RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (Full Version)

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Chickenboy -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/1/2019 1:17:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: jdsrae

I don’t get fancy with manoeuvre or trying to use economy of force on Java.
Others might by diverting a Division or two to PNG or similar before taking Java.
Once Singapore and Luzon fall, the main effort for Japan really should be clearing the DEI to start the oil and fuel convoys.

For Java garrison duty, that depends on how far IJ Mike is going to push his perimeter.
I might leave a Division or two on Java to rest and recover but I would push fhe rest forward.
By April 42, Japan needs to fight hard to keep the momentum as losing the amphib bonus will slow things down.
I’d be searching for information on where you’ve sent 18 Brit Div and the Aussie Divs to see where to hit next, but also start being wary of a counter attack based around them.

I’d probably move the Java conquerors east to clear the rest of the DEI and PNG, but there are only scraps of oil and resources left after Java so a few extra weeks or even months delay in capturing them has no effect on the economy.

Unless you plan on doing something radical like sending 18 UK and the Aussie divs to the DEI to help them, I don’t think it matters for the Japanese economy where the Dutch make their last stand.or even if they defend a mountain for a few months.

What you do with any extra delay you can create is what matters. Will an extra month or two change any of your plans?
Are you just using the time to build up bases in India and Aus or are you planning to launch a counter attack somewhere?

A good post. I agree with most of the points above. With the caveat that I don't 'backfill' the rest of the DEI / PIs from Java. By April-May, the rest of the DEI / Philippines should be either in hand or imminent. The Java conquerors are staged from there to the next destination, wherever that may be (India, Australia, Ceylon, etc.).

Regardless of where you elect to make a stand, I do recommend consolidation of forces on Java. "Bitsa" units-a regiment here, a battalion there-are prone to getting overrun piecemeal. Stack ABDA in a readily defensible location (Batavia can work) and extract a pound of flesh. Sell them dearly en masse and they'll hold longer.

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/1/2019 3:58:47 PM)

Again, thanks for the great discussion points, gentlemen! My big defensive stand on Java is set up for Soerabaja this game. Maybe I'll try one of the other options discussed next time around.

Bif1961 -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/1/2019 5:49:03 PM)

Unlike the real war, when you only go around once, here you get to reset next time and try something different. A lesson learned is only truly learned if you apply it, otherwise it is simply a lesson observed.

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/1/2019 7:32:17 PM)



Unlike the real war, when you only go around once, here you get to reset next time and try something different. A lesson learned is only truly learned if you apply it, otherwise it is simply a lesson observed.


That's why we keep playing this game, right? To see if we can do better than history and better than last time? Of course, we end up continuously fighting "the last war" instead of preparing for the next war, but I'm happy to leave that to the professionals. [:D]

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/2/2019 1:35:41 AM)

DEC 22-23, 1941

Not a lot of significant news for this turn. Bad weather limited the air attacks at both Singapore and Manila, resulting in all base damage being repaired at both places. I only just got it all repaired and very little fort construction progress was made. Both Lvl 3 forts are still under 10% progress toward Lvl 4 and will likely not ever get there. That bad weather also grounded all potential Naval Attack missions against the Jap shipping around Singapore.

Subs on both sides used some more torpedoes but the only hit was on another of my DD's near Pearl, Aylwin.

The first 39k of supply arrived at Rangoon safely and will start unloading next turn as the follow up 12k on AKL's arrives tomorrow. Mikes first ground troops moved into Moulmein, a single unit with another 1 a hex away. I'm going to recon via bombardment tomorrow to see what's there while the screening force for the Rangoon - Mandalay railroad continues to move into position. Rangoon should reach Lvl 3 forts the turn after next, so I'll likely pull most of the base forces out and back to Mandalay for a little more fort building there. Once the rail line is cut the only value holding Rangoon has for me is to deny the industry to Mike a little longer. I'll defend it, but won't lose too many troops there. Most will attempt to stage a fighting retreat back to Mandalay, Myitkyina, and then to India. Base forces can pull out ahead of the invaders. I suspect I won't get another supply convoy into Rangoon after these two, in time to have the supply pulled inland and toward China.

In the DEI I've bought the Inf unit and base force that start at Ambon Island and I'm pulling them back to Darwin. I'd like to keep them in the fight and make use of the Dutch troop pools for a while. A total of 24 Political Points was worth it to have these around for a while.

I spotted what seems to be a 2 transport Jap TF moving between Ambon and Babo, moving SE toward Dobo or maybe Merauke. In his older game, Mike had a devil of a time with strong forces Ted based at Merauke, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if he is trying to slip a small invasion force in there early on to snatch it. I have already moved an AVP there and shifted the exposed Dutch Patrol squadron from Sorong to Merauke. I've cobbled together two Yank and one Dutch PG's and sent them on a general intercept course. No stronger surface ships are in this area and none will return, except for escorting arriving convoys, until I have a stronger air presence at Darwin. I'll have some good fighters there soon, but want some anti shipping planes there as well before I put any significant ships there.

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/3/2019 5:48:42 PM)

One other small addition to the last turn report: "CS Mizuho was incorrectly reported as sunk" so she's off the sunk ships list. [:D] I put two torpedoes into her with an S-boat on the Dec 10-11 turn, so she's at least out of action for a good while.

rustysi -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/3/2019 11:30:02 PM)


I put two torpedoes into her with an S-boat

Yeah, the torps on those 'Pig boats' don't have a lot of punch.

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/4/2019 1:32:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: rustysi


I put two torpedoes into her with an S-boat

Yeah, the torps on those 'Pig boats' don't have a lot of punch.

Very true about the Mk 10's. When the bigger Mk 14's actually explode it's a significant hit.

Chickenboy -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/4/2019 1:41:12 PM)

Aye. I think the main effect is to cause surprise amongst the ship's crew that a Mk. 14 actually exploded. Hory crap! [X(]

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/4/2019 1:50:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Aye. I think the main effect is to cause surprise amongst the ship's crew that a Mk. 14 actually exploded. Hory crap! [X(]


BBfanboy -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/4/2019 2:52:06 PM)




ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Aye. I think the main effect is to cause surprise amongst the ship's crew that a Mk. 14 actually exploded. Hory crap! [X(]


Only the US sub crew are surprised/astonished. The IJN crew just presume they hit a mine. They still have no explanation for the mysterious "clangs" that sometimes occur along the side of their hulls.

Zorch -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/4/2019 4:56:14 PM)






ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

Aye. I think the main effect is to cause surprise amongst the ship's crew that a Mk. 14 actually exploded. Hory crap! [X(]


Only the US sub crew are surprised/astonished.

This event is almost as rare. And causes as almost as much damage.


Aksully -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/4/2019 11:51:43 PM)

Didn't recognize the ship class at first but it's a "Sea Serpent" class submersible.....

BBfanboy -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/5/2019 3:41:24 AM)



Didn't recognize the ship class at first but it's a "Sea Serpent" class submersible.....

Looks like they went with the Yeti option package for operations in cold climes ...

Aksully -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/5/2019 4:33:51 AM)





Didn't recognize the ship class at first but it's a "Sea Serpent" class submersible.....

Looks like they went with the Yeti option package for operations in cold climes ...

Yup. Nomex (Submariner) Arctic Cold Weather Water Repellent Suit with Hood.

Zorch -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/5/2019 12:47:16 PM)







Didn't recognize the ship class at first but it's a "Sea Serpent" class submersible.....

Looks like they went with the Yeti option package for operations in cold climes ...

Yup. Nomex (Submariner) Arctic Cold Weather Water Repellent Suit with Hood.

It is a Japanese human torpedo - the real reason Bigfoot became extinct.

Aksully -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/5/2019 3:25:14 PM)









Didn't recognize the ship class at first but it's a "Sea Serpent" class submersible.....

Looks like they went with the Yeti option package for operations in cold climes ...

Yup. Nomex (Submariner) Arctic Cold Weather Water Repellent Suit with Hood.

It is a Japanese human torpedo - the real reason Bigfoot became extinct.

Yeah everything explodes on contact EXCEPT for the Mk IV..........

Zorch -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/5/2019 5:07:48 PM)











Didn't recognize the ship class at first but it's a "Sea Serpent" class submersible.....

Looks like they went with the Yeti option package for operations in cold climes ...

Yup. Nomex (Submariner) Arctic Cold Weather Water Repellent Suit with Hood.

It is a Japanese human torpedo - the real reason Bigfoot became extinct.

Yeah everything explodes on contact EXCEPT for the Mk IV..........

And depth charges.

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/5/2019 7:23:13 PM)

DEC 24-25, 1941

A few things of note this turn and one that could have been much more significant.

Off Mersing, a flight of Hudsons scored a single bomb hit each on 2 xAP's. Each was left on fire, but no troops were reported lost, so they were likely empty. Maybe I'll get lucky and they will burn up.

Last turn I spotted a small, 2 ship TF between Boela and Babo. It had at least 1 xAK and was headed SE. I suspected Mike might be trying to sneak a small force into the area to grab either Dobo or Merauke on the cheap. He had a devil of a time with trying and failing to take Merauke in his game with Ted, so it was the more likely target. I cobbled together the only force I had within reach, 3 PG's from Darwin, and sent them to try to intercept. Their max speed was only 3 hexes, so they might not be fast enough to catch the enemy, even if they crossed paths. Well, I did catch them, about 6 hexes NW of Merauke. A single xAK was escorted by a DD. I initially thought I was in trouble with the DD there against my PG's, until I realized I still had him outgunned by a significant margin. PG's Asheville, Tulsa, and Soerabaja essentially ignored DD Kamikaze and scored 7 shell hits on the xAK, leaving it burning heavily with troops reported in the water. I suspect the xAK will sink before Mike can put the surviving troops ashore anywhere, but there is nothing on the sunk ships list yet after the turn. I think this was the first time I've successfully engaged and defeated the enemy with PG's. [8D]

One ship in total did end up on the sunk ships list after last turn. Poor little AMc Gale was patrolling the harbor of Suva when a few raiding Zeros and Vals dove on her and turned her into toothpicks with 3 bomb hits. 14 Zeros and 9 Vals attacked. I initially thought it was maybe a pair of CVL's on a commerce raiding mission until I realized the Vals came from Akagi. LOL Gale was the only ship anywhere nearby so it received the full attention of the 5-6 CV strong KB. I need to eventually get a replacement AMc to Suva, but Mike was not happy to have the KB unmasked for such a small prize. The timing just worked out perfectly for me, as a few small TF's are on their way to Suva, including the QE with the bulk of the 8th Marine Rgt on board, but all were far enough away still for me to safely reroute them. I have a large group of transport TF's leaving SF tomorrow, bound for SOPAC, as well as one leaving Pearl to join them in about 2 turns, but none were yet in harm's way. I plan to escort this large convoy with all 3 of my CV TF's but I still won't approach the region until I know the KB has moved on. I boosted the PBY coverage of the region, about 1 turn before planned, so the planes were already standing by to stage to the SW from Pearl. I'll keep a close eye on Mike's toys until they leave my surveillance range or really try to make a nuisance of themselves by sweeping toward Pago Pago and then up toward Palmyra. In his place I think that's what I would do, knowing he can handle anything I throw at him short of Pearl Harbor. I don't know if Mike will go that route, however. I'll prepare for both possibilities and only move troops and ships into the area once it's safe. I've been a little more deliberate about getting troops loaded up at SF than many players might be, so there are way less targets for a "KB SOPAC sweep" than Mike might expect to find. Hmm, I wonder if there are any AO's hanging back somewhere that my subs could go looking for? [:D]

Aksully -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/5/2019 11:16:05 PM)

I'd say this Round of the fight goes to you Mike. It's not about tonnage lost so much as you upset his strategy to sneak in for a quick take AND got valuable intel of his KB. Plus his troops whatever the number in the water bobbing around, a couple of AP's damaged, and maybe get some operational losses to his aircraft. All for the AMc Gale. We raise a glass to the valiant crew!

Just curious...did you have anything on Dobo or Merauke?

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/10/2019 7:20:21 PM)

DEC 26-27, 1941

My supply convoys were finishing up the unloading process at Rangoon this turn when Ms. Betty and her sister Nell came to visit. My squadron of British Buffalo fighters did some good work but there were too many bombers. I lost a handful of xAK's and a couple of xAKL's. The rest will make best possible speed back to Colombo without trying to grab any fuel. Mike has turned his attention to this area so I won't try to force any more supply convoys into Rangoon, especially when he has ground forces in contact at Moulmein and approaching nearby. I'll have to be happy with what's already at Rangoon and the 500 supply/day from the Burma Road getting into China before the rail line is cut.

Sub war
SS Plunger is patrolling near Kwajalein Island and was being hunted by two DD's. Now, she's only being hunted by one DD as I hit DD Oite with a Mk 14 torpedo that actually exploded and sank her. That's one back for the damage Mike's subs have done to about 4 of my DD's hunting them around Pearl Harbor.

One of Mike's subs caught up with 2 of 3 xAK's that I had unloading an AA unit at Midway and put them both under. Both were almost completely unloaded, thankfully. I had to split them from the 3rd transport and the "escorting" AM so they could dock and unload. Of course he found the two un-escorted ships.

Since it was as a result of a sub action, I'll mention here that I sank the first of (hopefully) many of Mike's TK's this turn. Dutch sub O20 dropped mines at newly captured Miri and Mike promptly found one of them with a small TK. It may have only been one of the 1800 capacity tankers, but sinking it this early means a LOT of round trips that it won't be hauling fuel or oil for the rest of the war. To me, this is just as effective as sinking one of his big tankers in late '43 or '44. I'll put this one solidly in the victory column.

A small Japanese force landed at Tulagi this turn. That's the farthest Mike has moved with troops so far, after taking Shortlands several turns ago. Nobody really cares about that right now though, because they all want to know what's up with the KB off Suva. [:D] Well, Mike didn't sweep them to the east and northeast as I might have done. Instead, they are heading for a cruise off the East Coast of Australia. The KB moved due west and is just off Noumea. They caught and sank a small TF of xAKL's hauling resources from Noumea. Again, having a low value TF in the area where the KB moved tipped me off to their presence and heading. All shipping on the East coast of Oz is bugging out. From Brisbane and Sydney, they are moving south as far away from land and any "normal" shipping lanes as possible. The couple of ships at Townsville or north of there will head up and around the north end of Oz to Darwin. Shipping at Melbourne is on standby to evacuate next turn if the KB moves west and then south along the coast.

In general, Mike is pushing my guys around and beating them up where ever he wants. I'm slowly consolidating my forces to form a MLR that is mostly in wooded hexes from Changsha to the West and North. I'll force Mike to besiege Sian to eventually win it from me. Another small opportunity has presented itself where some of Mike's tanks got too far ahead of themselves at Nanyang. He deliberately attacked with the 13th Tank Rgt and 9th Armored Car Co against 3 Chinese Corps defending. The result was a 1 to 42 attack that destroyed 1 vehicle and disabled 47 of his starting 126. I'll risk my own deliberate attack next turn to try to destroy some of those disabled vehicles and force them to retreat. It's a chance for just a bit of a sting but if I succeed and again maybe cause just a little bit more caution and hesitation in Mike's steam roller advance it will be well worth it.

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/10/2019 7:26:31 PM)



I'd say this Round of the fight goes to you Mike. It's not about tonnage lost so much as you upset his strategy to sneak in for a quick take AND got valuable intel of his KB. Plus his troops whatever the number in the water bobbing around, a couple of AP's damaged, and maybe get some operational losses to his aircraft. All for the AMc Gale. We raise a glass to the valiant crew!

Just curious...did you have anything on Dobo or Merauke?

Well, sort of. I had just the turn before moved the AVP from Sorong to Merauke and staged in the Dutch Patrol group. No ground forces in any of these areas.

Oh, this reminds me! Mike dropped off the survivors of my PG intercept at a dot base up the coast from Merauke, Timoeka. Mouse intel says there are 300 men there. I've kicked around the idea of shipping either the Gull or Sparrow Bn from Darwin to root them out, but I don't think it's worth it. Mike will take those dot bases at his leisure, and I've already disrupted his plans with the intercept and those troops now being stranded at Timoeka until relief can be brought in.

Aksully -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/10/2019 11:33:13 PM)



DEC 26-27, 1941

My supply convoys were finishing up the unloading process at Rangoon this turn when Ms. Betty and her sister Nell came to visit. My squadron of British Buffalo fighters did some good work but there were too many bombers. I lost a handful of xAK's and a couple of xAKL's. The rest will make best possible speed back to Colombo without trying to grab any fuel. Mike has turned his attention to this area so I won't try to force any more supply convoys into Rangoon, especially when he has ground forces in contact at Moulmein and approaching nearby. I'll have to be happy with what's already at Rangoon and the 500 supply/day from the Burma Road getting into China before the rail line is cut.

Sub war
SS Plunger is patrolling near Kwajalein Island and was being hunted by two DD's. Now, she's only being hunted by one DD as I hit DD Oite with a Mk 14 torpedo that actually exploded and sank her. That's one back for the damage Mike's subs have done to about 4 of my DD's hunting them around Pearl Harbor.

One of Mike's subs caught up with 2 of 3 xAK's that I had unloading an AA unit at Midway and put them both under. Both were almost completely unloaded, thankfully. I had to split them from the 3rd transport and the "escorting" AM so they could dock and unload. Of course he found the two un-escorted ships.

Since it was as a result of a sub action, I'll mention here that I sank the first of (hopefully) many of Mike's TK's this turn. Dutch sub O20 dropped mines at newly captured Miri and Mike promptly found one of them with a small TK. It may have only been one of the 1800 capacity tankers, but sinking it this early means a LOT of round trips that it won't be hauling fuel or oil for the rest of the war. To me, this is just as effective as sinking one of his big tankers in late '43 or '44. I'll put this one solidly in the victory column.

A small Japanese force landed at Tulagi this turn. That's the farthest Mike has moved with troops so far, after taking Shortlands several turns ago. Nobody really cares about that right now though, because they all want to know what's up with the KB off Suva. [:D] Well, Mike didn't sweep them to the east and northeast as I might have done. Instead, they are heading for a cruise off the East Coast of Australia. The KB moved due west and is just off Noumea. They caught and sank a small TF of xAKL's hauling resources from Noumea. Again, having a low value TF in the area where the KB moved tipped me off to their presence and heading. All shipping on the East coast of Oz is bugging out. From Brisbane and Sydney, they are moving south as far away from land and any "normal" shipping lanes as possible. The couple of ships at Townsville or north of there will head up and around the north end of Oz to Darwin. Shipping at Melbourne is on standby to evacuate next turn if the KB moves west and then south along the coast.

In general, Mike is pushing my guys around and beating them up where ever he wants. I'm slowly consolidating my forces to form a MLR that is mostly in wooded hexes from Changsha to the West and North. I'll force Mike to besiege Sian to eventually win it from me. Another small opportunity has presented itself where some of Mike's tanks got too far ahead of themselves at Nanyang. He deliberately attacked with the 13th Tank Rgt and 9th Armored Car Co against 3 Chinese Corps defending. The result was a 1 to 42 attack that destroyed 1 vehicle and disabled 47 of his starting 126. I'll risk my own deliberate attack next turn to try to destroy some of those disabled vehicles and force them to retreat. It's a chance for just a bit of a sting but if I succeed and again maybe cause just a little bit more caution and hesitation in Mike's steam roller advance it will be well worth it.

You have to be pretty happy with your combat results AND knowing KB's whereabouts Mike. Glad that some dock hand actually loaded a non-dud MkIV!! Get his name and promote him to Ensign!!! :) And on one of your next turns if you can take a screenshot of China it would interesting to see how you are setting up your MLR there! Thx.

Zorch -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/11/2019 12:07:32 AM)





I'd say this Round of the fight goes to you Mike. It's not about tonnage lost so much as you upset his strategy to sneak in for a quick take AND got valuable intel of his KB. Plus his troops whatever the number in the water bobbing around, a couple of AP's damaged, and maybe get some operational losses to his aircraft. All for the AMc Gale. We raise a glass to the valiant crew!

Just curious...did you have anything on Dobo or Merauke?

Well, sort of. I had just the turn before moved the AVP from Sorong to Merauke and staged in the Dutch Patrol group. No ground forces in any of these areas.

Oh, this reminds me! Mike dropped off the survivors of my PG intercept at a dot base up the coast from Merauke, Timoeka. Mouse intel says there are 300 men there. I've kicked around the idea of shipping either the Gull or Sparrow Bn from Darwin to root them out, but I don't think it's worth it. Mike will take those dot bases at his leisure, and I've already disrupted his plans with the intercept and those troops now being stranded at Timoeka until relief can be brought in.

Turn the local headhunters loose on those 300 shipwrecked men. They're kind of like a militia that doesn't need supplies.

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/11/2019 11:55:35 AM)

Zorch, that's a fantastic idea! [:D]

Mike, I'll get a screenshot of China posted soon. My MLR is still only a rough goal in my mind so there's not much to show yet. [;)]

Turn is off to Mike. I am so slow at my orders. There's just so much cool stuff to look at on the map every turn and I have a hard time resisting! I need to get more streamlined with it so I can turn them around faster for Mike.

Zorch -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/11/2019 3:03:27 PM)



Zorch, that's a fantastic idea! [:D]

Headhunters/cannibals create supply when they attack. And lower enemy morale.

BBfanboy -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/11/2019 3:08:45 PM)





Zorch, that's a fantastic idea! [:D]

Headhunters/cannibals create supply when they attack. And lower enemy morale.

But they have to spread out their attacks over a period of time - they don't have refrigerators.

BBfanboy -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/11/2019 3:15:29 PM)



Mike, I'll get a screenshot of China posted soon. My MLR is still only a rough goal in my mind so there's not much to show yet. [;)]

Alfred made a pretty good case for NOT forming a "main line of resistance". Instead he advocated concentrating Chinese units at key hexes and keeping a mobile reserve to respond to IJA attacks or hit weak parts of their lines.

In this link, zuluhour reposts Alfred's advice in post 1304 of the thread:

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/11/2019 3:27:46 PM)

Hmmm, I'll have to take a look at that thread, thanks BB. I'm open to all ideas in China. [:D]

USSAmerica -> RE: THREAD War: Mike & Mike - Mike Solli (J) vs. USS America (A) (7/11/2019 6:20:05 PM)

I've had a chance to read through Alfred's suggestions for China in the link BB posted above. It certainly makes a lot of sense. Now, I need to compare the suggestions with what I've already done in just 3 weeks of game time to see if I've already missed the boat on some of them.

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