Mayhemizer_slith -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (8/11/2019 3:43:44 PM)
Rail move: USSR Timoshenko to 60,156 USSR MECH to Harbin Indian INF from Hyderabad to Bombay. French 5-4 INF from Nice to Paris. Land move: USSR ART -> Voronezh Zhukov -> Tsitsihar 5-4 Titsihar -> 58,151 6-4 Harbin -> 60,155 ENG -> 60,155 7-4 -> 59,156 6-6 ARM -> 60,155 5-4 60,156 -> 61,156 AT -> 60,156 ComChi 7-3 INF to Lanchow NatChi Minor moves CW 5-3 INF from Port Said to 80,63 Units from Lille to Calais France Almost all units moves. Italian border is now weakly denfended. Rebase: USSR I-153 -> 60,155 DB-3F -> Harbin CW FTR from Belgium to Dover. Turn continues. [image]local://upfiles/39586/BF34F53E79D840639C9E5DA2BFE5A6DD.jpg[/image]