warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (7/12/2020 5:07:20 AM)
17 Sqn 12.7.40: Weather fair early, but rain later. F/O. C.P.N. Brett was posted to the Squadron from 29 Squadron, Digby. At 0630 hours "A" Flight took off from Debden - to forward base. At 0848 hours while on convoy patrol, P/O. Manger and Sgt. Griffiths of Yellow Section sighted 12 He.111's at 8,000 feet bombing the convoy. The Section delivered a line astern attack on a He.111 that had broke away from the formation, and P/O. Manger, firing continuously from 350 to 50 yards range, sent the enemy aircraft gliding down through the clouds with both engines on fire. Sgt. Griffiths closed in and fired a burst of about 9 seconds, and generally left the enemy aircraft "falling to pieces". Sgt. Griffiths then spotted 4 He.111's flying east, and attacked one which was 500 yards behind the others. He sent it down in a spiral dive with both engines on fire, and he saw it crash in to the sea and sink. At 0950 hours P/O. Pitman and Sgt. Fops of Red Section sighted 9 He.111's approaching the convoy and delivered a series of quarter attacks one of them which had struggled. The enemy aircraft dropped its undercarriage with the port engine silent with petrol streaming from it, finally crashing in to the sea near a trawler, which picked up three survivors. At 0926 hours F/O. Czernin and P/O. Hansen of Res Section saw three Do.17's bombing he convoy, and P/O. Hansen made two head-on attacks on one of the Dorniers which headed to sea level. He then delivered a stern attack, and last saw the aircraft wallowing badly with both engines out of action at a speed of only 110 m.p.h. He did not consider that it could have reached its base. F/O/ Czernin attacked another Do.17, which had already been attacked and shot down by Hurricanes of 151 Squadron. The aircraft of "B" Flight returned to Debden at 1120 hours, the remainder at 1345 hours. "B" Flight took off from Debden for forward base at 1200 hours, replacing "A" Flight on patrol duty, but no enemy aircraft were further sighted. "B" Flight returned to Debden at 1900 hours. As a result of today's action the Squadron claimed four enemy casualties 3 He.111's conclusive and one Do.17 inconclusive. Our casualties nil. A/V/M T.Leigh-Mallory signaled "Congratulation on this mornings very excellent show". Base Changes 141 Sqn(Defiant I) moved to Wittering. 152 Sqn(Spitfire IA) moved to Warmwell.