HeinzBaby -> RE: JTS Battles of North Africa 1941 (12/1/2018 9:05:04 AM)
I've just downloaded this and glad to say JTS Battles of North Africa 1941 does it for me! Just scratching the surface and playing through the 'getting started senario' a couple of times to get back into the grove and find out what's what after the long wait. There are a ton of Senarios to pick from and there looks like a few Campaigns but they may be just a string of related battles collected together, but don't quote me, I'm not there Yet. After sellecting a senario, the Options menu pops up which I'm glad has been fleshed out from the previous Demo, to name a few : Optional Surrender, Low Visibility Air Effects, Programmed Weather, Limited Air Recon, No Low Fuel Effects, Optional Fire / Assault Results, Higher Fatigue Recovery, Indirect Fire & Air Strikes by map and Counterbattery Fire. So you can see these aren't just slugfests in the desert but other forces come into effect as well. Love the Graphics, three Unit variations to select, side view and Sound effects are excellent, as I've said before, I really feel the sun on my back and sand in my hair. Perfect release for the Long Hot Summer down under.