Speed of AI processing (Full Version)

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buchand -> Speed of AI processing (3/17/2019 8:04:52 PM)

Still love the game but the AI game in Case Yellow is taking 30+ minutes. Is this a problem for anyone else?

MVokt -> RE: Speed of AI processing (3/18/2019 3:16:00 PM)

This game Case Yellow scenario could be one of the best out there. The only thing is that the AI takes too long to make a turn.

In added extra scenarios (like Poland with DC2 AI), the AI takes much less to make its moves and that's why I asked in this post, http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=4576695, if in a near future we could enjoy Case Yellow with DC2 AI either.

Vic -> RE: Speed of AI processing (3/19/2019 3:25:57 PM)

I have added an item on the checklist for the big upgrade planned after Shadow Empire release.
Just double checking:
-Are you up to the latest patch?
-Which difficulty and speed setting did you chose for the AI?
best wishes,

buchand -> RE: Speed of AI processing (3/20/2019 11:03:04 PM)

Thanks for the reply. Great game!
Normal and Fast for the AI

Checked patches and up to date


Vic -> RE: Speed of AI processing (3/25/2019 5:21:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: buchand

Thanks for the reply. Great game!
Normal and Fast for the AI

Checked patches and up to date


If you could spare the time email me your running game to vic@vrdesigns.net

It will help me speed it up. Or check if there is not some weird hidden glitch in the code.

Best wishes,

Bamilus -> RE: Speed of AI processing (5/23/2019 11:06:56 PM)

my game also runs super slow on normal....brutal.

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