fatgreta1066 -> I love the scenarios so far, but... (4/19/2019 12:20:58 AM)
I've had a lot of fun playing the first 3 scenarios so far. One problem I see is that in scenario 2 & 3 it's pretty easy to win using basically only Tomahawks. I just won scenario 3 by completing all required cargo deliveries and launching my initial salvo of Tomahawks at the targets specified in the attack order. In Scenario 2 you can use Tomahawks to catch nearly then entire Iraqi air force on the ground, racking up lots of points for destroying aircraft and leaving your strike aircraft with minimal to no threats. Particularly in scenario 2 that is, I think, a bit of a cheat. I launched the tomahawks immediately, at a time when the scenario designer probably didn't intend the coalition player to striking Iraq. But there's no penalty for it in the scenario (just as in scenario 1 there's no penalty for wantonly shooting down commercial jets). In scenario 3 the attack order specifies only using 2 navy TF's and I used a third one as part of the initial tomahawk strike. So again, perhaps a bit of a cheat. But as in #2, no penalty for it. So as I previously stated, I'm not complaining. I really enjoyed the scenario design so far, particularly #3 where I have to deliver cargo before I can arm some of the planes. I'd even enjoy more planes needing to be provisioned before they can fly. I'll play at least #3 again and impose a limit on the CM strikes I allow myself. I just thought I should point this out in case a future patch would want to do anything to limit the effectiveness of those tactics (or the number of available Tomahawks, or something).