Bear1888 -> RE: Me (AXIS) vs. Piotrmx (LOSING FRACTION):-) (6/11/2019 7:48:49 AM)
OK guys, here we go. I will first produce several pictures to show you the overall situation at the starting date (1943/2/25) and then go to the hotpots where the main action is. in case I get a remarkable result, I will post the specific battle report and at the end I will post the casualties and the OOB. So have fun. AGN: Basically the standard move. Captured Leningrad, activated the finish army and manned the west river bank of the river Wolchow: [image][/image] AGC: Here is where Piotrmx decided to attack. You see a lot of guards corps full stacks. I moved 1 SS tank corps and 1 regular tank corps here to help with the defense. Also, the corps HQ's are packed with artillery, AA and each INF corps has at least 1 SPG unit: [image][/image] A close look at the Moscow area: [image][/image] The biggest Battle around Moscow. I wonder how long it will take for his La-5 units to wipe out my fighter force.:) [image][/image] AGS: Now that's another hot spot. After capturing 350k red army soldiers near Tula in early summer, I decided to relocate the Schwerpunkt to Rostov, cross the Don and attack the Caucasus. I was not able to capture Baku because it was too late and because my opponent brought in powerful corps size units and blocked my attack. But I guess it was not a complete failure because I got some industry, damaged his oil production and captured some manpower centers. So in the winter I began to retreat my mountain, infantry and tank units from there while 1.5 tank army covered the left flank near Stalingrad. [image][/image] [image][/image] So now you got an overview over the strategic situation. Here are the loses. I think as long as I keep them at 3:1 in my favor, i still have a chance. [image][/image] The Air lose screen. The Luftwaffe fighter units are still superior and I tend to have all LW AA units in corps HQ's while the SPG AA units are assigned to Tank corps HQ's. [image][/image] The OOB. The red army is pretty strong for 1943 but I guess my 7200 tanks are also not too bad. [image][/image] My best unit: [image][/image]