have other objectives in mind to bolster the OE.


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