Major_Mess -> RE: Generals Edition on SALE!! Right Now - Pt 2 (11/27/2018 7:15:24 PM)
There is one file, a helper program I guess. I haven't played a MC yet, so I haven't dealt with this yet. Anyways, this is copied from a post by our friend Alby. "This program is fairly rough - but it does the job :-) Leaders are not associated with their units in the .cam file - so the author just put the leaders in order, with their values. If you have trouble knowing which leaders belong to each unit, they can be renamed in-game to something more suggestive. This tool was only been tested on Desert Fox. This is not really a "patch" but a small program you must open and run between battles to fix the problems. After you install it in the MC folder, use windows explorer to browse to it and find the executable file icon that starts it. ( It's called MCNA Leader Fixer) Kinda looks like a little page. Actually it's just a little text editor that lets you change characteristics on units. Not the weapons or anything like that but almost anything else that comes up when you R-click a unit while in the game. The instructions that Anthony, the creator, put in are pretty self explanatory. Once it's opened up, you just chose a .cam file. They are listed by save game NAME. Another little quirk is that when it displays a .cam file, it does it in the order that the units are listed in the HQ tent, but they don't specifically show A0, or B0 or C3 etc. The first characteristic is the leader name, so I just make a listing on a piece of paper of who commands what and what type of unit it is. MCLV is the harder one in that there is so much organic transport included, it's hard to remember what unit was which." Edit: Matrix doesn't support .zip files either. Pls change the .txt extension to .zip, and then do your thing. Edit2: File size too big. Anyone interested in this, holler at me and I'll get a copy to you ..... somehow. cheers MM