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werderwayne -> (6/29/2003 9:16:31 AM)

The previous post got messed up in the QUOTES department...sorry, it's a function of getting logged out every 2 minutes.


AmmoSgt -> (6/29/2003 12:09:21 PM)

What impresses me is that if the German even thought about making something it is in the game .. if the Allies made something that was problematic for the Germans to handle it is probably not ..
Just look at Mine Clearing .. Germans were incredibly weak in Mine Clearing, Yet they Have Mine Clearing Vehicles they never produced.
Allies developed several Mine Clearing techniques , yet are only allowed the ones that the Germans have as well... "must be that fair and balanced" thing the the Tiger Kiddies are afraid to play the game without.. Not every nation had to clear mines by hand ,, Allies had line charges and Bangalores , But everybody clears at the same rate . I don't know how a German Player can take any pride at all in claiming a win. geeze louise , and the whineing .. put a box of tissues in the German OOB fer Gawds sake .
Different Armies , Different strenghts and weaknesses , using different tactics ..
And thats the problem , Allies have been dumbed down to the point where every Army in the game has to fight the same way with similar equipment all averaged out to the lowest common denominator, The Germans, What the heck are you Tiger Kiddies so darn afraid of?
The Stuff I am pointing out that is missing from the US OOB is stuff that is critical to the proper execution of US tactics .. some folks play the US .. against serious players and against the AI that don't mind Historical situations ... note to Scenario designers .. just look at how many scenarios there are for the US that does not have a single US FO in the game, that has no Ordnance resupply.. you think that is historically correct? Really?
If the Tiger Kiddies are so afraid of this stuff spoiling their arcade shoot'em up's they don't have to play anybody that won't give it up in pre game negotations . Nobody is being fooled about the situation by leaving it out of the game entirely.

Voriax -> (6/29/2003 12:27:25 PM)

Ammo, what mine clearing vehicles????

Only German mine clearing vehicle in the game is Minenram Pz-III found in Czech oob as a 'scen only' unit with availability date Dec 1949.
As this vehicle will never come up in a pbem or campaign game due to the avail date I really see any reason to gripe???

You are correct though in that it was never produced. But this vehicle could be replaced with the Pz-1 mineclearing tank, at least it was produced, even though in small quantities.


werderwayne -> (6/29/2003 1:06:04 PM)

Did we get a little off-topic?


Voriax -> (6/29/2003 1:26:57 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by werderwayne
[B]Did we get a little off-topic?

-WW [/B][/QUOTE]

Oh my! Didn't notice :)
Well, I guess straying off-topic happens occasionally :rolleyes:


AmmoSgt -> (6/29/2003 2:50:34 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Voriax
[B]Ammo, what mine clearing vehicles????

Only German mine clearing vehicle in the game is Minenram Pz-III found in Czech oob as a 'scen only' unit with availability date Dec 1949.
As this vehicle will never come up in a pbem or campaign game due to the avail date I really see any reason to gripe???

You are correct though in that it was never produced. But this vehicle could be replaced with the Pz-1 mineclearing tank, at least it was produced, even though in small quantities.

Voriax [/B][/QUOTE]

OH, I see how this works now , I want US Stuff in the game that actually existed for players to use against the AI or against players that don't mind an honest game , or for historical scenario design , and every tiger kiddie in the world gets to bitch and moan to keep them out . But if I point out that the Germans have fantasy stuff for their "what if's" I have no right to comment because it is in the game for the exact same reason I want stuff that actually existed? Sounds "Fair and Balanced" to me .
So fantasy stuff is OK for German players for historical accuracy , But actual stuff for the US is too "what if" ?? I see how that works ...
Do you guys ever listen to yourselves ?

Voriax -> (6/29/2003 3:25:54 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by AmmoSgt
Do you guys ever listen to yourselves ? [/B][/QUOTE]

Do you?

Your holy crusade attitude unfortunately shows.

Did I ever say I'm against WP, carbines for trucks, Bangalores and like? Either here or in the chat? Did I?????

I only pointed out that in some cases they (may) require modifications to .exe and thus are very hard if not impossible to get in.

Some non-existing German or other country prototypes are not a problem for me, but they apparently are for you, even when their existence has minimal impact in the game.

And yes, fantasy stuff is okay for Germans for historical accuracy. It is also okay for US (M6A1) or Brits (Black prince)..ok, nearly fantasy stuff. Provided it's use is limited only 'what if' style scenarios. I think I've seen only one scenario where Minenram's were used..

Are there any 'fantasy units' in the standard oob and in it's standard formations? No. Do US troops lack a bunch of stuff? Yes. And feel free to add them for all I care.


AmmoSgt -> (6/29/2003 4:12:08 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Voriax
[B]Do you?

Your holy crusade attitude unfortunately shows.

Did I ever say I'm against WP, carbines for trucks, Bangalores and like? Either here or in the chat? Did I?????

I only pointed out that in some cases they (may) require modifications to .exe and thus are very hard if not impossible to get in.

Some non-existing German or other country prototypes are not a problem for me, but they apparently are for you, even when their existence has minimal impact in the game.

And yes, fantasy stuff is okay for Germans for historical accuracy. It is also okay for US (M6A1) or Brits (Black prince)..ok, nearly fantasy stuff. Provided it's use is limited only 'what if' style scenarios. I think I've seen only one scenario where Minenram's were used..

Are there any 'fantasy units' in the standard oob and in it's standard formations? No. Do US troops lack a bunch of stuff? Yes. And feel free to add them for all I care.

Voriax [/B][/QUOTE]

M6A1 was made in Quanity ( about 50, heck of a lot more than some German Stuff) and deployed in Bn Strenght Stateside. Just Like many German vehicles it Didn't see any Action outside of it's home Country. Being Deployed for Defense of the Home Country counts. I know it sounds odd to some folks to actually be able to defend your Home Country to the point that nobody can invade it. But unlike Germany and Italy and Japan , thats exactly what the Americans and Brits did . :)
If I sound like I am on a Crusade , I'll take that as a complement, Eisenhower Liked that word. I have been advocating for 3 years , back since SPWAW 4.0 to just get real stuff in the game for the US. I keep getting told by both staffers and german players US Tactics are not "fun" and Unbalance the game, How can anybody tell anybody else what tactics are fun for them , especially when they are a heck of a lot more Historically correct than the current game options for the Allies .. That really ticks me off, If they aren't fun for you then don't play that way .,.. but IMHO it is a **** poor reason to leave real units and capabilites out of a game that others might enjoy playing more if it had any chance of executing realistic tactics for the Winning Powers in the War.
When you get past all the BS reasons it comes down to a simple lack of will to buck the Tiger Kiddies that act like they are scared to death of even a unrestricted game with the existing stuff in the game at even odds , God forbid the US get any more stuff that they can'rt cope with, Heck they can't cope with half the stuff that is already in the game, so why would anything change if more stuff they can't deal with is added . You cannot simulate tactical competence by reducing the effectiveness of Units you can't cope with or fighting against inculding units you don't want to deal with in the game. Rigging the game is not a win, unless of course you are a Tiger Kiddie .. Then you will take any win you can get anyway you can get it.

Frank W. -> (6/29/2003 6:09:56 PM)


you have overworked the US oob and send them to pz. leo ( for use in H2H) and b. melvin ( for use in the new OOB set ) ???

"The new Matrix Official OOB's, SHP files, LBM's patch in now being
prepared by Matrix games for official release.

The ETA will be in about 30 days"

if not, STOP ranting and do it.

or just mail the persons and tell them the changes you would like.......they can then be opnely discussed.

and: i´m now even more confused about the M9 bazookas!
ARE they now overpowered in game or not ? perhaps anyone have some RELIABLE data ( perhaps in comparison with the german gz. fausts or pz. schrecks ? )

Charles2222 -> (6/30/2003 5:29:32 AM)

PLease note, I wrote these comments as I read the quoted portions, so what may look as though I'm not understanding, may soon clear up further into the post


Stug production went east tanks went west.

That's the same thing you said in the first place, and it's just as muddy now. If you mean what I now think you mean, what you're saying is that stug production, or new stugs went east, while new tanks went west. Still don't agree. BTW, when you say stug, I think you're still not clear. Perhaps you should resort to the more general term "tank-destroyer", because the "true stugs" were the "SG" lineup, whereas the tank-destroyers would more commonly also fit the JPZ's in as well. In any event, assuming I've hit on one of the possibilities of your meaning, i don't believe any of them (except for the Bulge of course). I don't know why you'd think the 'stugs' were going east, or more peculiarly the tanks going west, when it's normal to send tanks where the tank divisions were, and that post-Bulge was east. Nevertheless, you're more than welcome to prove it again.


If you can count is not snide. You state you don't trust me I say go count them your self.

Maybe where you come from it isn't, but to say "if you can count" is to tell me I'm stupid; snide indeed. In any part of the USA I know of, it is an insult. If you instead had said "go count" or "you can count" those aren't insults. Your English doesn't seem too precise, so naturally you may not understand the HUGE difference in whether you threw one word in there or not.


If you can count is not snide. You state you don't trust me I say go count them your self. If you examine Panzer Regt you will observe one or more Bn being replaced by Stug. If you check all Panzer and Panzer Grn Div you will find a number that on June 6 1944 have Panzer Regt with 0 tanks (stugs instead)

That's not tanks moving west, and I'm pretty sure you'll find the divisions of the west, at about the same time, with a stug regiment as well. Perhaps you already know this, but when the divisions became low enough on tanks, instead of keeping a weak third regiment, or balancing all the tanks between the three regiments, they took the 3rd regiment and consolidated all the tanks into the 1st two regiments, thus, when say 10 stugs arrived and 10 tanks, the tanks went into the 1st and 2nd regiment while the 10 stugs started the 3rd regiment.


The Germans were not adding stugs they were using them in place of tanks.

Yes and no. When they had 3 regiments of tanks, naturally they didn't have any stugs. When the stugs arrive new, they in a sense replace the tanks, since there is no longer a 3rd regiment of them, but any that arrive go into the 1st two regiments, while any new stugs go to the 3rd. I don't think this was regulated to just new stugs either. I think a number of infantry divisions had those stugs stripped from them to help the panzer divisions too.


Even some west front formations had this change.
Okay, well we're agreed on that then.


Although total numbers of tanks is on the rise, the total on the east front remains fairly stable. The number of stugs however continues to rise. I conclude the stug was gaining in importance on the eastern front while the tank was being held in the west.

That may be so, but I sure haven't seen any documentation that showed to what front new AFV's were going.


Just look at Mine Clearing .. Germans were incredibly weak in Mine Clearing, Yet they Have Mine Clearing Vehicles they never produced.

As far as I know the minenrams or whatever they were called, were removed from the game. Other than not having mobile mine-removers, I wonder how you come to the conclusion that GE was "incredibly weak" in that department? They apparently didn't have too much problems with Eban Emal (sp) . the Maginot Line, or Tobruk. Slower than some perhaps, but they seemed to manage. Incredibly weak to me is 30% or worse, the efficiency of what it's compared to. The USSR has used penal battalions/cows at times, and though it may had been primitive I'm sure it was reasonably quick. That's the secret weapon the USSR needs, cows to blow up mines!


Allies developed several Mine Clearing techniques , yet are only allowed the ones that the Germans have as well... "must be that fair and balanced" thing the the Tiger Kiddies are afraid to play the game without.. Not every nation had to clear mines by hand ,, Allies had line charges and Bangalores , But everybody clears at the same rate . I don't know how a German Player can take any pride at all in claiming a win. geeze louise , and the whineing .. put a box of tissues in the German OOB fer Gawds sake .

Because maybe everyone that with any regularity plays GE, isn't on some kind of quest to look for every little nat's worth of advantage that they had that the Allies didn't (Goliaths anyone?).


M6A1 was made in Quanity ( about 50, heck of a lot more than some German Stuff) and deployed in Bn Strenght Stateside. Just Like many German vehicles it Didn't see any Action outside of it's home Country.

Irrelevant point. The war wasn't fought in the States, AT ALL, and it WAS in GE. Yes, we might be with glee if we nit-picked and left every vehicle that never crossed the borders of GE and make it useable only there, and how you know that I'd like to know, but that's impossible depth to the game. Does that also mean that if you're defending in Sevastopol, that I get to use my not-in-the-game Dora? mu-ha-ha-ha-ha.:eek:


I keep getting told by both staffers and german players US Tactics are not "fun" and Unbalance the game, How can anybody tell anybody else what tactics are fun for them , especially when they are a heck of a lot more Historically correct than the current game options for the Allies ..

Please don't misunderstand that I'm siding with you on this one, but one possible explanation is that the game is being designed for this awful balance thing. Everything is pretty much revolved around the idea of human playing human, therefore, no human will play, or at least very long when the odds are stacked so heavily against them. In CL, this 'could' change, if the operational layer is any good. Imagine for example how fun it would be, even if you're the side getting stomped all the time, to bide your battles and save up for a select few where you throw in practically everything and have the opponent going :eek:. Of course, having said that, two of the problems of SP is that the opponent is NEVER beyond a certain size for the given battle, and also that you have the unnatural boundaries of the screen edges. I just moan in a pathetic wimper when I think of all that scenario design when the designer may think they're clever by having some flank attack from some fairly unlikely place. The main thing wrong with that, is that the flanking force is unnatural, because until it enters that one crummy hex, I can't attack it in the slightest. It rather damages the adage that plans don't survive enemy contact when we always know the relative size of what we cannot even see yet (3X our force maybe) and that we can never escape the boundaries. Sure there are boundaries sooner or later, but not in every battle. A battle against a force holding a town could easily turn into a change of direction and attacking another force attacking the front's flank. Boy, I don't know what I'd give to play a campaign battle where I'd be able to attack from both the front and the rear of the enemy in a given battle, and his subsequent possible sliding right out of my grasp. We need battle attention more than weapon attention.


When you get past all the BS reasons it comes down to a simple lack of will to buck the Tiger Kiddies that act like they are scared to death of even a unrestricted game with the existing stuff in the game at even odds , God forbid the US get any more stuff that they can'rt cope with, Heck they can't cope with half the stuff that is already in the game, so why would anything change if more stuff they can't deal with is added .

You need to be more consistent. You're the one afterall who's always crying that all the Axis players want to always have a field full of Tigers. If you got your precious WP, or whatever else, would you be willing to run into an SS Heavy Tank Regiment with support? It don't sound like it.

Frank W. -> (6/30/2003 7:47:37 AM)

i have first hand information from guderian himself.

he complained about that 44 + 45 too much tanks
going to the west, so he could barely form any counter
attack armor force on the eastern front.

some valuable tank divs were even send to rumania
and hungary for "political" reasons as hitler said. and
he wanted to protect the oil fields. but of course this
up splitting of the units was a mistake. most germans
in 44+45 wanted to defend the east and let the western
allies conquer more of germany ( as they realised that
the war was lost ), because of the fear of the russian
hordes and the bolshewism ( sp ? )....

mogami -> East Front after Normany (6/30/2003 8:27:28 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Frank W.
[B]i have first hand information from guderian himself.

he complained about that 44 + 45 too much tanks
going to the west, so he could barely form any counter
attack armor force on the eastern front.

some valuable tank divs were even send to rumania
and hungary for "political" reasons as hitler said. and
he wanted to protect the oil fields. but of course this
up splitting of the units was a mistake. most germans
in 44+45 wanted to defend the east and let the western
allies conquer more of germany ( as they realised that
the war was lost ), because of the fear of the russian
hordes and the bolshewism ( sp ? ).... [/B][/QUOTE]

Hi, And of course Hitler had the other idea. By fighting hard in the West and letting the East go. The Western alliance would, rather then let Eastern Europe go to the Soviets come to terms.

Panzer Leo -> (6/30/2003 2:13:33 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Frank W.
and: i´m now even more confused about the M9 bazookas!
ARE they now overpowered in game or not ? perhaps anyone have some RELIABLE data ( perhaps in comparison with the german gz. fausts or pz. schrecks ? ) [/B][/QUOTE]

This has been discussed up and down for quite some time...main problem is, that with the given engine it is almost impossible to simulate a Bazooka type weapon correctly.

In particular being that the decrease of accuracy after a range of 100-150m. These weapons (Bazooka and PzSchreck) were able to hit larger immobile targets reasonably good at much longer ranges (at least 300-400m) like houses and were used quite frequently in that role.
If you now give a Bazooka a range of 7 hexes, it automatically becomes more accurate on ranges of 4-6 hex then you want it to be and there's simply no way to alter that.
Also a squad weapon always gets the bonus of the squads FC value, increasing it even further.

What I did as a workaround now for the new version is: I gave AT-rockets in squad formations a range of 4 (200m), but the last hex of a max range gets a huge penalty, so leaving them with a reasonable effective range of 150m against vehicles.

Individual AT-units are much more expensive and I decided to give them the ability to go further then 200m, namely 7 hexes (350m).
As I could regulate the FC value, they do not go off on the accuracy as a Ranger squad would do...but they're still a bit too accurate over 150m...but that's what we have to live with...

On historical comparison:

M1 and M9 Bazookas:

effective range against vehicles: up to 120m
penetration depending on rocket from 100 to 125mm
the Bazooka rocket suffered from an unreliable fuze mainly because of the rocket's tip shape, causing the projectile to glance off sloped plates sometimes or delays in detonating when hitting the ground at odd angles.

M20 Bazooka:

as far as I know it never saw service in WWII, but maybe AmmoSgt knows more...


is commonly referred to as an improved design over the M1/M9 in terms of range, flight stability and penetration, mainly due to the larger rocket diameter (88mm instead of 60mm) and a better detonator.
Effective against vehicles up to 150m with a penetration of 160mm - 180mm, depending on source.
Main setback compared to the M9 can be seen in the missing optical sight as the M9 did have one.


a completely different system (non-reloadable), not really comparable to the weapons above. Usually fired at ranges not greater then 50m (first model only up to 30m).
At close ranges reasonably accurate, biggest advantages being the high penetration ability of at least 200mm, ease of use and considerably good anti-personel effect due to large explosives amount/warhead.

Range of PzFsts in H2H are either 1 or 2 hex.

AmmoSgt -> (6/30/2003 9:03:53 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Panzer Leo
[B]This has been discussed up and down for quite some time...main problem is, that with the given engine it is almost impossible to simulate a Bazooka type weapon correctly.

In particular being that the decrease of accuracy after a range of 100-150m. These weapons (Bazooka and PzSchreck) were able to hit larger immobile targets reasonably good at much longer ranges (at least 300-400m) like houses and were used quite frequently in that role.
If you now give a Bazooka a range of 7 hexes, it automatically becomes more accurate on ranges of 4-6 hex then you want it to be and there's simply no way to alter that.
Also a squad weapon always gets the bonus of the squads FC value, increasing it even further.

What I did as a workaround now for the new version is: I gave AT-rockets in squad formations a range of 4 (200m), but the last hex of a max range gets a huge penalty, so leaving them with a reasonable effective range of 150m against vehicles.

Individual AT-units are much more expensive and I decided to give them the ability to go further then 200m, namely 7 hexes (350m).
As I could regulate the FC value, they do not go off on the accuracy as a Ranger squad would do...but they're still a bit too accurate over 150m...but that's what we have to live with...

On historical comparison:

M1 and M9 Bazookas:

effective range against vehicles: up to 120m
penetration depending on rocket from 100 to 125mm
the Bazooka rocket suffered from an unreliable fuze mainly because of the rocket's tip shape, causing the projectile to glance off sloped plates sometimes or delays in detonating when hitting the ground at odd angles.

M20 Bazooka:

as far as I know it never saw service in WWII, but maybe AmmoSgt knows more...


is commonly referred to as an improved design over the M1/M9 in terms of range, flight stability and penetration, mainly due to the larger rocket diameter (88mm instead of 60mm) and a better detonator.
Effective against vehicles up to 150m with a penetration of 160mm - 180mm, depending on source.
Main setback compared to the M9 can be seen in the missing optical sight as the M9 did have one.


a completely different system (non-reloadable), not really comparable to the weapons above. Usually fired at ranges not greater then 50m (first model only up to 30m).
At close ranges reasonably accurate, biggest advantages being the high penetration ability of at least 200mm, ease of use and considerably good anti-personel effect due to large explosives amount/warhead.

Range of PzFsts in H2H are either 1 or 2 hex. [/B][/QUOTE]

I agree with much of your post Leo with a couple of exceptions , However first , the M20 issue .. I have read reports that some ( a few )made it to the ETO in the last months of the war.. nothing more firm than that.

exception 1, range and accuracy Bazooka v Panzershreck
Shreck had crude sights made from , basically, a piece of wire with two markings 100 and 200 yards .. M1A1 Bazooka wasn't much better, However the M9A1 had optical sights with range and lead caculator grid calibrated to 400 yards , giving a range estimation capability and some systematic method of ploting a "lead" on a moving vehicle. given the compareabilty of the sights I would give the M9A1 about 5 to 10 times better chance to hit past 150 meters, especially on a moving target, Both weapons fire an incredibly slow rocket aprox 100 meters per second , having some way to estimate range and lead is incredibly important past 100 meters ( 15 MPH / 25 KPH is about 25 feet/ 8 meters per second, or about a tank lenght in the time of flight to 100 meter in target distance)
As Far as the PanzerFaust is concerned , the sights are useless in the underarm firing position , but still very crude in the over the sholder firing position and I agree with the 1-2 hex range MAX

exception 2 Warheads .. true early M6A1 ( and Panzershreck) ammo had a spitzer shaped warhead with some problems if it hit at too great an angle on a sloped surface ( this is a in game calculation for the HEAT ammo already) , However the M6A3 had a rounded shaped warhead to reduce this problem.

Exception 3, Anti- Personel use of Anti Tank Ammo, due to the nature of HEAT Ammo you get very little fragentation, and blast alone in a poor casulity producer ( Blast alone from a 500 pound bomb produces lethal over pressure to only about 25 feet/ 8 meters, This is why entrenchments and bunkers work so well) .. You need a fragmentation effect to reliably produce casulties. The Bazooka had an Anti personel HE round that was designed to produce casulities ( weight of charge was around half a pound/ 250 grams or about 3 times the explosive weight of a handgrenade) The bazooka also had a WP round for Smoke/Incenderary/ Anti- Personnel. Fuzing is also different. To illustrate what I mean , The M2A3 engineering shape charge ( of which I have personally shot a couple hundred ) weights 15 pounds with a 10 pound HE charge using a fiberboard case and a glass cone gives off NO frags { rocks and gravel may be a problem} and given ear and eye and direct blast protection you can be fairly close with no problems) ( Similar to the shaped charges used by the Germans on Eban Emmauel) . So IF you must give a HEAT Weapons a Anti Personnel capability concider how HEAT is handled V. infantry from other weapons like Tank main Gun ect. There is a real reason no other HEAT round in the game is given a credible Anti- Personnel effect.

An Additonal point the I think is critical, given the short engagement range for these weapons , spotting. The Shreck had a MUCH largers signature than the Bazooka or the Faust, much more rear blast and front flash to the point that early versions required protective clothing and later a large front shield , both features making it much easier to spot .

No Question the German stuff had a higher Armor Pen and were more lethal against armor if they hit, but you have to give a real edge to the M9 in the accuracy category , especially beyond 100 meters/yards or on moving targets.
One other point that you may find arguementative , Training, particularly in the case of the Faust, as I understand the situation, most of your Faust shooters fired their first round in combat.

Belisarius -> (6/30/2003 9:55:19 PM)

Does anyone have any combat statistics about 'Zooks and PzFausts/Schrecks??

So much for theoretical numbers and soldier training....that have these and these sights... that one has such and such warhead...

But a kill is a kill first when the target is dead. So...can anyone dig up some kind of combat record of these weapons?

Voriax -> (7/1/2003 1:15:07 AM)

Ammo, could yuu give some details about that HE bazooka round? Could it be that it was for M20 only or post-war?
The reason I'm asking this is that 'Catalogue of standard ordnance items, 1944 second edition' does not know said munition. Only 3 types of HEAt and one WP


AmmoSgt -> (7/1/2003 2:30:37 AM)

The M6A1 and M6A3 should be pure HEAT The WP is the M2? if I remember correctly ( I haven't had the FM in my hand for quite a while ) I think if you check on that 3rd HEAT Round it has a prefragmented casing around the charge and about the same pen as the A1 version. The rifle grenade with the same basic head is the M9 I think, Maybe the M7A1.. I honestly don't remember the designation for sure, I may have to order the FM ... Might try to change the class on the Bazooka to Napalm and see if it just effects the graphics on the HE/WP but not on the HEAT ..
I am thinking maybe if we make a WP only bazooka and make it a second weapon in the Bazooka team folks can keep it turned off under normal conditions and turn off the Heat only first bazooka with no anti personal rating .. sorta like having to preselect what round you have on hand for op fire .. and be able to switch back and forth as needed. I dunno, might be problems with that
But if folks decide to try and fire both at once we would just cut the rate of fire down to 5 or something maybe Infantry Flame instead of napalm ..I dunno yet still playing with ideas .

Voriax -> (7/1/2003 2:43:43 AM)

Ammo, according to that manual M6A1 and M6A2 are the same, except A2 is a field modification that has a contact ring which is removed in the A1.
M6A3 on the other hand has that roundnosed warhed. No mention of any fragmentation ring whatsoever. And then the M10 WP rocket.

Btw this manual is available in pdf form from http://carlisle-www.army.mil/usamhi/DL/chron.htm#AWorldWarII19391945
if you want to d/l one for your own use.


Vathailos -> One on-topic observation and one vote (7/1/2003 3:39:08 AM)

First the vote. I'd love to see WP rounds introduced as AP/Smoke ammo for the US tanks.

Now, an observation. I hear a lot of complaints about the accuracy/power of aircraft (particularly rocket firing planes). Also lamented is the lackluster performance of AAA. I think those complaining about ineffective air defense could be failing to try it with elite crews.

In long campaigns, some folks don't add AA to their core. I've played long WWII campaigns again and again (and many times as Germany) and know the shift of air power all too well, and the havoc it can wreak in 44-45. I’ve started to make even my small core contain at least 8 AA assets, that should be “elite” by that point. Typically the 4 AT 88’s I purchase at the start are converted to 88AA’s and I’ve typically got 4 mobile quads also (either wirble or mobel). They do surprisingly well against allied air when properly placed. Give it a try.

Has anyone else experienced similar successes with AA assets? How about opposite experiences? What say you about “elite” AA units against an enemy’s direct-attack aircraft support?

Panzer Leo -> (7/1/2003 4:08:19 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Belisarius
[B]Does anyone have any combat statistics about 'Zooks and PzFausts/Schrecks??

So much for theoretical numbers and soldier training....that have these and these sights... that one has such and such warhead...

But a kill is a kill first when the target is dead. So...can anyone dig up some kind of combat record of these weapons? [/B][/QUOTE]

I primarely based my arguments on comments and essays made by US military personel in early '45, as it was sent to Eisenhower by General White, Commander of the 2nd armored after making a field evaluation of US equipement in comparison to German.

On the aspect of infantry AT-weapons:

Bazooka: The German bazooka is definitely superior, with greater penetrating effect and concussion. It is more accurate and has a greater effective range. The Panzerfaust is an effective and simple weapon to operate. It is highly effective against armor and also against personnel. We have equipped our infantry and reconnaissance units with captured German bazookas and they have great confidence in them. Since we habitually carry them on vehicles, their greater weight than the U.S. type is not a factor.

General White is basing this statement on tests like this one:

Bazookas - In training tests using the regular U.S. bazookas and the German "81-mm" bazooka the following results were obtained:

Firing at a Mark V tank from ranges of eighty to two hundred yards both side and front armor were penetrated each time the tank was hit. Approximately twelve rounds were fired. In each case where the target was missed, the projectile detonated upon hitting the ground. Firing at the same target at a range of eighty yards with the U.S. bazooka, out of ten hits on the side armor, only three penetrations were obtained. At two hundred yards no penetrations were scored. In cases where the target was missed, the projectile generally did not detonate upon hitting the ground. Up to ranges of two hundred yards, the German weapons was more accurate, possessing a flatter trajectory than ours. Tests indicate the German bazooka is far superior to ours.

-Lt. Col. L. W. Correll, Commanding 17th Armored Engineer Battalion

Yep, I noticed the typo "81mm" also :D

Bazooka. Well, we had the first one. And that is about all that can be said for it. The German bazooka makes ours look sick, not only in effect but in accuracy.

-Lt Coulter Montgomery

The full comments on all kinds of equipement can be read here:



A very interesting aspect: the 90mm TDs of the 2nd armored haven't seen any HVAP ammo, the 76mm only rarely...

This kind of leads me to the following assumptions (others also made before):

- the Bazooka rocket tumbles (explaining the decreasing penetration effect over range and its inaccuracy)
- has a bad ignition system (causing it sometimes to glance off without detonating)

The above would make an optical sight a nice feature, but it does not really help a lot, as the poor rocket negates the positive effect.

On the PzFaust:

When Germans fired more PzFausts against personel then against tanks (just a short look on how many were used and how many tanks there actually were driving around) and the US troops say it was highly effective in that role and used by them also, AmmoSgts theory on HEAT rounds does not really hit the nail on the head (I fired HEAT rounds from a Panzerfaust 44 myself and I can say that personel in close range without proper protection will take casualties by flying stones, dirt, cap shrapnel and blast effect).
The PzFausts in H2H are by no means mass killers - they make a casualty here and there and that should be pretty realsitic.
The explosives of a PzFaust was around 800g - 10 times of a handgrenade...enough to have at least some noteworthy effect.

Belisarius -> (7/1/2003 4:33:27 AM)


Yeah, I've been reading those statements too. (can't recall when exactly but it wasn't too long ago) It's interesting to see the statement that White says they rather took the Panzerfausts over the bazookas if they could.

I think your modifications sound fairly reasonable, and will hopefully be balanced enough but gameplay will tell. ;) Personally I'm more concerned about the 'zookas, as they are killers....it's OK with me, but since every Joe down to the company cook has one, they can be a nuisance.

Akmatov -> Thanks werderwayne (7/1/2003 5:04:26 AM)

for the address. As you say, a very serious group.

Frank W. -> (7/1/2003 4:08:30 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Panzer Leo
Bazooka: The German bazooka is definitely superior, with greater penetrating effect and concussion. It is more accurate and has a greater effective range. [/B][/QUOTE]

mhhh.. in the game the US weapons are better.

perhaps an attempt to help the US somewhat more
against the cats ?

mhh... in the case of "balancing the game" despite realistic
values perhaps someone should look at the brits. the
poor tommys have no zooks only the weak piats, their
inf squads are weaker than the US ones. their tanks
are average at best ( esp. in firing after moving ! in this
special case the US ones seem to be the best - M18 for
example ).

AmmoSgt -> (7/1/2003 10:21:43 PM)

Did a quick Search on Google using "Combat History Bazooka" here are some interesting finds in the first 10 hits ...




And as far as training goes ... 1200 rounds fired in intensive 3 day training session ...( Boy, I would have loved to be there for that ) http://www.coulthart.com/134/chapter_10.htm

There are a lot of these combat histories on the web.. some are pretty spotty, some reveal some interesting details and incredible stories of Bravery and the vargarities of Combat.. While I trying to find some links to post on Bazooka performance I ran across ...
this one is well worth reading just for general info ..

Note the 3000 yard kill in the History of the 100th and the Jagtiger. Also note how much time these guys spent firing as Artillery.

AmmoSgt -> (7/1/2003 11:01:05 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Frank W.
[B]mhhh.. in the game the US weapons are better.

perhaps an attempt to help the US somewhat more
against the cats ?

mhh... in the case of "balancing the game" despite realistic
values perhaps someone should look at the brits. the
poor tommys have no zooks only the weak piats, their
inf squads are weaker than the US ones. their tanks
are average at best ( esp. in firing after moving ! in this
special case the US ones seem to be the best - M18 for
example ). [/B][/QUOTE]

Leo's OPINION as to better is I think a minority view.. depends on what you mean by better.. Better Pen for sure.. but more accurate .. I don't see how crude wire sights would be better than optics with a range estimation reticle like i discussed above, Nobody else in the world conciders shooting anything in what is esentially Protective gear and mask ( for the early shrecks ) more accurate than firing without the mask et al . Firing from behind a little window in a shield is not much better , some but not much. Everybody has opinions . ..They are different but , better depends on the situation.. German Ammo was what ? about 6 lbs.. US Ammo about 2 Lbs ..who carries more ammo? . Even the Germans admit that the size and weight of the Shreck created problems on returning to cover or leaving the area after firing. If we are going to start giving an anti infantry value to Shreck rounds .. however small .. then Main Gun and Howitzer HEAT should be looked at. HEAT is hard coded so you cannot engage infantry with it as I understand the situation. The US Bazooka had at least the WP round for anti-personnel that everybody agrees upon and as soon as I can find the M designation of the HE Frag round we can all agree upon that. The German bazooka does NOT in fact have a designed Anti personnel round.
In all Honesty, properly rated ( HEAT is not a frag round, unless it has been sleeved , and few were sleeved to be DP ammo) to a lower HE Kill than the same proper HE round I have no problem with HEAT being able to engage infantry and have some effect.. However there is nothing special about the Shreck Ammo that would make it an exception in the game over, say , 25 lber or 105 HEAT, in fact if anything, the Shreck round is much lighter with much less HE in it than say a British 88mm/ 25 lber HEAT Round, even 75mm HEAT is heavier and has more HE than a Shreck round. So if you want that addressed within the bounds of the game I support it, To just make up a HE round for the Shreck because you need it to offset the HE/WP ammo for the bazooka is just more Fantasy.. Now, I support Leo doing whatever Leo wants with H2H Leo's Game .. he did the work, but as far as SPWAW is concerned, if the issue is HEAT as anti-personnel then all HEAT should be addresses and a proper WP round for the bazooka needs to be figured out . HEAT can indeed produce casulities , so can fireworks, The Question is , is the ammo DESIGNED to reliably produce casulites against a squad sized target dispersed over terrain? or Did shooting at HARDPOINT Fortifications create the ocasional casulitiy due to the terrain providing some contribtion to substitute for the lack of fragmentation. The BLAST alone is a poor casulity maker. I think the traditional case that HEAT is a Hard Point target weapon has kept it from being seriously concidered as a casulity producer against Infantry. The Shreck and the Faust were made as Anti Tanks weapons , the Bazooka was made as a portable Weapon for the Infantry to engage a variety of targets and ammunition to support that concept was designed and issued to that purpose. Sorta like the US 57 mm V the Brit 6 lber, same basic gun .. but for some reason beyond my understanding .. the Brits were very reluctant to provide otherwise perfectly good guns with HE. Heck , with the 6lber .. instead of just using US Ammo they rebored the whole barrel to 75mm to make a HE weapon out of it .. go figure.

Vathailos -> Just a thought based on more modern AT weapons experience. (7/1/2003 11:19:09 PM)

Ammo SGT, I’ve had the opportunity to fire both LAWs and AT-4s out of the US arsenal, and I thought I’d share some information about sights. My experience includes firing both types at stationary as well as moving targets at ranges from 75m (LAW only) to about 200m (where the LAW is, based on my experience, utterly useless, as opposed to mostly useless ;)).

The LAW has sights with staggered range ticks as well as a “lead” guide for moving targets built into “pop-up” plastic sights. Understandable that they’re cheap, as almost all US light and medium-AT infantry weapons are one-shot disposable units. For the era in which they were produced, the sights are adequate. The sights on the AT-4 are more advanced plastic pop-ups, but not really a great improvement in increasing accuracy.

What made the difference for me was the charge behind the projectile, and it’s ability to travel toward that aim point and strike the target effectively. The LAW is horrible in this regard. Despite having a range estimation gauge on the site, the rocket itself has to be lobbed at targets. It’s arc is not so pronounced as to make it an effective weapon for covering dead-space in most instances (like an MK-19 or M203, or older M49), but pronounced enough to make firing one much more an art than a science. The only way to become efficient in engaging targets with such a weapon IMO is practice with “Kentucky windage”.

The AT-4 on the other hand has sights that I didn’t find to be a great improvement over the LAW, but I was able to hit targets reliably at much larger distances. On a light note, during training I hit a hulk at almost 200m by banking the round off sand about 20m in front of the target. The round itself didn’t detonate until it hit the target, tearing up the roadwheels. Enter the "Magic B.B."

Much text to simply point out that more accurate sites in this case, when not combined with an effective projectile, were not of much use. I'm not familiar with the bazooka or the panzerfaust/shreck. But sights are a portion of the "accuracy" picture. Projectile speed and stabilization methods are other equally important aspects. Which I think you gather.

EDITED for those who prefer complete, intact thoughts

AmmoSgt -> (7/1/2003 11:45:44 PM)

Vath yeah .. I agree .. but what you are saying applies to both the Bazooka and the Shreck, as both were SLOW aprox 300 feet per second ( 100 meters per second). What I am saying is given equal velocity and therefore equal arc or lobbing .. the one with the better sights , especially with range estimation reticle and a lead scale is going to have the superior accuracy. especially beyond 100 yards/meters. Also the some 40 rounds per man that the US Army gave Troops in training on the Bazooka could only help in the accuracy department. Just look at any Range recovery report on US Training Ranges .. the Number 1 Item is invariably the Bazooka , there must have been an ungoddly number of rounds fired in training. The whole Production of M6A1 rounds was superceeded in Jan 1644 by the higher pen M6A3 and then they were expended in training ( aside from the relatively few used in North Africa and the Med).

Akmatov -> (7/2/2003 12:31:23 AM)

Basically, if you want to hit anything with a LAW, intentionally, you need to let it get into the traditional "whites of their eyes" range, i.e. if you can spit on it, you can probably hit it. NOT a method I would prefer for myself.

Panzer Leo -> (7/2/2003 1:03:52 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by AmmoSgt
[B]Leo's OPINION as to better is I think a minority view.. [/B][/QUOTE]

That's true, a real minority: the guys that actually fired both weapons in real life... :D

How does it come, Ammo, that you always give me the feeling you don't read my posts and refer to arguments I made, but rather keep on posting all kinds of stuff you can find, even if it's only slightly touching what we're talking about...

Also you almost completely ignored what I wanted to say.
But rather then grumbling, I looked at your links and the result is:

2 of your five links didn't contain the word "Bazooka"
1 Link speaks of US troops immediately using captured German AT-rockets
1 Has nothing really to say about Bazookas, but has a huge amount of text

1 is an actual test report of a Bazooka:

The results and conclusions when looking at it:

16 rounds fired, all but one aimed at the flank or rear of a Panther, range unknown.

5 hits in the suspension, all are questionable in causing immediate immobilization

2 turret penetrations

2 rear hull penetrations

1 side hull penetration

6 completely ineffective hits

No misses reported (indicating range was not too great).

A note by the officer reporting:
- hits on the frontal armor are unlikely to penetrate due to ricochet

So under perfect training conditions with aiming at the weaker parts of the Panther, not even a third of the hits was able to put it out of action...and now imagine combat situations :eek:

So if this shall by any means be a test to promote the capability of the Bazooka, I can't see how that should work in a favourable way for it.

Here again are my assumptions on weaknesses of the Bazooka:

- the rocket tends to tumble, causing it's penetration ability and accuracy to drop over range

- the ignition system is not reliable, causing ricochets and late detonations

Both technical setbacks cause the weapon to stay below a performence it could have had with optical sights and in terms of lethality to heavier tanks.

AmmoSgt -> (7/2/2003 3:16:32 AM)

Leo I am not sure what issues of yours I am not addressing .. I am trying to address them all, as well as everybody elses. It iis very frustrating not having access to the US Army Ordnance Corp History which has the details of what and when stuff was introduced and the performance records, as well as not having ready access to Army FM's anymore. I am doing my Honest best to remember what I have read from these sources, and from what I know from personel experience ( such as firing while in protective gear and the usefullness of rangefinding sights ).
The Bazooka was a popular weapon with the troops and the Troops had a lot of confidence in it . Yes the "test Tank Diagram " talks about side and rear hits, thats because some folks are more concerned with what does work and how to best use a weapon, than to just focus on what doesn't work and try and just dismiss a weapon because it has limits. Every weapon has limits and every weapon has good points.
I don't know where you are getting that the bazooka round tumbled and had Fuzing Problems ( ignition you call it ) ..HEAT ammo regardless of nationality or time period has critical limits to proper fuzing , jet formation and sucsessful penetration, this is recognized and is an "in the game" calculation for all HEAT ammo. This has been exploited by almost all Armies since HEAT was introduced, from track skirts to spaced armor to reactive cells, and HEAT ammo has evolved to overcome these countermeasures. HEAT ammo operates on the Monroe effect, it forms a plasma jet that is focused forward and uses about 80% of the blast energy in a directional plasm jet of molten material from the "cone" various penetrative effects can be achieved by varying "cone " material and "cone " angle, but invariably the blast going to the sides and rear is much reduced and special arrangements in the ammo itself is required to make a HEAT round an effective anti personnel weapon in it's own right. On troops inside a closed space the plasma jet can be devestating (closed modern APC's, pillboxes , inside tanks ..ect) but in the open you have two problems .. first the ground itself is usually at to much of an angle for relaible fuze operation and regular earth, brush, wood , and even small stones do not make good shrapnel in the case of a Heat round except to the front of the round. Buildings , especially stone/concrete do make good shrapnel and provide a perdendicular and hard enough surface for imediate detonation for proper jet formation.
Yes, the US used Captured German Equipment.. we even had an Ordance Company in WW2 that was formed to assess and supply captured German 88mm ammo to 2 US Arty Bn's that were formed to utilize the large numbers of German 88's we captured as we overran Europe. In the article that mentioned the US troops picking up the German Fausts it also mentioned they picked up German Rifles as well, since they lost theirs in a river crossing. It does not imply either way a preference for German Rifles or US Rifles , just a preference to being armed over unarmed. It also reflects a rather high order of Bravery and Morale in persisting in accomplishing the mission under very difficuult conditions and after high losses to men and equipment IMHO. The article never said they prefered the Faust and discarded the bazooka , just that they captured them and put them to use. I am sure Germans would do the same with captured US Bazookas .. in fact that is one of the theories behind how the Germans got Bazooka technology and the Idea to make the Shreck. The Faust was an original German weapon and I'll give them credit for that.
The Bazooka in the game is about right as it now stands , given the limitation of the accuracy code , and I find your solution to that a good one. I think the Shreck is being over rated , especially in the Antipersonnel role as it attemps to be a Bazooka instead of a dedicated Anti-tank weapon. It is definately more useful with a HE capability , would have been nice in real life , but the ammo simply didn't exist. I agree many Shrecks and Fausts were fired in other than an anti tank role , but their effectiveness was very limited due to lack of proper anti-personnel ammo. There can be no doubt as to the effectiveness of the WP round from the bazooka in an anti-personnel/ anti material role, burning WP showering a gun position will put that gun out of commision and cause the crew to evacuate the area until the WP and ammo burn out . WP wounds are very painful and very hard to treat since the WP fragments continue to burn inside the skin at 2700C for about a minute more or less.. they are usually not outright fatal , but usually do result in death and are usually inmediately incapacitaing. Until I can prove the existence of the HE Frag round I'll leave the Bazooka with AT HEAT and WP for AP( anti-personnel) /smoke even without the smoke feature.
The German had perfectly good rifle grenades ( as did the US for anti- personnel work , IMHO given the relative effectiveness of a proper anti-personnel HE rifle grenade and the limited number of Shreck rounds a team can carry and the unusually large proportion of tanks that the game structure usually causes , it is a mystery why you would even want to take away AT ammo from a shreck and replace it with a HE type round unless you have the Shreck teams carrying 90 pounds or ammo and weapon already.
Basic load for a two man Bazooka team was only 12 rounds , I can't see a Shreck team having more than 6 due to the increased weight of the larger Shreck round.
I do not want to deny the German player anything they actually had or even anything they think they need to have a even chance of winning in the game .. I don't really care how the German weapons are represented in the game so long as the US weapons get represented correctly with the correct ammo type and performance. Bazookas reliably knocked out German Tanks .. if not always from the front.. the tactics and deployment are the players responsability. I think it is a wrong thing to beef up anybody's weapons so that players can get "best performance" without having to use tactics and placement to achieve them. I also happen to think that leaving whole categories of ammo out of the game is not right, and I happen to think that if you want HEAT to have a anti-personnel effect in the game, it is better to address how HEAT is handled as a whole instead of making a work around for just one type of HEAT round. I happen to support HEAT having a very limited effect against anti personnel / anti material targets if all HEAT has it. Given the limited numbers or rounds both sides carried and the indiscriminate nature of opfire once you click "yes" I would rather my antitank teams NOT have the HE or if they did at least get some smoke masking effect from a WP type round, certainly fring and revealing position with a round of very limited effectiveness and not smoke capable is not the best solutuiion in the enevitable tank heavy enviroment of SPWAW.
If I missed any of your concerns , please repost them, or point them out. And Please remember I am addressing SPWAW and making no comment whatsoever on how you handle items in your version of H2H ( other than I think you have a workable solution to the game accuracy coding problems).

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