Orm -> RE: Rematch 4 player game (Orm, Peskpesk, jjdenver and Mayhemizer) (11/10/2019 8:37:52 AM)
No strategic bombing. No Ground Strikes. Rail Movement: Germany: ART (Paris) -> Warsaw Land Movement: Germany: MIL (Kalamai) -> 73,49 INF Div (Kalamai) -> 73,49 INF (69,48) -> 70,49 - via Salonica HQI (59,26) -> Nantes Japan: Army group Terauchi attempt to create a pocket around Lan-Chow 2nd MOT switch place with the MAR Div In the south the forces march towards the Kunming-Hanoi railway HQI (75,138) -> Sian Invasion: PARA Div (East Med) -> Athens Paradrop: PARA (71,46) -> Athens Land Combat: Germany attacks Athens Japan attacks the GARR in hex 73,131 Current odds on Athens is 12.5:3 or +9.7 if the notional is included. Germany can add 11 points in air support. Italy might be able to add one point in air support (not sure on that one). And Italy can add 8 points in shore bombardment. Will CW include the notional or not? Picture from Nov/Dec '40 Impulse #4 (Axis) - Land Combat [image]local://upfiles/29130/6BA041B95E5C43388C5D6CB85F2CFA4E.jpg[/image]