Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (11/3/2019 8:21:22 AM)
Rail Movement: Germany: INF (Stuttgart) -> Memel Japan: HQI (74,143) -> Tianshui Land Movement: Germany: PARA (69,45) -> 71,46 INF (69,46) -> 69,48 INF (69,46) -> 69,48 Japan: The forces in the north advance towards the communist stronghold. In the centre the forces hold. In the south the Japanese advance through the mountains towards the gap in the Chinese defences between Kunming and Kweiyang. 33rd Corps (GARR) recaptures Kaifeng (10 rolled for US Entry) Invasion: Germany invades Greece in 3 locations. Lemnos, Kalamai, and Heraklion. All automatic. Three land combats in Greece. All automatic. [image]local://upfiles/29130/2726CF1A4C314D83A3C8C6C181E8E1A7.jpg[/image] Picture from Nov/Dec '40 Impulse #2 (Axis) - Land Combat