Timotheus -> The one thing that REALLY pisses me off in WITPAE (7/19/2019 6:56:17 AM)
is not the clicking, the godawful UI, my hand bleeding as I do a 4 hour 1st turn... It is the SYNCH BUG. This is inexcusable. This SHOULD be fixed. When I watch a replay, it should not be fake news. I am reading an AAR now, and the synch bug just reared its ugly head. It ruins the game, as a programmer (....not a master, a decent one) I cannot fathom HOW this could occur when all a replay is is basically a reading of a txt file.....right? How can this synch bug be fixed? Can I, as a player, do something to get rid of it 100% or at least lower the chance of it occuring?