rkr1958 -> RE: Witness to World War 2. (7/13/2019 3:11:38 AM)
ORIGINAL: composer99 The best part is the end of turn roll failed by just enough. What a way to go. quote:
ORIGINAL: Elessar2 [image]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IUwfXPSAvb4/U_qHWbSoR_I/AAAAAAAAA0Y/6XFdhCdmwgw/s1600/The%2BFat%2BLady.gif[/image] What's really bad is that last evening wrapping up I thought through the axis action selection and had "decided" that Germany would take a land and both Japan and Italy would pass. However, I did a complete mind dump. So, of course, when I got home from work and played through the axis impulse I selected land for ALL THREE axis powers. It wasn't until I was posting their impulse that I realized my grave error. I do take a lot of note but apparently I didn't consider writing a note to myself on this matter important enough. [:(] Now from a "simulation point of view", I chalk this up to the disintegration of Germany's high command as well as their civilian government. The military and government officials "responsible" for conveying the need for the Italians and Japaneses to take a pass were "distracted" by having to deal with the ravings of a mad man.