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Vathailos -> Off topic (7/2/2003 3:54:10 AM)


I was far from impressed with the LAW, and you're on-target with "effective employment" advice.

One system I was very impressed with was the old RPG 7. It has (IIRC) penetration equal to or greater than the then standard US-issue MAW, the "Dragon". The Dragon was wire-guided, bulky (2-man crew, POS night sight) and you had to sit and wait while your round tracked to the target with a nice smoke signature behind you telling your target who just engaged it.

The RPG was comparatively light (the Chinese knock-offs were lighter than the Soviet-made ones), could fire multiple times (with differing types of rounds) and was MUCH more accurate (IMO) than even the AT-4. It'd be my weapon of choice were I in the "dumb-fire anti-tank" business. Were I still playing today and had my druthers, I'd actually take the Javelin. ;) Nasty little top-down bugger.

Panzer Leo -> (7/2/2003 2:09:44 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by AmmoSgt
[B]Leo I am not sure what issues of yours I am not addressing .. I am trying to address them all, as well as everybody elses. It iis very frustrating not having access to the US Army Ordnance Corp History which has the details of what and when stuff was introduced and the performance records, as well as not having ready access to Army FM's anymore. I am doing my Honest best to remember what I have read from these sources, and from what I know from personel experience ( such as firing while in protective gear and the usefullness of rangefinding sights ).
The Bazooka was a popular weapon with the troops and the Troops had a lot of confidence in it . Yes the "test Tank Diagram " talks about side and rear hits, thats because some folks are more concerned with what does work and how to best use a weapon, than to just focus on what doesn't work and try and just dismiss a weapon because it has limits. Every weapon has limits and every weapon has good points.
I don't know where you are getting that the bazooka round tumbled and had Fuzing Problems ( ignition you call it ) ..HEAT ammo regardless of nationality or time period has critical limits to proper fuzing , jet formation and sucsessful penetration, this is recognized and is an "in the game" calculation for all HEAT ammo. This has been exploited by almost all Armies since HEAT was introduced, from track skirts to spaced armor to reactive cells, and HEAT ammo has evolved to overcome these countermeasures. HEAT ammo operates on the Monroe effect, it forms a plasma jet that is focused forward and uses about 80% of the blast energy in a directional plasm jet of molten material from the "cone" various penetrative effects can be achieved by varying "cone " material and "cone " angle, but invariably the blast going to the sides and rear is much reduced and special arrangements in the ammo itself is required to make a HEAT round an effective anti personnel weapon in it's own right. On troops inside a closed space the plasma jet can be devestating (closed modern APC's, pillboxes , inside tanks ..ect) but in the open you have two problems .. first the ground itself is usually at to much of an angle for relaible fuze operation and regular earth, brush, wood , and even small stones do not make good shrapnel in the case of a Heat round except to the front of the round. Buildings , especially stone/concrete do make good shrapnel and provide a perdendicular and hard enough surface for imediate detonation for proper jet formation.
Yes, the US used Captured German Equipment.. we even had an Ordance Company in WW2 that was formed to assess and supply captured German 88mm ammo to 2 US Arty Bn's that were formed to utilize the large numbers of German 88's we captured as we overran Europe. In the article that mentioned the US troops picking up the German Fausts it also mentioned they picked up German Rifles as well, since they lost theirs in a river crossing. It does not imply either way a preference for German Rifles or US Rifles , just a preference to being armed over unarmed. It also reflects a rather high order of Bravery and Morale in persisting in accomplishing the mission under very difficuult conditions and after high losses to men and equipment IMHO. The article never said they prefered the Faust and discarded the bazooka , just that they captured them and put them to use. I am sure Germans would do the same with captured US Bazookas .. in fact that is one of the theories behind how the Germans got Bazooka technology and the Idea to make the Shreck. The Faust was an original German weapon and I'll give them credit for that.
The Bazooka in the game is about right as it now stands , given the limitation of the accuracy code , and I find your solution to that a good one. I think the Shreck is being over rated , especially in the Antipersonnel role as it attemps to be a Bazooka instead of a dedicated Anti-tank weapon. It is definately more useful with a HE capability , would have been nice in real life , but the ammo simply didn't exist. I agree many Shrecks and Fausts were fired in other than an anti tank role , but their effectiveness was very limited due to lack of proper anti-personnel ammo. There can be no doubt as to the effectiveness of the WP round from the bazooka in an anti-personnel/ anti material role, burning WP showering a gun position will put that gun out of commision and cause the crew to evacuate the area until the WP and ammo burn out . WP wounds are very painful and very hard to treat since the WP fragments continue to burn inside the skin at 2700C for about a minute more or less.. they are usually not outright fatal , but usually do result in death and are usually inmediately incapacitaing. Until I can prove the existence of the HE Frag round I'll leave the Bazooka with AT HEAT and WP for AP( anti-personnel) /smoke even without the smoke feature.
The German had perfectly good rifle grenades ( as did the US for anti- personnel work , IMHO given the relative effectiveness of a proper anti-personnel HE rifle grenade and the limited number of Shreck rounds a team can carry and the unusually large proportion of tanks that the game structure usually causes , it is a mystery why you would even want to take away AT ammo from a shreck and replace it with a HE type round unless you have the Shreck teams carrying 90 pounds or ammo and weapon already.
Basic load for a two man Bazooka team was only 12 rounds , I can't see a Shreck team having more than 6 due to the increased weight of the larger Shreck round.
I do not want to deny the German player anything they actually had or even anything they think they need to have a even chance of winning in the game .. I don't really care how the German weapons are represented in the game so long as the US weapons get represented correctly with the correct ammo type and performance. Bazookas reliably knocked out German Tanks .. if not always from the front.. the tactics and deployment are the players responsability. I think it is a wrong thing to beef up anybody's weapons so that players can get "best performance" without having to use tactics and placement to achieve them. I also happen to think that leaving whole categories of ammo out of the game is not right, and I happen to think that if you want HEAT to have a anti-personnel effect in the game, it is better to address how HEAT is handled as a whole instead of making a work around for just one type of HEAT round. I happen to support HEAT having a very limited effect against anti personnel / anti material targets if all HEAT has it. Given the limited numbers or rounds both sides carried and the indiscriminate nature of opfire once you click "yes" I would rather my antitank teams NOT have the HE or if they did at least get some smoke masking effect from a WP type round, certainly fring and revealing position with a round of very limited effectiveness and not smoke capable is not the best solutuiion in the enevitable tank heavy enviroment of SPWAW.
If I missed any of your concerns , please repost them, or point them out. And Please remember I am addressing SPWAW and making no comment whatsoever on how you handle items in your version of H2H ( other than I think you have a workable solution to the game accuracy coding problems). [/B][/QUOTE]

Three points mainly:

1. I simply do not believe that HEAT rounds were so useless against personel as you say. Reason is the statement of US personel as I listed before, that credits PzSchrecks and Bazookas a good effect in this regard. Note I'm by no means supporting any unrealistic masskilling with these weapons, but a casualty here and there is the least one can expect. I know exactly how these rounds work, I fired them myself and I did a lot of research on their use on personel.
The way I modeled them, I would say it is kind of a compromise. They are underrated in lethality in hous to house fighting and overrated on open ground...but the system cannot support more then I did.
BTW, I think it will take some more time (we discussed this topic a year ago or so and you started looking for a Bazooka HE round last time already with no result), till you realize, that the second most used US Bazooka round against personel was the HEAT round and not an almost or even non-existing special HE type.
And you will also find out, that the US troops were quite pleased with the HEAT rounds effect against other targets than tanks or pillboxes.

2. I find it very disappointing to not have WP modeled in SPWAW, but I think we can't do anything about it...I have no idea how to work around the engine to make it work like it did in history...maybe you'll find something...BUT I found a way to model the anti-personel effect of PzSchrecks and PzFausts. I was able to take a few rounds from the AP ammo, make them HE and behave like HEAT when they hit armor. The result is that you CAN fire a PzSchreck at soft targets (I almost never saw more then one casualty), but you always fire a round you also could use against tanks...and with reduced ammo on you got around 5 shots all in all for a what's wrong with that ?
If I cannot model one weapons features, that is really disappointing, but it is by no means a reason for me, to keep a second weapon down, although I actually can model it very close to historical behaviour.

3. I know you have terrible problems to change your impression the PzSchreck was the better weapon in terms of range and accuracy. I thought the same (mainly supported by it's behaviour in SPWAW, I have to admit), before I did a lot of research on that topic. I have no interest in pushing any German or other nations weapons beyond realism, I just want to know the truth...I brought up statements of US army personel that actually tested both weapons...the result looks very clear to me...why not to you ?
I think I found an explanation for the Bazooka's strange behaviour (loosing penetration ability over range) and why almost any source gives it 120m effective range and the PzSchreck 150m (nothing dramatic...but still a bit better) against tanks.
What is wrong in my research that makes you think the opposite ?

werderwayne -> Re: Thanks werderwayne (7/2/2003 2:16:30 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Akmatov
[B]for the address. As you say, a very serious group. [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah, not exactly a barrel of laughs! :D


Frank W. -> (7/2/2003 5:27:22 PM)

okay, here is the quote from general white to eisenhowers request for the opinion of fighting troops in regard of the US equipment. that was the opinion on the bazooka:

" Bazooka: The German bazooka is definitely superior, with greater penetrating effect and concussion. It is more accurate and has a greater effective range. The Panzerfaust is an effective and simple weapon to operate. It is highly effective against armor and also against personnel. We have equipped our infantry and reconnaissance units with captured German bazookas and they have great confidence in them. Since we habitually carry them on vehicles, their greater weight than the U.S. type is not a factor"

so, that should say it.

i´m out of the discussion therefore :D

edit: let me say something out of personal experience perhaps:

i´m quite shure that effective ranges of more then 2 - 3 hexes of any bazooka or. pz.faust/schreck are too high because we made some training in the early 90ties w/ panzerfausts in the bundeswehr. though i was in the air force we got infantry training. the weapon we had was definitly NOT the more modern panzerfaust 3 but an older modell that exact name i don´t know. from my experience it´s very optimistic to hit moving targets on distances on 100-150m or so. i´m not a sharpshooter of course perhaps some very good trained troops can accomplish more with these kind of stuff.

Belisarius -> (7/2/2003 5:53:32 PM)

Hmmm.... when it comes to accuracy and efficiency, mentioning PzFausts and PzSchrecks in the same sentence should be avoided, IMO. :cool:

A Panzerschreck is a very good weapon.

A Panzerfaust is a discardable, cheapo weapon.

PzSchrecks should be compared to Bazookas. Panzerfausts are something completely different.

Panzer Leo -> (7/2/2003 6:03:20 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Belisarius
[B]Hmmm.... when it comes to accuracy and efficiency, mentioning PzFausts and PzSchrecks in the same sentence should be avoided, IMO. :cool:

A Panzerschreck is a very good weapon.

A Panzerfaust is a discardable, cheapo weapon.

PzSchrecks should be compared to Bazookas. Panzerfausts are something completely different. [/B][/QUOTE]

That's right and General White distinguished between the two in his report.

Frank is now refferring to the Panzerfaust 44 (or leichte Panzerfaust), a design of the early Bundeswehr, closer to Panzerschreck, actually.
The modern Panzerfausts are reloadable and the 44 type is somewhat comparable to the RPG-7, making them both based on the Panzerfaust 150, that came too late for WWII and that used a completely different system then the wartime models 30/60/100.

So it's tough to not mix up German Panzerfaust designations of war- and post wartime. :D

Belisarius -> (7/2/2003 7:14:20 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Panzer Leo
[B]So it's tough to not mix up German Panzerfaust designations of war- and post wartime. :D [/B][/QUOTE]

Rooight. :D

It didn't cross my mind that modern AT weapons are called Panzerfausts, too, even if I think I knew it...:rolleyes:

Thanx for the heads-up! My post was also a nudge to AmmoSgt, who seems to mix up 'fausts and 'schrecks from time to time. But I believe that's only in writing, not in mind.

Voriax -> (7/2/2003 10:07:39 PM)

Ammo, though this might interest you...and perhaps also others.

While it's likely that PzSchreck was inspired by Bazooka the recoilless gun principle wasn't totally unknown to Germans. During Winter War two 76mm recoilless cannons were captured during Raate road battles. These were Dynamo-Reactive cannons designed by L.V.Kurchevsky. He designed several models, including aircraft weapons..however as at least some, if not all of them fired a 'counterweight' behind them when the gun was fired they were kinda dangerous also towards own troops :) Also as the recoild wasn't always eliminated they tended to damage the aircrafts where they were installed...and eventually the project was cancelled, designer was arrested and probably ended up in some Gulag.

In any case, one of these captured cannons was given to Germans, I'd assume they did study it.


Belisarius -> (7/3/2003 3:47:50 AM)

Voriax, how about the German 105mm RCL? Does that work on the same principle, or is it some other kind of recoil-less mechanism involved?

Voriax -> (7/3/2003 4:35:27 AM)

Belisarius, did some digging and found something about 75mm and 105mm LG40 recoilles guns. Apparently the research started from a 'throw-back weight' principle but Rheinmetall figured a high-speed jet of gas through a nozzle in gun breech will do the trick. So, in a way it was bit similar to Bazookas and Schrecks.

And Germans also had 80mm and 100mm recoilless guns..they called them 'Panzerabwehrwerfer's. Apparently they had some sort of a system where the pressure was slowly released into barrel thus reducing recoil and allowing for lighter carriage/gun which could be easily paradropped. not really recoilless but low-recoil.


Belisarius -> (7/3/2003 4:44:14 AM)

Thanx for the info, Voriax. :)

One could imagine then that the RCL's then would lose some kinetic energy to their shot if some of the gases are passed out the breech? :p

In a related thought; Muzzle brakes. Why do they have such a huge impact on recoil? I understand they deflect some of the exhaust gases, but the recoil from the barrel is still there, isn't it? SO - in order for this to work, the muzzle brake jets must be directed in a backwards angle to negate the recoil? Sort of like propelling the barrel forward to make up for the backward jolt?

AmmoSgt -> (7/3/2003 1:17:50 PM)

Explanation of a muzzle Brake or Compensator
Early recoiless rifles used a counterweight ejected rearward .. but it was quickly found that that was unnecesary due to F=MV2 (Force equals mass times velocity squared) by talioring the rearward exhaust gasses so thier higher velocity compensated for their lack of weight you basicilly eject the same force in both direction, one of large mass at a low speed forward ( comparably) and a low mass ( weight of the gas )at high velocity The gasses rearward, it works because the velocity is being squared . You use a venturi tube shape to basically compress and accelerate the gasses to achieve the velocity , not unlike a rocket motor exhaust bell. Your do loose some forward velocity simply because you have to use lower pressures over a longer time .. however the lower pressures also mean you can use a thinner gun tube so you save even more weight. Downside is a high errosion rate on the metal of the weapon. Upside is a lower muzzle velocity makes designing the fuze system for a HEAT Round easier since you do not need as fast of a fuse. Downside is you have to use rifling to spin the shell for stablity because fins or vanes just burn up , and spin acts against the shaped charge effect making it harder to form the plasma jet . French CN series Cannon use a ballbearing obturator bands on the shell itself to spin at a regular speed as gyroscopes while the shell itself spins much slower from the reduced friction vetween the obtirator bans ( the parts that engae the rifling ) and shell seperated by the ball bearing . In a normal shell the obturator bands are fixed to the shell ( Look at a regular artillery shell or tank gun bullet closely and you will see two raised surfaces around the shell .. near the rear a band of soft metal , usually brass, that engaes the rifling, and near the front of the full diameter part a slight hump of hard metal that rides on the tube lands. In rifle bullets the copper jacket itself engages the rifling ).
US HEAT Ammo uses vanes inside the cone to counterspin or de-spin the plasma jet basically ,( poor explanation for a more complicated process). Any shell spin creates an outward centrifical force that wants to break up the plasma jet, so you have to compensate for it somehow.
The lower velocity on a RR type gun is fine for any warhead using chemical energy, HE or HEAT with just a reduction in range, but it really hurts kinetic energy rounds that derive their energy from the velocity F=MV squared again.

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