Elvis Gold Records (Full Version)

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ElvisJJonesRambo -> Elvis Gold Records (2/21/2019 10:45:46 PM)

That's alright momma, that's alright with you. Gotta start out fresh & flashy. This is my officially volume of journal records. Love to play zee games, love to be competitive, but I'm really not, because how you play the game can be just as important as winning. No cookie cutter scripts here. Just click & go. Shake, Rattle & Roll.

Game #1
Challenge completed
Resigned= clausewitzclausewitz (Axis)
Winning Side= ElvisJJonesRambo (Allies)

Summary: You don't know, until you know. Had the Allies against an unknown opponent. I've only played a game year in general against the A.I. Low experience for me too. Clause was doing some funky moves with the Italian Navy. They sailed right through The Rock of Gibraltar while neutral. Was like a parking lot of ships going past. Royal Navy was sailing into Med, he was sailing out. Until, it was show time. Germans did the normal Poland/LC/France routine, he had no major problems there. Japan had a slow, but no major problems against the Chinese. What broke his morale was the devastation of the Italian Navy & Africa. Did the right thing, took control of the Med, most of North Africa, and sent ships in the Atlantic to Davy Jones. The Germans where getting feisty too, Kreigsmarines couldn't coordinate well with Italians. Basically, think my opponent was bummed out with the erasure of navy. Not sure I took any damage. All I can go by is what I see. Now that the game is over, don't think I can access it.

Record 1-0
1939 Allied record 1-0

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (2/22/2019 2:38:28 AM)

Flip, Flop, Fly, I don't care if I die, don't ever leave, don't ever say goodbye. Elvis was more like UFC-Jon Jones the World Champion in this. Ground & pound in France. Well, France went really well. My opponent moved the Luftwaffe as the Italian Navy was sinking in the Med. This bought France valuable time, and the West looked more like WW-1. Additionally, Allied forces coordinated an all-out counter on the first initial surge from Panzers on the Beach near Dunkirk. All hands man your battle stations. Multi-National Navies ping the lead Panzer, and everyone smashed, including all forces, BEF Army, etc. My graceful opponent was hoping for a long game. Believe he was a little cautious early on, buying me precious time and memories.

Game #2
Challenge completed
Resigned= Rudolf Steiner (Axis)
Winning Side= ElvisJJonesRambo (Allies)

Record 2-0
1939 Allied record 2-0

Tidavis -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (2/22/2019 3:35:51 AM)

How were your Chinese forces faring? In my game, Chang Kai is getting royally Shek-ed. To my opponent, they aint nuthin but hound dogs....


ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (2/22/2019 4:01:49 AM)

Howdy Tidavis, I've had 7 games going at once. Couldn't keep track of what I'm doing in all of these games, makes even more exciting on each incoming turn. Far as the Chinese arena, it's not a cake that everyone makes it out to be. Yes, the Japs can combo punch with Armies/Air/Carriers, but only so much. Weather, Hills, and distance does in the Carrier strikes. Nanning falls eventually to any player. Changsta crumbles 1st. In the North, it's like "The Hills Have Eyes". Chinese dudes get peppered, but it's impossible to get a breakout. It reminds me of practice warm-up for Fortnite. Just a bunch of dudes stuck in close combat, nobody goes down. Spawn-fest.

Tidavis -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (2/22/2019 4:38:51 AM)

Yang for the yin here. In my axis game, the Japs cant get any traction at all.

Doing okay in Europe but Asia is being cruel to me.

(Elvis is a 10. No doubt.
General Patton is at least the equal of Monty.)

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (2/26/2019 12:57:36 AM)

Game #3
Challenge completed
Resigned= ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis)
Winning Side= Jagdfluger (Allies)

Record 2-1
1939 Allied record 2-0
1939 Axis record 0-1

Put zero effort into North Africa & Africa in general. Early game in the West was standard, bought Panzers & messed with the UK in the English Channel. Cannot remember exactly the details, but lost some ships on the 1st turn trying to breakout of the North Sea. Since I play a bunch of games, cannot remember. Yeah, that's it, bought all the Panzers, Artillery, maybe some Rocket toys. The real problem, Romania refused to join. Waited, waited, waited. Bulgaria joined normally. Couldn't get Hungary to join either. Is there some secret Diplo he was using? Maybe. Yugoslavia joined the Allies! I had to dredge thru the Northwest corridor mountains with a small mix of Italians & Germans. Since I could not get Romania to join, I never got good MMPs. Waited until July 1941 to finally DOW Russia and since I was weak on builds, decided to smash Spain in 2 turns. Turned out to be a failure. British sailed into Spanish ports after I took the Capital. My force was cutoff. Messed up, should have DOW on Vichy first. Hindsight. Didn't think he'd have the much of a ground force since I beatdown UK. Barby was stagnant with 2-Panzers in Spain, 1-Panzer in Yugo. Russia also had INF+2, whereas I was almost to 2. Had to back off a turn in order to equip +2. Romania is the bummer. Not sure what I did. Once DOW on Spain, figured they would never join. That's a 8+ months of Romanian cash for oil. Wanna say I spend too much money on Mobility for the Panzers also. Allowed for easy destruction of Spain, but those upgrades expensive.

In China, did decent enough, didn't really matter since Germany didn't hold upto their agreement to rule Europe.

Kentucky Rain,

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (3/1/2019 11:26:31 AM)

Game #4
Challenge completed
Resigned= ElvisJJonesRambo (Allies)
Winning Side= Plastilin (Axis)

Record 2-2
1939 Allied record 2-1
1939 Axis record 0-1

Got absolutely slaughtered in France. Worst beat down I think, ever. Wanna say I lost France in December 1939. Wasn't giving enough attention or something, weather was clear, Germans sliced through just above M-Line. Brits were only in France for 3 turns total. On exit, lost my HQ to a sneaky sub. Disaster. In China, was getting blasted, but not much you can do about that. France was awful. Germans were immediately on the footsteps of the Pyramids in Egypt. On surrender, bad click, Egypt would have fallen in June 1940 at the latest.

Even Elvis has bad songs, this was one of them.

Old MacDonald,

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (3/3/2019 12:19:26 AM)

Game #5
1943 Allies Turn the Tide
Challenge completed
Resigned= sepuku (Axis)
Winning Side= ElvisJJonesRambo (Allies)

Overall Record 3-2
1939 Allied record 2-1
1939 Axis record 0-1
1943 Allied record 1-0

Odd start! Had never loaded the 1943 scenario, so I need to at least look at the scenario. Was checking specifications of Sicily, Italy & the Mediterranean front. While practicing lost several ships. Lost George Patton. Yes, I lost Patton & ships, while practicing. Then I realized, I had actually started the game! Ouch. Things were rough in first couple of turns mentally without Patton. My opponent thought it was quite ironic. Reality hit, my opponent made a major mistake defending Italy, forget to cover Rome & the Northern cities. British invaded Southern Italy after taking Sicily. The Yankees w/o Patton took the North. Italy surrendered. So did my opponent. UFC knockout style, Jon Bones Jones!

Santa Lucia,

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (3/4/2019 3:31:53 AM)

Game #6
1939 World at War
Challenge completed
Resigned= Tidavis (Allies)
Winning Side= ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis)

Overall Record 4-2
1939 Allied record 2-1
1939 Axis record 1-1
1943 Allied record 1-0

Not sure what to say, except I won. Tidavis played super aggressive as the Allied player. In France, I was slow rolling the French, no operand, just chilled, upgraded, waited. Weather sucked anyways. He kept banging away like it was World War I. Was winning combat, with little effort. When Spring hit, we jumped in with Paratroops, etc. British Army (BEF, Corp, Lord Gort) got trapped. Mediterranean front French & some Royal Navy spazzed out into suicide ports. Just sat there. Egypt, I was slow rolling, because SeaLion was on my mind due to France. In China, Tidavis made some excellent crazy offensive attacks. Instead of going punch for punch and taking damage, I just retreated back couple hexes. He came in, sloppy supplies. Counter punched him like Jon Bones Jones did last Saturday. Just kicked him all over. Tidavis had enough. Recommend he chills with the aggressive Allied or up his game. Probably suit him to be Axis.

Polk Salad Annie,


There ain't nothing like a song, Sergeant Elvis Presley, 3rd Armor

We'll be together, and love forever
Nothing can change our destiny

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (3/9/2019 5:08:45 PM)

Game #7
1939 World at War
Challenge completed
Resigned= ElvisJJonesRambo (Allies)
Winning Side= Jagdfluger (Axis)

Overall Record 4-3
1939 Allied record 2-2
1939 Axis record 1-1
1943 Allied record 1-0

This was a dang good game, fun! Jagdfluger must be a German guy, he's into Panzers, dissected France and I gambled alot, I mean I gambled alot. The Queen was stubborn about the BEF, Corp fighting in France. The major decision was the entire Royal Navy heading to Italy. My Axis opponent also made a brave move, recognizing things were weak in England. German forces captured key ports in Northern England, tried to make a push, but waited until reinforced. I had to block the ports from a HQ to land. Was able for a few turns, but Nazi supplies made it. England exited a few pieces, saved the Carriers, went to Toronto. Ended up losing Egypt, but held the Eastern Shore by Jordan River. This was at least something. Italians were in command because Nazis were in England then.

Germans took damage over England, it was not a cake walk. Both our Air Forces and Navies took damage. He had to spend alot of MMPs to reinforce the Luftwaffe. Russians were able to hold respectable lines and their terrirtory for the most part. Level +2 Infantry was on the way, had Engineered forts in Latavia. True, he was picking spots, but nothing Earth shattering. Meanwhile the Japs made Swiss chesse outta the Chinese. Not much I can do there.

The game changer, had to help England with the Yanks. Sent the Pacific fleet to Ireland with every ground unit I could build along with Ike & Patton. USA troops used old British ports in the Southern Ireland. The height of the war now depended on getting a base. Germans sold out, brought HQ + now Level +3 Panzer to Ireland, he had to be weak in units, seeing Luftwaffe guarding ports. Sadly, Yankee supplies sucked in Southern Ireland, the port cities were only 2 or 3? Must have been the invasion and he held Northern Ireland. Panzer blasted lead Yankee Special Forces. The damages taken out of must pressured, cause the Americans to sue for Peace.

Learning moment, you must take some calculated risks. And I did with the Royal Navy. Didn't need his Superman Panzers on cruise control in the Middle East. To his good game play, to recognize and pull off successful Sealion, nice call. The final straw was Ireland. Must say that's never happened to end the war there.

Live a Little, Love a Little

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (3/14/2019 11:01:26 AM)

Game #8
1939 World at War
Challenge completed
Resigned= kisskiller (Allies)
Winning Side= ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) ---> Opponent Tap Out: Won by Spanish Arm Bar, April 1943

Overall Record 5-3
1939 Allied record 2-2
1939 Axis record 2-1
1943 Allied record 1-0

Jon Bones Jones showed up for the victory on this one. Germans mixed up the strikes by attempting to get rich with MMPs. Axis forces in Europe recognized the Russians were reluctant in early Barbarossa to exchange punches. Nazi lead Operations to Spain & Turkey conducted to build the bank. What had hurt me, actually helped me. This is the game where I accidentally DOW on Finland and I had slowed advancing in Northern Russia. Troops were more focused at Stalingrad where I had benefited with some key good weather dates.

Kreigsmarine inflicted some nasty damage on the American fleet. Coordination via Verizon Wireless Smart phones Galaxy 10 to the Japanese on December 7th gave the Yanks a two-tier attack. U-boats slammed into New York, Boston Harbors haphazardly. Royal Navy must been in Scotland. Able to give the Yanks some torpedo on the East Coast, dumping ships. Was quite exuberant on those results, made me stick around too long. Kisskiller brought Pacific surviving fleet members (2-Carriers and probably every ship possible of Allies) to the Atalantic, destroyed every one of my U-boats, 12 total in the R.I.P. report. Was surprised that every sub was eliminated. Ran out of supply, tried to crawl back to French ports. Became every unit for themselves, but was trapped by Royal Navy and Carriers/Destroyers encirclement.

With limited US Navy in Pacific, the Japanese made the Pacific their personal swimming pool. Kind of like Billy Idol singing, "On the Halls of Toyko-o, with the London town to go-go, with the record selection and the mirror reflection I'm dancing with myself." Japs had successfully bashed Pearl Harbor, returned home to fly sorties in China. That front secured.

Allied forces coming off survival of the Battle of the Atlantic Sea and backed up Russia (with Finland) must been hard pressed to get the War on the Mat, they forced a premature invasion in Spain via the Rock of Gibraltar. I had sensed exploration in the Med-Front, ships where sniffing ports in Italy & Sicily. I guessed Spain, because the checking was more intense. Sent some skilled Rockets to Country Center with my best Leader, Mr. Rommel. Tossed in an experienced Heavy Artillery and had just bought some fresh Corps awaiting deployment. In came the Allies. Carrier support, Air Units in Morocco didn't have enough punch to hurt Corps with Rockets/Artillery behind those hills. Invasion Spain, failed. Arm Bar hold.

With Pacific at peace, and the last grasp played in Spain, Allies tapped out in April 1943. Russians were getting worn out on MMPs slappings. He had to do something. But this wasn't the route to go.

No Elvis singing, it was Billy Idol

So let's sink another drink (ship)
'Cause it'll give me time to think
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself.

Vital Idol,

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (3/23/2019 2:10:14 PM)

Game #9
1939 World at War
Challenger MIA, push the resign button please or take your beating
Loser = sec(Axis)
Winning Side= ElvisJJonesRambo (Allies) ---> Won by Jujitsu Leg Kick: round September 1942

Overall Record 6-3
1939 Allied record 3-2
1939 Axis record 2-1
1943 Allied record 1-0

Night and you
And Blue Hawaii
The night is heavenly
And you are heaven now!

High octane game, too bad player named sec doesn't know how to press the resign button, because he certainly can press the buttons to land on Hawaii in May 1941. This guy had me, when I mean had me, I mean had me. The Japs were throwing snowballs at the Chinese, maybe Paper-Airplanes, because sec was planned a devastating attack on Hawaii, home of multiple Elvis movies, two of his most famous concerts. The Japs put all MMPs into landing craft, not concerned with China. In May 1941, the Rising Sun put the USS Arizona & friends below sea level. Okay, nothing I can do about that. Didn't react immediately, kind of odd, he had to want my Carriers. Took all my capital ships out of harm's way, hiding, cannot tell you where :) Next turn this dude land's with two Special Forces capturing a port on Hawaii, ouch, what do I do? Jap Carriers are blasting my Special Forces entrenched, and the two weak Fighters East side, and immediately another put in Hilo, Hawaii. The decision was made to provide rescue units rather than write-off the most valuable US real estate. Garrisons from various parts of the Pacific sailed to Hawaii, with surface ships providing limited operations. Subs were blocking ports, ZOC ugly. The Hawaii Gambit was in full force in Summer 1941. In one more turn, Hawaii was gonna buckle. With US Navy away from the action, but within striking range, another landing craft was spotted. Now, I strike. US Battleship naviagated North of Hawaii and dumped the key Japanese piece which would have finished me off. I was lucky, that turned the battle. Hawaii held. Kept my rag-tag out of range, sent Garrisons to stuff the Island, and those fighters could fend off the additional rounds from Carriers. The subs were still blocking with ZOC. Battle of Blue Hawaii was won, by just holding on.

Chinese hearing of the lack of interest (MMPs) put into the Mainland, had to get involved. In the North, we plotted. Put bayonets on, and snuck to the Mountain tops, weak presence. Charge! Captured a port and whacked Garrison & Corp. This was promising.

In Europe, Germans went spaz in the Mediterranean Sea. German U-boats & Italian Navy all over Egypt. Greece was invaded. The entire Luftwaffe + Maritime Bombers were spotting my units, sec was attacking anything in site. It was not safe to for ships, either side. Indian troops were called to help. Egyptian skies were filled with Axis Air, had to be all of them. It was an expensive fight. Decided to go all in myself, lets at least drain some MMPs, his air units and mine taking lots of damage. Invasion Greece, I shoved Canadians, Indians, and Brits into the grinder, holding for awhile, costing him time and MMPs. Eventually, that Luftwaffe was getting tired, so much fighting neither of us could reinforce to strength-10. British Aircraft carriers were the margin of victory here. Egypt barely held. Americans brought ground troops to Israel, so I'd at least have East of Suez i worst case scenario.

Barbarossa kicked off, slightly late, since he wanted Egypt/Greece. Part of the Patton Plan, was to show raids in France, city of St. Milo was picked. Yanks sacrificed couple pieces with the assistance of British Paratroops. The raid had caused 3 German ground units to force me to stop. This was actually okay, since the American ground units diverted to Israel. In Russia he pressed hard (of course) in the South. In Summer 1942, I made a counter-attack against Army Group Central, west of Moscow, it was successful. Germans stopped in Russia.

Great game, his incredible aggressiveness and spending on quick helping units was given to early success, but to ultimate failure.

Blue Hawaii,

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/2/2019 4:31:00 PM)

Game #9 *** update *** sec has returned after week+. We're in Spring 1943. Allies playing game of MMPs attrition. Matter of time. Glad he's back.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/2/2019 4:37:38 PM)

Game #10
1939 World at War
Winner = HamburgerMeat (Axis) ---> Won by Armour Punch to Moscow's Face early 1942, I think?
Loser = ElvisJJonesRambo (Allies)

Overall Record 6-4
1939 Allied record 3-3
1939 Axis record 2-1
1943 Allied record 1-0

I've got 10+ games going, really messed this up. Yes, he had +4 Armour early, so be it. My problem was really 1-turn, the final nail in coffin. Operand-ed the HQ outta Leningrad for South of Stalingrad area. His Luftwaffe pounded it instantly, next turn. Air had just moved up, and I fed them critical HQ Russian piece. Was guessing that Leningrad attack would be soft, gambled, lost. Thought it was out of range, but I was wrong. This made Leningrad a joke. He boxed in Leningrad with no leader, units, trapped, HQ dead somewhere else.

China got worked, it happens.

He did a nice trap move on Suez, nothing that cannot be stopped. But with Russia played bad in Leningrad gift, I blew it. Good game HamburgerMeat. Once I get these 10 games outta my queue, I will be able to bring better A-game without risk.

Jailhouse Rock,

crispy131313 -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/2/2019 8:04:45 PM)

Just popping into say I like this thread. Keep it up.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/2/2019 11:43:15 PM)

Game #11
1939 World at War
Winner = ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) ---> Stopped by the referee in May 1944, TKO, defensiveness fighter
Loser = gamer78 (Allies)

Overall Record 7-4
1939 Allied record 3-3
1939 Axis record 3-1
1943 Allied record 1-0

Early German naval victories North of Brest kick started the momentum. Combination of Hitler's top Luftwaffe, U-Boats & surface ships put the British on the mat in 1940. Huge destruction to Carriers put the wolfpack to work sinking convoys at will. At end of game, the Island was shipless, ports trashed and no imports. Impressed by the Sea victory, lead forces into Egypt were able feed of the national morale, scoring a victory in the Battle of Egypt.

While U-boats ruled the Sea, scientists went to work training Rockets into London. These experienced Rockets & additional Artillery were sent to Leningrad. Continuous shelling of an Army and city resource jabbed them weekly. The ground & pound in Russia was slow due to weather and limited supplies which were poured into Ships, Technology & Rockets. It was a long & winding road in Russia, which took Moscow in May 1944 after Stalingrad & Leningrad were captured.

Side missions in Spain & Turkey were conducted in Winter months. Top Panzer units with mobilization HQ took care of filling the gold vaults of Berlin.

Asia was rather a bore. Since I was doing so well because of Naval victories in Europe and had the momentum, there was absolutely no reason to take any risk. Japs hid their fleet the entire game, killed Chinese & picked their way cautiously away from the Americans. There was a gambit to Australia, with fighting for 6-months. I knew no chance was possible, so HQ and Jap elites were evacuated without casualties. Japs ended the game completely healthy.

Treat Me Nice,

HamburgerMeat -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/3/2019 12:00:09 AM)

Good game EJR! Looking forward to our next bout

eriador08 -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/3/2019 8:49:49 AM)

Great. I am looking forward for your summary of our games. Keep on rocking!

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/9/2019 1:44:59 AM)

Game #12
1939 World at War
Winner = eriador08 (Allies) ---> Russian Counter-Punched, KO'ed in Summer 1943 outside Berlin
Loser = ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis)

Overall Record 7-5
1939 Allied record 3-3
1939 Axis record 3-2
1943 Allied record 1-0

Coming off a recent victory with Rockets, Subs & timing some Surprises; wanted to try it again, but even more extreme. Had no idea what kind of player
eriador08, no scouting report. I'm sure he's playing my records, and getting pumped. That's okay, that's why I'm here.

Japan, went with the slow-roll in China. Take it casual, just play it by ear. The sound of bayonets came early in the form of a wall of Chinese. No worries, the Japanese Army focused on taking NO RISK, building experience. Of course was slow, but that was okay, I would not attack if I'd take potential damage, no exchange strategy. Why? All MMPs went into Submarines. Repeat all MMPs went into Subs & Naval. Tora, Tora, Tora was tasty treat. Bye-bye Americans in Pearl Harbor. Sent everything, an Armada. Landed troops in consecutive terms, used the port. My opponent still had not seen my subs which I believe were level +2 at the time, later they went +3 easy enough. He sniffed a few ships off the West Coast and found my sailors in subs. You know, the sailor sub Jap from Gilligan's Island. In came Tora, Tora, Tora part #2. We attacked San Diego, L.A. and San Francisco. Are you going to San Francisco. Yes, we did. Gave the Americans a real treat. The last Carrier was one lucky bastard, like the dude on a bike in Kuwait in 1992. Carrier was down to strength 1 and retreated back in the Bay were the rain saved him :( The Japs came back for another round after refueling in Pearl. Japanese could call the Pacific their personal swimming pool. The remaining parts of the Pacific were a "lite" version because of the focus against Uncle Sam. I was very pleased by the repetitive timing.

Europe, Germans had Naval plans of their own. Purchasing tech in Naval, Rockets, Subs. Key actions were made in the Atlantic, success was rapid. Allied ships scattered, convoys to the Island stopped. Brits were on their heels. On the ground, Rockets popped London daily. With the ground game having limited funds, key units were dispatched to Egypt. Remaining units in France waited to see if SeaLion was possible. No, he was playing the Turtle, in the shell. SeaLion cancelled. Next, timing attacks off a DELAYED BARBY. Need MMPs. Panzer + HQ + some ground zapped Spain, then Turkey. So what about the Eastern Front? With Japs ruling Pacific, Nazis owning Atlantic and picking off the corner Spain/Turkey gambit, had to go WW-1 in the East. This is where eriador08 was smart, compared to my previous opponents on the delayed Barby. Russians slammed into the limited line in any shape or form, game was now on the line. Reds were doing exchanges, and quickly forming a line on their border. If I could move the line like a Rugby game, could win this way controlling the Seas. Problem, he was 2-line deep, I was 1-line.

The Americans were wise to stay out of the Pacific, with no real fleet, would take years to help. Like an old game of Axis & Allies, the Yanks had to be buying tons of Destroyers. In the ending of the game, the Americans flooded the convoy lanes with +3 Anti-Sub, advantage gone. Russians were able to turn the corner on the ground. Took awhile for key Turkish/Afrika units to be in the front lines. Romania was a mess. Paratroops and some Minor neutrals holding the hills beside Odessa with clumsy artillery/rockets. Northern Poland became a stalemate for awhile, had the river line and leadership. In the middle, was the surge that dealt the counter-blow. Strong armies rotated in/out with mech-infantry to send my units to the grave or rear-areas.

Tale of Two boards. Japs ruled, Germans reminded me that this strategy is best against noobs.

Caught in a Trap, Can't get Out,

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/13/2019 7:26:50 PM)

Game #13
1939 World at War
Winner = eriador08 (Axis) ---> Type of Victory: Knockout, ass waxing in Italy Spring 1942
Loser = ElvisJJonesRambo (Allied)

Overall Record 7-6
1939 Allied record 3-4
1939 Axis record 3-2
1943 Allied record 1-0

Sul mare luccica
L'astro d'argento
Placida e' l'onda
Prospero e' il vento
Venite all'agile
Barchetta mia

Just took my Allied record to below .500. Italy, Spring 1942. With Axis forces drilling through Russia, wasn't in the mood for Morocco visit. General George S. Patton took frontal invasion straight to Italy, skipping Africa, and Sicily. Landing in force South of Rome, 1942. British & miscellaneous Allied countries capture East Coast down to the Southern Boot port. An early end to the war or at least some help to Russia was the plan. Problem, wrong end. Two turns in, the Gerries place Elite Panzer in Rome. Even worse, the double-crossing Spaniard DOW and joined Germany's side. Allied Naval path in jeopardy at Gibraltar. Sadly reported, Patton died. US Army x2, dead. British HQ, dead. Ike ordered evacuation. Not much made it out alive against the Beasts From Berlin blasting away in Italy. Patton was the one who was bitch slapped, not the cowardly soldier in the hospital tent.

Allied fleets scattered, with the demise at Gibraltar. Japs ceased on the morale maker, jumped to India and landed. Gandhi's folks where in no mood for a stand-up fight, half their troops in the Suez Canal, complete mess. India decided they were out. Japanese commanders, turned China into a Meat grinder, it was General Tso chicken buffet, all you can eat, and destroy, no extra charge.

With Russia ready to fold it in, with zero Allied help, Ike turned to ports in Russia/Japan border and shoved everything Yanks had in attempt to get in the meelee again. Rather large combination of forces beefed up in 1943, tried to get some ports, nothing. We know the supply there sux. Had to try, since Jap Army mostly in India and Chinese dish mop-up.

Failure, good night Patton.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/13/2019 9:13:48 PM)

Game #14
1939 World at War
Winner = ElvisJJonesRambo (Allied) ---> Type of Victory: TKO-Referee Stoppage June 1944, Allied Masterpiece
Loser = ThunderLizard11 (Axis)

Overall Record 8-6
1939 Allied record 4-4
1939 Axis record 3-2
1943 Allied record 1-0

Pitched a gem, in this one. Western Allies couldn't have played any better. Conceding property with proper cause in Turkey, Middle East, and Southern Russia. Avoided Battle Losses in the Mediterranean Sea & Pacific Ocean. Russians took their usual beating, losing the Oil Wells, and slid behind the Volga. British Commanders liberated North Africa and later conducted successfully liberation of Denmark. Americans led by darling General George S. Patton conducted successfully landings in Northern Japan Islands early in the war. Massive amount of Troops flooded the island, holding for years. Japanese attempted to counter on the ground, but no. The Jap Fleet was encountered near the Philippines previously, an excellent game of Cat & Mouse. Slid Land forces and built the Pacific Fleet. Americans flooded the Sea Lanes with Destroyers, Subs, and huge amount of Capital Ships, setting the Rising Sun. Carriers conducted Operation Kickass in early 1944, devastating the Japs. Patton's ground forces in Northern Japan worn down defenders, very slowly, but costing MMPs as the Naval battle raged.

Back in Europe, British Flyboys firebombed Dresden and many more targets. British Tanks entered Germany from Denmark of a stalemate of fighting. Yank paratroops also took Western France. This was to the joy of the Russian people, who cried out and charged in the winter of 1943. No real significant combat, strictly charge and surround.

Germans ran outta gas,

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/21/2019 8:05:31 PM)

Game #15
1939 World at War
Winner = sandyinlondon(Allied) ---> Type of Victory: Knee to the Japanese Navy Face, Allies Take Tokyo
Loser = ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis)

Overall Record 8-7
1939 Allied record 4-4
1939 Axis record 3-3
1943 Allied record 1-0

We played this out to the end, on Sandy in London's request. Tokyo, Rome, and Berlin fall in the at order, game ends in Spring 1946. Germans decided to clear their Capital for Western Allies. Mysterious plane leaves for Sweden, couple of U-Boats off to Argentina. So what happened?

Germans did their thing, actually, quite well on all fronts. Game appeared to be rolling.....then, failure on the Japanese.

Late in 1941, the Japanese failed to land their Ground Troops off transports into Philippines. Just flat out, forgot :( Japs were taking the usual locations, Pearl Harbor, etc. Flat out forgot to DOW, land, and take Philippines. On the flip turn, Allies had Philippines join after all the other invasions, and were able to sink one of my transports. Oh well, it happens, gotta get over it. Game continues on. Japs reached the circle of their Empire and bring Naval units back to Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.

This is where Sandy in London got sneaky. He had some basic ground units from these Allied minor countries in the maze of little islands and Manilla, no biggie, I figured was I attempted to finish the job after returning. Couple Air Force units, low supply, shouldn't be a problem despite my neglect to DOW and take the simple country. After few rounds, I was having small Air battles. Germans were rolling. Sandy had secretly placed all the USA + Brits navies South of the Philippines, early in the game. After the face, I found out the USA was pouring MMPs into this effort.

Fatal turn(s). Japs got indecisive between Sailing to India and dealing with the Rebels. Fell into a full scale Naval & Air Battle. Yanks had Maritime + Heavy Bombers + Air Support where I didn't, the dead zone West of Philippines. I have assed my Navy. Yanks scooped up couple Carrier kills. I fled. He chased many turns in a row. Yanks take down the Jap Navy. He got all the key units.

With the Japs subdued, the German cause really had little hope. Japs had zero Navy. Overtime I got worked over. Tokyo fell in late 1944 or something, doesn't really matter. We played it out, Berlin goes down in Spring 1946.

You lose the Jap Fleet for being sloppy, its a knee to the head.

Don't forget to land your invasion forces onto Philippines then lose your fleet with indecisive behavior after fact.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/22/2019 1:11:16 AM)

Game #16
1939 World at War
Winner = ThunderLizard11 (Axis) ---> Type of Victory: Russian Invasion in 1941 of Japan; USA won't join loss
Loser = ElvisJJonesRambo (Allied)

Overall Record 8-8
1939 Allied record 4-5
1939 Axis record 3-3
1943 Allied record 1-0

Threw in the towel, August 1942, USA won't budge, stuck at 22%. No MMPs for England. Even worse, no significant MMPs for USA. Declared war on Japan as Russia.

China actually was having a good game, putting up decent resistance against slow-rolling Japs. Figured he was upto some sneaky Jap strategy, spending all his MMPs on something heinous. When the Chinese flooded the Northern Port on key winter turn, I was lucky to only find a defending Jap garrison. Decided to send in the Chinese (this is a political corret forum, cannot call them anything else, but you get the idea). Bayonets and mass confusion capture a port, was very pleased. With the Japs upto to policial incorrectness, the Russians decided to roll the dice also. Joseph Stalin did DOW on Japan, after stuffing units in multiple locations. Was able to surge halfway thru Mandarin Peninsula, captured multiple key cities, had Japs in a tight spot. Indians, Africa, whatever, that was fine.

Only problem, in August 1942, USA was at 22%, wouldn't budge. Only collecting 125 MMPs or something disgusting. Figured USA would at least have their own MMPs or something. Never play tested. Russia/China/England vs Germany/Japan aint' gonna go well over 24 months. Germans got Lennigrad or Saint Petersburg if you prefer with some solid Luftwaffe Tacticals plus 3-Panzers. Russian T-34 ran into 4+ carriers from the Korean area.

USA stuck on 22% in July 1942, enough said. Don't DOW Japan with Russia.

I don't play test, I play.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/23/2019 5:32:08 AM)

Game #17
1942 Axis High Tide
Winner = ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) ---> Type of Victory: Majority Decision, Spanish Arm Bar, Japanese Round House
Loser = Markiss (Allied)

Overall Record 9-8
1939 Allied record 4-5
1939 Axis record 3-3
1942 Axis record 1-0
1943 Allied record 1-0

Markiss is a great guy, high class. Really enjoyed this game and my opponent. Cannot say enough good things about him. Special place in my heart, may the Lord richly bless him.

Game starts out in 1942, we played the Axis High Tide based on the crowd's request. Markiss wanted me to have Axis. Neither of us had played this scenario, two virgins meeting in the night.

When I opened the game, I thought, thought, thought, thought. WTF should I do? Then the little bird delivered the message. It's 1942, Axis High Tide, what else is there to do? ATTACK. ATTACK. ATTACK. Japs went for everything at Midway. We sent everything. All surface ships, ATTACK. All carriers, ATTACK. Was able to blast Carriers Yorktown down to strength 1. Sunk some other carrier, forget, been awhile since the beginning. Japs took a counter-punch, but I definitely won the Battle of Midway. Emperor Tojo ordered Rising Sun Carriers to refit more planes and go right back to the Hawaiian Sea. There's really no choice in 1942. We had another Battle. Japs dished out damage and ran. Sneaky Japs.

On the ground, the Chinese pressed me back. Swarms of these dudes too much. We pulled back to Coastal cities, since the Pacific Ocean was more important. Outnumbered in Units is one thing, but not in experience. Japs, waited for supplies, upgrades, and leadership. After the Naval victories at Midway and the Hawaiian Sea, MMPs could be place into specific, solid Armies. The Chinese were given a dose of reality.

Lets switch fronts, discuss the war in Europe. In 1942, I thought about the situation. Only place where Germany had the upper hand, is Southern Russia. Panzers & top notch Nazi Armies started swinging. Looking for Russia HQ's. Bam, got a kill. Punched Markiss in the mouth. Germany had the momentum in Southern Russia. Only place I could hit him.

Egypt. Forget it. Tried an offensive in 1942. Why? There's not a prayer. I messed up in Egypt. First two turns I was way out of position. Markiss, could have knocked the sh_t outta me. He called off the dogs. I took this as free salvation. Completely left North Africa. Axis don't have the supplies nor a chance in Tobruk, Libya, or whatever. Everyone left, take it !!!! Was a smart move. Instead of some sand without supply, money was pumped into Subs :)

Germany tightened up the cheeks. Subs, wall defense, and fighters became the main stay in 1943. This dude was gonna land, to help Russia, but where? Allied ships really sniffed Sicily hard. Really hard. I tossed every ship and fighter into the boot of Italy. B-I-N-G-O, paid off. Top pilots of Nazi Germany went toe-2-toe with the Allies. Patton went All-In for Sicily, I got some luck. Cities held with strength 1 defender on a very key turn!!! Allies had to chill, Nazis dance. 1943 defense leaving Egypt and guessing Sicily worked.

Allies were not happy. Lots of power in the Mediterranean and stubborn. Ike, Monty, and friends rejected 1944 French invasion based on the failed Operation Sicily. Yanks whacked Spain instead. Lines were drawn quickly in what that Mountain Range is. I like the supply advantage. Nazis brought back some key infantry units and spent lots of money on Luftwaffen. The war was nasty for the Allies in Spain. We held.

Fast Forward. Eventually the Allies made progress, but it was slow, really slow with the Supply advantage and Luftwaffen winning melees. Dneipper River line held, U-boats raged. Nothing was given up, certainly not the punching power of Nazi Germany. So in 1946, Allies surrendered. Japs had chilled.

Trying to Get to You,

pjg100 -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/23/2019 3:58:48 PM)

You have a true literary gift, sir. Keep these AARs coming!

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/28/2019 10:04:59 AM)

All good things come to an end. Had 10+ games still running. Resigned them all. Burn out. Too much time crunch. After overdosing on the game, it's turned into Axis & Allies where there is only one strategy that people are playing. The squeeze Russia strategy with Germany/Japan all out land forces + Super tanks has become a bore. Playing the Allies there's not much real strategy one can do. Russia is a complete sitting duck. China has no chance. The Yanks can do little on the ground. It's just "hope the Axis" makes a mistake.

Been fun.

Elvis has left the Building.

American Triology,
My Way,
Amazing Grace,


HamburgerMeat -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/28/2019 12:03:37 PM)

Yup, that's why I feel the only way to really beat this Axis strategy as the allies is to bring the US into the eastern front.

Hope you make an appearance again sometime soon EJR. Hopefully things will be tweaked by then

Markiss -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/28/2019 2:42:56 PM)

Figured that was going to happen, no one can maintain a 10 game-at-a-time pace. Burnout was assured.
Come back soon buddy, we will be waiting for you.

eriador08 -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (4/29/2019 9:08:59 AM)

Too bad, you are a great and interesting opponent. At one point it is too much. Hope to play you soon again.

ElvisJJonesRambo -> RE: Elvis Gold Records (3/27/2020 7:37:36 PM)

I'm still alive. And if you're reading this, you're alive, by normal definition. Haven't played for a year. Game balance has got to be better. Anyone game?

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