RE: Worst modern war film of all time (Full Version)

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Chickenboy -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/8/2019 4:22:50 PM)


Ok you want a bad war movie? Independence Day 2.

Dude. What did you expect? [8|]

That's like berating Pauly Shore's In the Army Now* for inaccuracies regarding Army Reserve deployment to Africa.

*I had to look this up on IMDB/Wikipedia. I have never actually watched this movie, nor would I invest/waste 2 hours of my life doing so. This movie / Pauly Shore reference are used for informational purposes only. Your milage may vary.

Orm -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/8/2019 6:37:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy



No, I think you were wrong.

By providing the wrong post number, I further helped take this thread off the rails. I was both right-in that I could do that-and wrong-about the post number.

Honestly, Ormster, try to keep up will 'ya? [:'(]

Nope. Still wrong. And I always keep up. Except, of course, when I don't.

You, Chickenboy, could never derail a thread. That is a prime example of a oxymoron as it can get.

Zorch -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/8/2019 6:39:10 PM)




ORIGINAL: Chickenboy



No, I think you were wrong.

By providing the wrong post number, I further helped take this thread off the rails. I was both right-in that I could do that-and wrong-about the post number.

Honestly, Ormster, try to keep up will 'ya? [:'(]

Nope. Still wrong. And I always keep up. Except, of course, when I don't.

You, Chickenboy, could never derail a thread. That is a prime example of a oxymoron as it can get.

Them is fighting words where I come from. [&o]

rustysi -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/8/2019 6:52:46 PM)


the old Battle of the Bulge with Henry Fonda and Robert Shaw, that it was great movie.

Cast, good. Movie, so,so.

CaptBeefheart -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 2:20:01 AM)

Ah, Starship Troopers. Reminds me of this tune I used to get into in high school:

EDIT: Fury? What, a single immobile tank holding off a battalion of the Grossdeutschland Division is unrealistic? Unlimited .30 and .50 cal rounds? It's what Hollywood moguls call "entertainment."


AleRonin -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 11:49:03 AM)

In my personal list "Xxxxx Xxxxxx" and "Fury" are without any doubts among the worst movies ever...

Edit: newbie mistake!

HansBolter -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 12:31:20 PM)



In my personal list "xxxxx xxxxxx" and "Fury" are without any doubts among the worst movies ever...

You are new to the forum so we will cut you some slack, but you made the egregious error of naming the "movie that shall not be named".

Note that I have deleted it from the quote to avoid the same faux pas. [;)]

Canoerebel -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 1:08:30 PM)

Yes, Hans has saved your from the seldom-convened but nevertheless omnipresent AE Kangaroo Court. The court was formed a decade ago to deal with the many and egregious transgressions of Greyjoy.

Regarding Fury, the movie is universally lampooned for it's ending - disabled tank vs. SS battalion. Silliness. Awfulness. But I recall that when it came out a number of Forumites gave a nod to its depictions of the grittiness and dirt of the ground campaign in Europe. That's the movie's redeeming value, in my book. I've only seen it once and don't expect to watch it again, but I didn't find it utterly without value (unlike the Movie that Shall Not be Named, which has no redeeming qualities except Kate Beckinsale and she's trumped by the epic awfulness that surrounds her).

The Battle of the Bulge is an interesting film. Most of us saw it when we were kids, often in the presence of our WWII fathers or grandfathers. Nobody likes it for historical accuracy but it did entertain by overly generalizing - German tank army goes after fuel in cold Ardennes and pushes back the Allies, who are getting chocolate cake delivered by air from Boston. The highlight of the movie? Telly Savalis as a tank commander, probably. Or Robert Shaw: "Conrad, I am ashamed of you."

Apollo11 -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 1:39:17 PM)

Hi all,


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Regarding Fury, the movie is universally lampooned for it's ending - disabled tank vs. SS battalion. Silliness. Awfulness. But I recall that when it came out a number of Forumites gave a nod to its depictions of the grittiness and dirt of the ground campaign in Europe. That's the movie's redeeming value, in my book. I've only seen it once and don't expect to watch it again, but I didn't find it utterly without value.

IMHO all engagements depicted in the "Fury" were absolute blunders in tactical sense for both sides... [8D]

The ending combat scene (immobile tank vs. battalion) was absurd.

The "Tiger I" engagement was silly (why on Earth would German "Tiger I" ever charge and move towards attacking US tanks).

The town engagement... I don't want to even talk about that... German AT gun "hidden" in town square and able to miss from point blank range...

The attack across the open field towards the forest was 100% unreasonable... why would attacking US force ever do that - not to mention the absolute ineptitude of German AT guns well hidden in tree line that were unable to hit US tanks attacking directly towards them.

Leo "Apollo11"

HansBolter -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 2:16:59 PM)

Noticed something interesting. Robert Shaw's portrayal of Joachim Peiper in BotB has been mentioned.

The portrayal was as inaccurate as it gets. While a committed Nazi and SS commander, he was decidedly NOT the fanatic ready to sacrifice his troops for the cause as depicted. I highly recommend The Devil's Adjutant by Michael Reynolds, a biography of Peiper by a British Major General, for a realistic look at this controversial man.

That actually wasn't what I noticed as interesting though. The German actor who portrayed the officer under Peiper, who Peiper orders to send the troops to their deaths, is apparently a journeyman actor who appears in quite a few war movies of that era.

That actor also portrayed Werner Pluskat, in the Longest Day. He is the commander at the coastal gun battery with the pet German shepherd who gets on the phone to headquarters to announce the Allies are heading straight for him with 5,000 ships. The disdainful officer on the other end, of course, scoffs at the notion and states the Allies don't have 5,000 ships.

I happened to catch the Bridge at Remagen a couple of nights ago and noticed this same actor portrays the second in command at the bridge under the commanding officer portrayed by Robert Vaughn.

Don't know the mans name but a wiki search of those movies might reveal it.

And indeed it does! The man is Hans Christian Blech:

Chickenboy -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 3:16:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel
Regarding Fury, the movie is universally lampooned for it's ending - disabled tank vs. SS battalion. Silliness. Awfulness. But I recall that when it came out a number of Forumites gave a nod to its depictions of the grittiness and dirt of the ground campaign in Europe. That's the movie's redeeming value, in my book. I've only seen it once and don't expect to watch it again, but I didn't find it utterly without value (unlike the Movie that Shall Not be Named, which has no redeeming qualities except Kate Beckinsale and she's trumped by the epic awfulness that surrounds her).

I am one of those that thought the end scene with the disabled tank was far-fetched, but not silliness or awfulness. If one looks at the big picture, the outcome depicted in the movie is consistent with reality. Big picture, mind you:

A battalion of late war German infantry are inexplicably in parade march formation and singing patriotic songs while marching towards the enemy, who they believe miles distant. Their arms are slung on their shoulders and they are 5 abreast, with motorized trucks trailing. Completely unprepared for immediate contact. The road upon which they march has a berm on the left prohibiting freedom of movement in that direction and a forested area to the right. It's an impressively poor tactical disposition.

A veteran American tank crew, whose tank was previously rendered immobile by a land mine realizes their quandry. They are at a pivotal crossroads with a clear field of fire 360 degrees around them. After debating the merits of flight, they elect to disguise themselves and make themselves appear as though they have been knocked out. They establish this effect by draping bodies on and around the turret and front hull while depressing the main gun. "German veterans" like those marching towards them have likely seen this sight innumerable times. It has heretofore always equaled a knocked-out tank. The M4A3E2, with 3 forward-facing machine guns is in an enviable ambush position.

The parade marching German infantry enter the kill zone and the tank crew opens up on them. There's confusion in the German ranks and some break for the only structure nearby-a badly abused farm house. Many are cut down as they attempt to run there for cover. Others, confused by the ambush, are killed in situ. The German motorized transport is destroyed by the tank main gun.

A confusing melee ensues that lasts for some time. German panzerfausts (which were seen on the shoulders of the parade march infantry) are eventually brought to bear on the tank. One of the weapons penetrates the cupola and kills the gunner. The Germans mount a series of close infantry assaults on the tank. Initially these are beaten back, but eventually individual crew of the tank are killed. The driver / front MG gunner escapes beneath the tank through an escape hatch.

By the next morning, the Germans-after considerable casualties-have captured the crossroads. The tank and its crew are kaput.

Big picture? I'd have expected that outcome, minus some of the Hollywood-ed character drama.

What is a reasonable expectation? That a Battalion(-) of German infantry, in parade march, with no forward recon elements escapes unscathed? What do you think would happen to a bunch of men, packed together on a small country road-oblivious to their surroundings-when set upon suddenly by 3 machine guns and a 76mm cannon spewing HE rounds? I'm seeing 40% casualties in less than a minute is what I'm seeing. In war, bad things happen to stupid combatants. Worse things happen to stupid combatants that are surprised and in a uniquely indefensible position.

I thought the Sherman v. Tiger fight earlier in the movie was really well done. But I remember hearing some forumites moan and groan about turret turning speeds of the tanks employed being unrealisic one way or the other. Nitpicking a pretty good scene to death and turning a plausible rendition of events into a picayune grumbling about how something may not have been perfectly to their expectations.

Over-analyzing some of these movies is tempting, but also removes the 'fun' of moviewatching. I'm as guilty as most I suppose. I can't watch Top Gun any more without berating this that or the other technical oversight. But it was a fun movie.

ETA: I recall seeing some pictures from the Battle of the Bulge (IRL, not the movie). A full squad of American infantry had been maneuvering down a country road in parade march when set upon by a German machine gun. All of the American infantry were down in the road atop one another-falling in organized rows. They had all been killed that quickly by the German MG. No time to react. No time to move. No time to do anything but die in place. A haunting image. And a reminder about the lethality of modern arms on exposed, tightly-bunched and unaware men.

Anachro -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 3:18:58 PM)

Top Gun is great for the opening scene and soundtrack alone.

AleRonin -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 4:14:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: HansBolter



In my personal list "xxxxx xxxxxx" and "Fury" are without any doubts among the worst movies ever...

You are new to the forum so we will cut you some slack, but you made the egregious error of naming the "movie that shall not be named".

Note that I have deleted it from the quote to avoid the same faux pas. [;)]

Sorry, I stand corrected [:D]

BBfanboy -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 4:19:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: HansBolter

Noticed something interesting. Robert Shaw's portrayal of Joachim Peiper in BotB has been mentioned.

The portrayal was as inaccurate as it gets. While a committed Nazi and SS commander, he was decidedly NOT the fanatic ready to sacrifice his troops for the cause as depicted. I highly recommend The Devil's Adjutant by Michael Reynolds, a biography of Peiper by a British Major General, for a realistic look at this controversial man.

That actually wasn't what I noticed as interesting though. The German actor who portrayed the officer under Peiper, who Peiper orders to send the troops to their deaths, is apparently a journeyman actor who appears in quite a few war movies of that era.

That actor also portrayed Werner Pluskat, in the Longest Day. He is the commander at the coastal gun battery with the pet German shepherd who gets on the phone to headquarters to announce the Allies are heading straight for him with 5,000 ships. The disdainful officer on the other end, of course, scoffs at the notion and states the Allies don't have 5,000 ships.

I happened to catch the Bridge at Remagen a couple of nights ago and noticed this same actor portrays the second in command at the bridge under the commanding officer portrayed by Robert Vaughn.

Don't know the mans name but a wiki search of those movies might reveal it.

And indeed it does! The man is Hans Christian Blech:

Interesting note on Hans Christian Blech.
According to Wiki, Robert Shaw did not portray Peiper himself but a fictitious fanatic named "Col. Hessler".

HansBolter -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 5:03:41 PM)




ORIGINAL: HansBolter

Noticed something interesting. Robert Shaw's portrayal of Joachim Peiper in BotB has been mentioned.

The portrayal was as inaccurate as it gets. While a committed Nazi and SS commander, he was decidedly NOT the fanatic ready to sacrifice his troops for the cause as depicted. I highly recommend The Devil's Adjutant by Michael Reynolds, a biography of Peiper by a British Major General, for a realistic look at this controversial man.

That actually wasn't what I noticed as interesting though. The German actor who portrayed the officer under Peiper, who Peiper orders to send the troops to their deaths, is apparently a journeyman actor who appears in quite a few war movies of that era.

That actor also portrayed Werner Pluskat, in the Longest Day. He is the commander at the coastal gun battery with the pet German shepherd who gets on the phone to headquarters to announce the Allies are heading straight for him with 5,000 ships. The disdainful officer on the other end, of course, scoffs at the notion and states the Allies don't have 5,000 ships.

I happened to catch the Bridge at Remagen a couple of nights ago and noticed this same actor portrays the second in command at the bridge under the commanding officer portrayed by Robert Vaughn.

Don't know the mans name but a wiki search of those movies might reveal it.

And indeed it does! The man is Hans Christian Blech:

Interesting note on Hans Christian Blech.
According to Wiki, Robert Shaw did not portray Peiper himself but a fictitious fanatic named "Col. Hessler".

Yea, the name was changed to protect the guilty.
Perhaps they chose not to depict Peiper outright as a result of the controversy surrounding the Malmedy Massacre trial and the fact that he was murdered in France in the 1950s. But we all know who Hessler was really supposed to be.

Interesting article on the Malmedy Massacre trial:

Canoerebel -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 6:18:09 PM)

I dunno, Chickenboy, that wasn't The Fury ending that I remember. I remember a battalion of enemy soldiers doing willfully ignorant things over a long period of time - i.e., intentionally and after they'd had time to gather their wits to figure out how to best attack a single disabled tank (from behind, ya think?). It's been about five years since I've seen it, though, so perhaps my memory is inaccurate.

warspite1 -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 6:43:15 PM)



Top Gun is great for the opening scene and soundtrack alone.

I think it's time we addressed the elephant in the room. Who is the real Top Gun?


Orm -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 6:45:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

I think it's time we addressed the elephant in the room. Who is the real Top Gun?

My Lord Warspite1, of course.

BBfanboy -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 9:33:10 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1

I think it's time we addressed the elephant in the room. Who is the real Top Gun?

My Lord Warspite1, of course.

G'wan! Warspite is good at sniping but for stand up shootout I choose this one:


AcePylut -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 10:45:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


Ok you want a bad war movie? Independence Day 2.

Dude. What did you expect? [8|]

That's like berating Pauly Shore's In the Army Now* for inaccuracies regarding Army Reserve deployment to Africa.

*I had to look this up on IMDB/Wikipedia. I have never actually watched this movie, nor would I invest/waste 2 hours of my life doing so. This movie / Pauly Shore reference are used for informational purposes only. Your milage may vary.

Something better...something like "Anyone who's ever had flight training, please report to Hanger B for introduction into flying the F18".

Oh wait that was the original ID lololol.

AcePylut -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/9/2019 11:37:00 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1

I think it's time we addressed the elephant in the room. Who is the real Top Gun?

My Lord Warspite1, of course.

My avatar name would disagree with that assessment :)

fcooke -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/13/2019 11:46:13 AM)

The real travesty was retiring the Tomcat....hopefully the A-10 avoids the same nonsense. Of course the F-35 can do everything - just nothing very well....

Maybe we need a Warthog movie - a couple could take out a battalion of T-72s - and then Ben could land in Moscow and rescue Putin's daughter....

Chickenboy -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/13/2019 3:31:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: fcooke

The real travesty was retiring the Tomcat....

My understanding is that it was a mechanical nightmare. Much worse than the F/A-18E/F build. With the demise of the Soviet navy's blue-water carrier threat, a purpose-built Air superiority fighter for carriers was redundant with more modest F-18 A2A capabilities. The logic of a purpose-built plane to carry an ancient long-range A2A missile (remember the 'Phoenix'?) no longer held sway in this environment. Efforts to retrofit F-14s to ad-hoc bombers (remember the 'Bombcat'?) to demonstrate its engagement flexibility were unconvincing.

The A-10 has a more germane and relevant pastime. There will always be a need for planes supporting ground troops with close air support.

CaptBeefheart -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/14/2019 5:07:12 AM)

I once heard a test pilot say having the wings out on an F-14 was an obvious signal that you had no energy, and a good opponent would take advantage of that. Of course he was an F-15 test pilot. ;-) And being McAir employees at the time, we both knew the F-18 was far easier to maintain than an F-14.


bobdina -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/14/2019 3:37:44 PM)

Great story of an F-14 pilot who said it was the right time to retire them because of maintenance issues.

rustysi -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/14/2019 7:21:28 PM)




ORIGINAL: HansBolter



In my personal list "xxxxx xxxxxx" and "Fury" are without any doubts among the worst movies ever...

You are new to the forum so we will cut you some slack, but you made the egregious error of naming the "movie that shall not be named".

Note that I have deleted it from the quote to avoid the same faux pas. [;)]

Sorry, I stand corrected [:D]

You'll learn.[:D]

Chickenboy -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/14/2019 7:32:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: bobdina

Great story of an F-14 pilot who said it was the right time to retire them because of maintenance issues.

That was an enjoyable read. Thank you for posting it. [8D]

Alpha77 -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/27/2019 5:43:21 PM)

Very big difference as fleet defenders between F18 and F14.... the latter is much more capable. IIRC it is faster, has better radar, has longer range (! which is important fighting vs. hordes of "red" backfire bombers each armed with 4 x long ranged fast AS missiles). I would even say the difference has simmilarities to the "reds" situation when they have SU27/30s vs. the older Mig23/21/SU22 etc. I am a veteran Harpoon player so I must know :)

I would even say I would rather take 1 F14 vs. 2 F18s :) Or 1 SU27 vs. 3 Mig21.

Btw. no one mentioned "The Patriot" on the bad side. Here a "funny" review:

The same guy reviews a bunch of history movies, quite interesting. Here also a movie on the GOOD side no one mentioned "No Mans Land" short review (this is about the balcan wars not WW1 btw)

Korvar -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/27/2019 6:06:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: bobdina

Great story of an F-14 pilot who said it was the right time to retire them because of maintenance issues.

It may have been mentioned in that article, but the joke was around the time of the F-14's retirement was you could walk the entire length of the carrier's hangar deck on the backs of F-14s undergoing maintenance without ever touching the deck.

The F-14 was always a higher maintenance aircraft, and an aging fleet of any aircraft will increase the ratio between flight time and wrench time to make them more and more of a hangar queen fleet.

That said, the US Navy did lose capability in the fleet defender role with the loss of the F-14. Not to knock the F-18, but the F-14 was superb in that role.

Chickenboy -> RE: Worst modern war film of all time (5/27/2019 6:36:59 PM)


Very big difference as fleet defenders between F18 and F14.... the latter is much more capable.

Maybe so, but I would rather have an aircraft in the air than in the hangar deck undergoing maintenance / repair. To me, mission capability and sortie strength are extremely important as well.

The F14 doesn't get to operate in a theoretical vacuum where only paper capabilities are comparable. Like in the game, an SR=4 aircraft is a liability relative to an SR=1 aircraft.

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