el cid again -> Is anyone interested in an update for AE? (6/5/2019 6:22:04 PM)
I have been asked to demonstrate that an update for AE "would generate more money than it costs." As a preliminary indicator, I am asking for people to indicate interest. I specifically proposed a very slight update to the game to facilitate a somewhat expanded version of Andrew Brown's Extended Map System. Apart from adding a few hexes and a few off map locations on the off map movement track, it would facilitate using seasonal maps which feature construction (and rarely, deconstruction) throughout the war. The basic system is working in RHS, but requires manually changing the pwhexe.dat file and some map art files every season of the war. I want to automate that process. The new map system shows things like the deconstruction of the East Malaya RR and the Baikal Amur RR at the end of the first Winter season, as well as many construction projects. It also shows considerable construction of roads and rail lines throughout the war. And trails change seasonally where mud, ice or other natural events "erase" or create them. The construction comes in two flavors - a strictly historical set - and an alternative history set which includes numbers of actual projects not implemented (or not fully implemented during WW2). In Australia, for example, narrow gage RR were surveyed, but not built, in favor of primary roads. [As issued, AE provides neither.] The upgrade would allow original AE, strictly historical enhanced AE, and alternative history AE versions of the pwhexe.dat files, which are where this "construction" is coded. All of that now exists and there is no cost for Matrix to use it. As well, the ice on the ocean and on rivers and lakes considerably changes navigation on an annual cycle. Numbers of major river systems have been considerably developed. The upgrade might be software only to avoid the cost of disks, boxes and physical package art. The AE editors would permit any mod to use any version including the original files. One simply selects the right scenario to modify.