RE: Bill Brings Banzai (Full Version)

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BillBrown -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 2:42:52 AM)

Larry, the file is too big to post.

larryfulkerson -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 2:44:45 AM)

Please post that bad boy in my AAR thread. I've got plenty of room.�

BillBrown -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 3:00:08 AM)

the zip file is 2.2MB, adn the forum only allows 1MB files.

witpqs -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 3:43:01 AM)


larryfulkerson -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 5:16:54 AM)

I think it want's me to create an account. Advisable?


BBfanboy -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 11:21:15 AM)

Firefox is the browser used by Apple. It can be trusted to be reasonably secure and stable/reliable. That doesn't mean they won't try and harvest general data about you! [8|]

MBF -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 11:24:23 AM)

Firefox is used by Apple ? Don't you mean Safari ? (apologies for derail)

BBfanboy -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 11:33:11 AM)



Firefox is used by Apple ? Don't you mean Safari ? (apologies for derail)

Well I don't use any Apple product but I do know that my daughter, her kids and my son all use Firefox on their Apple products so I thought that was the standard browser. My bad. Having said that, my daughter and son are very careful Internet users and would not use a product they did not completely trust. So take out what I said about Firefox being part of the Apple family, but the rest still applies![:'(]

MBF -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 12:21:21 PM)

Ahhh - very good :-) In education, I see Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers used on our Apple devices - with Chrome being by far the predominate here due to using Google Apps For Education (much to the chagrin of Apple I expect)

More apologies for derail - keep up the AAR Bill - I am fascinated with the discussion and your thinking :-)

larryfulkerson -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 12:29:31 PM)

okay, now what?


btd64 -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 1:01:46 PM)

PM Bill and do it thru email....GP

Uncivil Engineer -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 1:31:46 PM)



For what it is worth, turn 1 has been sent off. I dread what is going to happen when I find out I forgot a huge number of things.

Get used to it, you'll feel that way EVERY turn.

witpqs -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 1:38:21 PM)


That's just an account setup screen, you can set those how you like.

Firefox Send is great. You can upload very large files, with a password if you like, and they will be good for a certain number of days and/or downloads after which they automatically go away so you don't have to worry about cleanup or running out of space. Pretty easy to use once you use it the first time.

GetAssista -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 2:27:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Uncivil Engineer

For what it is worth, turn 1 has been sent off. I dread what is going to happen when I find out I forgot a huge number of things.

Get used to it, you'll feel that way EVERY turn.

Hehe, there are so many more things to forget as Japan compared to Allies... And many of those can have nasty long-term effects. Brace for impact and grind through, this thing makes JFmen out of AFBs

Zorch -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/19/2019 5:37:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: GetAssista


ORIGINAL: Uncivil Engineer

For what it is worth, turn 1 has been sent off. I dread what is going to happen when I find out I forgot a huge number of things.

Get used to it, you'll feel that way EVERY turn.

Hehe, there are so many more things to forget as Japan compared to Allies... And many of those can have nasty long-term effects. Brace for impact and grind through, this thing makes JFmen out of AFBs

So many things to forget...


BillBrown -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 12:03:32 AM)

I emailed the file to Larry.

First turn is in and things look pretty good. Of course I have not dug in to see what didn't work right.
The entire combat report is appended

First thing is the PH strike.
I lost 7 Vals, 5 Kates and 2 Zeros over PH.
Combat report shows the BB Oklahoma, BB California, CL Detroit, dd Cummings, and PT-42 were sunk at PH.
It is possible more went down. I counted 16 of the bomb hits on BBs were 250kg, but a few of the bomb
hits on the smaller ships were 800kb. My Kates launched 115 torpedoes and 27 800kb bombs.
I did lose all of the SSX subs, but one put a torpedo into BB California.

Next question is 2nd PH strike? I am thinking on it.

I crushed the airfield at Kuantan, sent 99 bombers, and no aircraft flew from there against my shipping.

I only landed at Kota Bharu, but I have a mersing invasion for turn 3.
Landings at Appari and Vigan will also take place turn 3.

jdsrae -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 1:01:04 AM)

Sure, there's a war going on now, but don't forget to find some time for the important stuff like what you're going to do with all of your xAK.

The image below is my summary of what classes can convert to what. It's Scenario 1 so may not be the same for your Scenario.
The colour coding was my way of prioritising what xAK class to convert to what, with a few notes.
Green are the conversions I chose, yellow are the ones I thought about and may still choose depending on how things go in game, and orange are ones that I am not planning to do.

I've gone for a bit of a radical AV conversion plan to support a large ASW FP force.

The AKE is probably the most interesting one for you to choose and boils down to how you answer the following questions:
1. How often do you plan on using your Nagato and Yamato class BBs forward from a port that is big enough to rearm them?
2. How often do you plan on using your "smaller" BB forward from a port that is big enough to rearm them (or one that you plan on expanding to be able to rearm them)?
3. Where are you going to place your Special Base Forces, as even with relatively small amounts of Naval Support you can rearm your CAs in small ports without needing a small AKE.
My answers to the above questions led me to using the Akasi class as my AKE of choice. It can rearm all but Nagato and Yamato classes in forward areas.

EDIT: actually, I ended up converting all Ehime to AD rather than just 4, meaning I have them in abundance.


BillBrown -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 3:57:51 AM)

OK, Naval Shipyards. I have a small positive difference. Should I expand some of them and accelerate some of the CVs?

jdsrae -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 6:08:57 AM)



OK, Naval Shipyards. I have a small positive difference. Should I expand some of them and accelerate some of the CVs?

It depends on what you want to build and if you even want to accelerate anything.
This is where Tracker would pay for itself as I built my industry planning spreadsheets manually.

I think it would cost you too much in supplies and HI points to expand NSY to give you the NSY points you'd need to accelerate CVs, without halting something major like Shinano to offset the accelerated ships.
It also depends what proportion of your HI Points you want to allocate to the IJN compared to the other uses for HI Points.

To give you an example, I expanded my NSY slightly to 1400 mainly because I like round numbers.
Instead of accelerating IJN ships I am planning to just let them build at standard rate and start mothballing NSY from about mid-42, when I will divert the "saved" HI Points to more aircraft, vehicle and armaments production.

GetAssista -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 1:46:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: jdsrae
My answers to the above questions led me to using the Akasi class as my AKE of choice. It can rearm all but Nagato and Yamato classes in forward areas.

Lima class AKEs can rearm everything everywhere

Lowpe -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 2:06:10 PM)



OK, Naval Shipyards. I have a small positive difference. Should I expand some of them and accelerate some of the CVs?

Accelerate the carriers, probably turn off the super heavy battleships. They are very difficult to use. If you want, you can build the Yamato in 44 when ship points free up a bit.

One of the most important tasks Japan can do, after building Frank and Sam and not trashing your economy.

larryfulkerson -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 2:08:32 PM)


"...probably turn off the super heavy battleships. They are very difficult to use."

Why do you find them difficult to use? Not very many ports can repair them or something?

Lowpe -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 2:11:28 PM)

If you are thinking of a second day strike at Pearl, sweep only, and then bomb on the following day.

You might finish off a slow battleship for each extra days strike.

You have a lot of demands on the KB, and you need to figure out if it is worth it or not. A good AFB will realize the KB is there and potentially cause you problems elsewhere. A raid on Marshalls and shipping there, or perhaps swinging up to Wake, or moving to Rabaul.

witpqs -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 2:16:00 PM)

My opponent, Walter, always laments a second day PH strike as not worth it in terms of planes and especially pilots lost.

Lowpe -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 2:17:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: larryfulkerson


"...probably turn off the super heavy battleships. They are very difficult to use."

Why do you find them difficult to use? Not very many ports can repair them or something?

Torpedo bait, fuel hogs, difficult to rearm in stock scenario, and difficult to repair.

They do change how the AFBs play a bit, which is a bonus that is very hard to measure.

Best used only escorted by six or so good destroyers.

Lowpe -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 2:18:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs

My opponent, Walter, always laments a second day PH strike as not worth it in terms of planes and especially pilots lost.

Plus there is the very real possibility the Americans surge their navy at you...they are expendable.

Bif1961 -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 3:38:11 PM)

Factors for a 2nd strike, more damage and possible sinkings to already damaged ships, once sunk, unlike the real war, they can't be refloated and rebuilt to pester you later.

Factors against a 2nd strike: Leaves you vulnerable to him sending several sorties of undamaged or lightly damaged ship TFs to try and confront you at night. I did that as the Allies and sank 2 CVs and damaged 2 more. My opponent never recovered and the game ended in less than 6 months. Far more loses to your air groups then benefits, as PH is a major repair facility and can keep many heavily damaged ships afloat and alive, until they can be pumped out and moved to the west or even east coast for long term upgrades and repairs.

Things to look for to help decide which to choose: How many CLs were damaged and were any BBs undamaged or lightly damaged? The more CLs you damage the less he will have to sortie against you during the night if u seek a 2nd day attack and since you have only 2 renovated BCs as escorts with big guns, if he has 2 or 3 undamaged or lightly BBs he might risk them escorted by CLs and the few DDs left . How damaged are the airfields and how many planes, especially fighters did you destroy. Since destroyed reports are better than the hundreds that are normally listed as damaged, usually far above the actual number than existed. If there are a high number of destroyed fighters then it might be worth the effort and lead with a sweep or two if possible.

I have done 2nd day attacks and found them disappointing but if you plan to invade PH or some HI Islands then it will be worth it.

I find sending some or all the KB along the west coast to be a fun adventure especially since he has ships in the shipyard 2 BBs in Seattle and other upgrading. Also you make get lucky as he might try to rush convoys out before you send some subs from around PH off the west coast. Sending the KB will mess with that effort as he tries to rush out supplies and reinforcements to isolated weakly help bases like Palmyra, Canto, Christmas Islands.

If you do it will be an anxious turn for you both.

BillBrown -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 3:41:43 PM)

Oh well, I did do a second day attack, we will see what happens. The turn has been sent. It will be a couple of days until I get the turn back.

I did not turn off the super BBs this turn, but I might next turn.

Chickenboy -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 4:15:30 PM)


Accelerate the carriers, probably turn off the super heavy battleships. They are very difficult to use. If you want, you can build the Yamato in 44 when ship points free up a bit.

To each their own. I accelerate all carriers due before the end of 1944 (including the CVEs) and stop the 1945 iterations. Sc. 2 OOB (Shinano) is a different CV than Sc. 1, so isn't as massive a NavSY suck. I build the Yamato and Mushashi-particularly the former-just to get 'em off the queue for NavSY points.

Yamato can be devastating to other heavy SCTFs and is a worthwhile combatant. Anything but the most superficial damage turns her into a real yard queen, so she's more limited in her mission profile than-say-the Kongos. I've used Yamato to thoroughly abuse the RN in the IO in late 1942-early 1943. She has more of a qualitative edge versus the early war RN especially, rather than against the Iowa class BBs in 1944+. So getting her out and about earlier gives you some tactical options that you would pass up by not building her until late war.

If there's a paucity of NavSY points for CV acceleration, go back in and (monthly-semi-monthly) turn off late war submarines, and xAKs-especially those xAKs that don't convert to TK/AO. That will save you some sturm and drang on your NavSY production too.

Chickenboy -> RE: Bill Brings Banzai (6/20/2019 4:16:44 PM)



Oh well, I did do a second day attack, we will see what happens. The turn has been sent. It will be a couple of days until I get the turn back.

I did not turn off the super BBs this turn, but I might next turn.

Didn't get back here in time to say that your first day's strike against PH was a very nice one. Well done. I've got to imagine that, in addition to the two confirmed BB sinkings, that at least three others are in extremis.

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