rkr1958 -> RE: Witness to World War 2. (7/12/2019 3:58:29 AM)
ORIGINAL: composer99 quote:
ORIGINAL: rkr1958 Turn 31. Sep/Oct 1944. Allied #9. USSR. The Eastern Front. Land Combat (3/3). [image]local://upfiles/31901/6B65F64400C84B44B42BBF878D6B0DF6.jpg[/image] I don't know if you saw my reply, but as far as I could see, this was fine - the Italians were out of supply, they just hadn't been disorganised. As such, they rightly ought to have defended at full strength. OK. My bad. I did roll and I rolled a 15, so all is well. Time for bed ... I guess I'm a bit loopy. By the way, I make this roll "after the fact", but if I'd rolled 9 or less (i.e., modified roll of 22 or less), I'd gone back to an autosave and made things right. But, fortunately for the Soviets, or unfortunately for the Germans, that wasn't necessary based on the roll of 15.