WITE Situational Map Generator (Full Version)

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Niedowidek_slith -> WITE Situational Map Generator (2/10/2019 8:02:36 AM)

I've made a simple app that creates situational maps with actual units' and HQs' positions based on data exported from the game. Full scale example result presenting turn 43 of my campaign game is shown in fifth post (so you can see that I'm a poor commander, at least concerning Soviets). Red dots are on-map units (would be blue for Germans). More unit on a hex = stronger colour.

Small sample:

How to install?

Download from my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9jzxbzn53d1r888/WiteStaffMap-
Please tell me if there are any problems with download link.
Also version information is included in the third post of this thread.

Put a jar file in any location you want. The app will try to write two things in a folder where you put it: conf.properties file which remembers some options you have chosen and logs folder which contains text files used for debugging.
You need Java Virtual Machine installed to use it ( https://www.java.com/fr/download/ ) .

How to use it?
Firstly export Commander's Report data using Export button in right lower corner of the screen as shown on the picture. Then launch the app by clicking twice on a jar file.


Options are:
Game directory - Location of the game, e.g. F:\Matrix Games\Gary Grigsby's War in the East
Stats file - Files you have exported using Commander's Report will show on the list (the app automatically searches in the game folder). You should pick one. Only after you select stats file, "create map" button will become active. Alternatively you can tick a checkbox which will allow you to choose stats file from a custom disk location (if you copied it from game folder to somewhere else).
Output directory - This is where generated map shows up
Map zoom 4/5 - Detail level of generated map. The app uses game's tga files located in Dat\Art subfolder. If you have custom map, e.g. Jison's map, it will be used to generate situational map.
Icons/Names only - Not really icons but default option is prettier ;-) It tells the app how it should draw HQs' positions.
Create animated GIF from selected stats files - As it says, it will create a GIF file. Turns will change every 3 seconds. You can convert this GIF to video, e.g. with Virtual Dub (which may export it to AVI). If you select stats files of both sides (Axis and Soviet turns simultaneously) the app will combine them to include both sides' positions in a single map image and will put those map images in chronological order (regardless of input filenames). The app will check if combined stats files come from the same scenario. Bear in mind that stats file contains only information about scenario title and not about players involved or real date when scenario was played. So if you mix files from two different games but of the same scenario, you may get unexpected results.

Please be aware that this is very early version which may contain some bugs. I'll be very grateful if you tell me about problems you encountered so I could eliminate them in next version.

(moved to the second post in this thread)

Last but not least, I would like to thank Mark for testing first versions of the app and his valuable remarks that helped to improve it.

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/10/2019 8:10:57 AM)

I hope the app will be useful for somebody. Please tell me what you think and what should be improved. Some things that come to mind:
- Turn and date info inscribed map (ver. 0.0.7)
- Better icons for HQs
- Rework HQ names, maybe delete some or all abbreviations (ver. 0.0.6)
- Test if it works for manually merged stats files of both sides i.e. if it can draw both sides's units on one map (Works well: ver. 0.1.0)
- Add partisan units (ver. 0.0.8)
- Customizable font size and type
- Customizable level of detail: choose what type of HQ to draw on map
- NATO symbols for combat units
- CV calculation to determine colour strength of circles representing combat unit
- Display the battle sites
- Show each turn of a game in sequence (e.g. GIF animated image) (ver. 0.0.8)
- Multiple files selection (ver. 0.0.8)
- Commander names next to unit names (ver. 1.2.2)
- Enemy HQs shown on map (ver. 1.2.3)
- Enemy combat units shown on map (ver. 1.2.4)

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/10/2019 8:15:19 AM)

Version information:
- Enemy combat units are visible on map
- Fix for WITE version 1.12.03 (section AH/Leaders is now DH/Leaders)
- Enemy HQs are visible on map
- Option to draw commander name under unit name

- Creates map for both sides (if stats files for both sides are available). This function works also when creating GIFs.

- Added creation of animated maps (GIF format).
- Added multiple files selection (multiples maps may be created in one run).
- Added partisans.

- Added turn info in lower part of generated map.
- Panzer Group are now abbreviated to PG.

- Changed abbreviations of HQ (no abbr for army's HQ, "AG" for Army Group, "Front" is displayed without changes)
- Fixed a bug when second and every next generated map had some or all HQ not displayed.

First published version.

- For army groups, the text sometimes exceeds the white rectangle.
- Black area under generated map.
- GIF files are quite large.

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/10/2019 8:24:59 AM)

I really can't break through image uploading interface defenses...


Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/10/2019 9:48:23 AM)

Situational map generated by the app


EwaldvonKleist -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/10/2019 3:55:34 PM)

Hi Niedowidek,
thank you for sharing your tool! Downloaded it and it worked fine.

For army groups, the text sometimes exceeds the white rectangle. Roadmap ideas sound good, in addition I would suggest shading of hexagons according to the Combat Value in the hexagon, often it is a better indicator than unit count where the Schwerpunkt of the fighting is.



SparkleyTits -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/11/2019 7:08:59 AM)

This is great thanks!

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/11/2019 8:25:17 PM)

Thanks for reporting a bug.
Your suggestion about hexagon shading is very good. Unfortunately data exported from commander's report doesn't include units' CV. Among others, available are morale, experience, fatigue, %TOE, supply status, ammo, number of men, guns, AFV. It is possible to determine approximate CV with these but would require a bit effort. I don't remember if there is CV formula given in game manual but I will check it.

I'm happy to hear that :)

EwaldvonKleist -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/14/2019 11:56:33 AM)

One can reconstruct the CV with some effort, not sure about the precision though.
For standard CV display mode:
Element CV=baseCV*experience/100*morale/100*(1-fatigue/300)
Element CV depends on the element type (AFV; squad etc.)
All element CVs added together determine the unit CV as shown on map.
As some of the data is not in the CSV sheet, one can only approximate unfortunately.

The merge function to show both sides at the same time would be great for AARs. Maybe also some graphical improvements to use NATO-symbols?

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/18/2019 12:17:15 PM)


Thank you for the CV formula. As you said, not all data is in the CSV sheet. There's no info on particular elements included in a unit, only aboat the unit itself. Stats include: Nationality, Elite status, Class (e.g. Combat or Support), Type (Anti-tank, Fort, Infantry etc.), Size (Division, Regiment etc.), Name, X and Y coordinates, Men, Guns, AFVs, Morale, Base Morale, Experience, Fatigue, %TOE, Ready %TOE, Won and Lost engagements, Supply status, info whether an unit is Frozen or Routed, Supplies, Supply Need, Ammo, Ammo Need, Fuel, Fuel Need, Vehicles, Vehicle Need, Leader Id, Leader Rank, Leader Name, HQ Id, HQ Name.

I think I could experiment with some arbitrary base unit CV like 1 for Romanian, 1.2 for Italian, 3 for German Inf, 6 for German Pz etc. and modify it by fatigue, exp and TOE. It would be, of course, an option that one may use or not.

As for NATO symbols I'm afraid that generated map would lose some clarity but I may give it a try.


Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/18/2019 2:10:37 PM)


Regarding a bug you found: dose it happen when you generate first map after launching app or only on the second and every other attempt? If the latter, then it might be fixed in version 0.0.6, which is available for download (check homepage link in my profile or link in the first post of this thread)

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/18/2019 5:34:30 PM)

Version 0.0.7 adds turn info in lower part of the generated map.


Crackaces -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/28/2019 8:28:28 PM)

Looks to me on an improvement track for sure! Your latest version online is still 0.6 ..

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (2/28/2019 10:11:56 PM)

Thank you, Crackaces :)

Also thanks for pointing the wrong link out. I fixed it.

Links to all versions are also put in the third post of this thread: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4591702&mpage=1&key=&#

reggimann -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (3/5/2019 8:22:02 AM)

Great stuff, thanks Niedowidek_slith!

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (3/9/2019 4:23:27 PM)

Thank you, reggimann :)

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (3/9/2019 10:48:15 PM)

Option to create animated maps in GIF format was added. Example is shown in this thread http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4604482 or just go directly to the YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIMGbuvxek0

To create animated map:
1. Select checkbox "Create animated GIF from selected stats files"
2. Select multiple stat files (with CTRL + A or SHIFT + mouse click)
3. Click "Create map".

Ad 2. If you have copied your stat files to custom location:
2a. Select checkbox "Select stats file from custom location"
2b. Click "Select stats file", find appropriate folder, select all the files you wish to include in animated map (with CTRL + A or SHIFT + mouse click). I.e. you should select all .csv containing data of every turn you would like to see presented on animated map.


EwaldvonKleist -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (3/13/2019 6:28:58 PM)

Hi Niedowidek, I made a video of the 8MP game from the Axis side T1-T54. Looks good! Thank you for your program. I will also include a link in the library of WitE resources to your project.


joelmar -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (3/27/2019 10:59:33 PM)

Really cool, I love this nice work, thanks [:)]

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (3/30/2019 5:25:02 PM)

EwaldvonKleist, it looks great :) When you say "8MP game" you mean 8-players game? I see there is Axis team protocol in WITE Resources Library. It looks interesting.

Joelmar, thank you very much :)

Telemecus -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (3/30/2019 5:28:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Niedowidek_slith
EwaldvonKleist, it looks great :) When you say "8MP game" you mean 8-players game? I see there is Axis team protocol in WITE Resources Library.

here is the axis aar


there is also a soviet aar and a thread for both sides

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (3/31/2019 9:59:05 PM)

New version will be available soon - capable of drawing both sides' units on one map. Teaser here: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4613556&mpage=1&key=�

Niedowidek_slith -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (4/6/2019 9:22:26 PM)

New version, capable of creating maps with positions of both sides, is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sidbkfhjw961gf9/WiteStaffMap-0.1.0.jar?dl=0

Video presenting new version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xUv3S2Np18

I would like to thank Mark again - for sharing his stats files which allowed to test this version.


fritzfarlig -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (5/6/2019 10:19:42 AM)

hi somebody maybe help

I DownLoaded 0.1.0 version the lastest but I can't find the executable jar file

I have JAVA

best regards Ole

morvael -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (5/6/2019 12:09:24 PM)

Niedowidek_slith, I like your effort. Therefore I have added two new columns to unit data - offensive CV and defensive CV. Also, the file will now include information about known enemy units, such as can be gleaned from tooltips. That will allow you to create situational maps from a single stats file, taking FoW into account.

morvael -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (5/6/2019 12:25:17 PM)

Here are samples from the updated version. See what you can make of it :)

morvael -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (5/6/2019 12:29:15 PM)

By the way, I made similar tool myself once - for HPS/John Tiller Napoleonic games. Here is a screenshot - maybe it will be of some inspiration to you. [:)]


fritzfarlig -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (5/6/2019 12:35:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: morvael

Niedowidek_slith, I like your effort. Therefore I have added two new columns to unit data - offensive CV and defensive CV. Also, the file will now include information about known enemy units, such as can be gleaned from tooltips. That will allow you to create situational maps from a single stats file, taking FoW into account.

You sure this was a reply for me ?

morvael -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (5/6/2019 12:47:04 PM)

No, I just clicked reply at the bottom without thinking.

fritzfarlig -> RE: WITE Situational Map Generator (5/6/2019 1:33:11 PM)

ok and you are not able to help me here [;)]

I have try to PM Niedowidek_slith without luck

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