Canoerebel -> AE Forum Population and Popularity (1/11/2019 4:03:24 PM)
Recently, I've missed a lot of old timers, such as Bullwinkle and crsutton. They still visit but much less regularly. I started to make a post to that effect - that interest in AE in the forum seems to have lagged a bit of late. When I logged on to compose the post, the first thing I did was check the roster of those logged in. What I found surprised me. As of noontime eastern time, there were about 15 people logged in to the main AE page and a similar number in the AAR page. Those are healthy numbers. Years ago, when WitE, and then WitW, were released, I occasionally compared both forums to see if either seemed to be a real threat to AE. For some time, WitE's forum population was competitive with AE, but after awhile WitE tailed off. WitW really never competed with AE. But in those days - this is three to five years back, the AE forum typically had numbers similar to what I found at noontime today. We've indeed seen a lot of old timers migrate over the years, but a lot of newcomers have come. Some have stayed, some have gone. Overall, the popularity of the AE Forum seems remarkably stable. How old is this game? 10 years this summer, I think. [image]local://upfiles/8143/EA82D9D87131425AAD7F4E2DEF85EC8F.jpg[/image]