Big B -> RE: Ideas for possible upgrades to this great game? (3/7/2019 2:34:34 AM)
ORIGINAL: Anachro quote:
ORIGINAL: Big B For what it's worth (and I've talked to the Dev's years ago about this - and it aint gonna happen without WitP:3) The One big improvement would be to Give tactical flexibility to Surface Combat. To whit: allow creation of divisions with individual orders for range and tactics - DD's make torpedo attack/ BB's & Cruisers maintain X-yards gun range, Line Ahead formation, Trident formation, etc,. Maybe I'm just not grognard enough but this sounds like a bit too much detail for me. I think I'm fine with naval combat as it is. Then again, I'd probably eventually enjoy it if that did get put in place. Not really a headache as you may imagine. You already accept setting altitude and bombing target types with air, then set sweep or close escort for fighters - then set each individual altitude. In naval action you (1)set your destroyers and other escorts in divisions - as they really did. (2) give that divison orders, free to torpedo attack - or maintain formation ahead or in the rear. (3) Main battle force - A) maintain xxxx yards from enemy Main Force, B) close with Enemy main Force. You Already do this with Bombardments - setting range and allowing escorts to bombard or not. Formation - Line Ahead - 100% of the escort will engage, but chance of being surprise is increased; or Trident which would decrease your chance of main body being surprised by the enemy, but perhaps a 50% chance half of the escort will not engage. This is an example - all modified by experience. This would really enhance the naval combat branch of the game, and Not be too intrusive to orders, and go a long way to understanding why naval actions occurred as they really did. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ At the scale of this game, the Air and Ground warfare aspects work surprisingly well as is - given a long overview (days and weeks) of results, with enough tactical input to be satisfying...especially when you really explore ground warfare options and tactics. But Naval Action is Far More Single-Event Results determined and really needs an overhaul.