RE: Action This Day (Full Version)

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warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (9/22/2020 3:16:28 AM)

401 Sdn 22.9.40

Fog again covered the country in the early morning but the weather cleared late in the afternoon. No scrambles occurred today. The state of the services was advanced from Alert 2 to Alert 1 as invasion is considered imminent. The A.O.C had tea at dispersal with the Squadron and then proceeded with the C.O. for a visit with Sir Courtauld Thomson.

Base Changes

33 Sqn(Gladiator II/Hurricane I) moved to Fuqa(Egypt)

First and Last Operational Missions

33 Sqn(Fuqa Egypt) flew their first OM in the Hurricane I.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (9/23/2020 3:08:05 AM)

92 Sdn 23.9.40

First scramble came around 1000 hours 92 Sqn and 72 Sqn sent to intercept large formation of Fighters and Bombers. We attacked bombers – Do17s & HE111s before enemy fighter escort reach them. 3 bombers were destroyed and one ME 110 destroyed and a probable Do.17 with other bombers damaged. We lost A/F/Lt.J.A. PATERSON and F/SGT. SYDNEY two experienced Pilots, in this combat which took place over a wide area. Ten Spitfires took off at 1145 hours to join two other Sqdns over BASE. One of our pilots ‘weaving’ saw several ME 109s and attacked one which was badly damaged. In the third sortie of the day eleven Spitfires took off at 1445 hours. 20 JU 88s were intercepted, 13 of these were destroyed and ME 109 damaged. Fighter escort of ME 109s was too late to stop our aircraft from splitting bomber formation. SGT. OLDFIELD was killed during this Combat.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (9/24/2020 2:49:13 AM)

401 Sdn 24.9.40

We were called on for three patrols during the day but no E/A were sighted within striking distance. These patrols were all carried out in Wing Formation with the Poles and No. 229. F.O.Desloges received his Flight Lieutenant’s stripes today but of course was not present to celebrate. Heavy bombing occurred all night in the vicinity of the Orchard – popular pub with the pilots.

Base Changes

84 Sqn(Blenheim I) moved to Heliopolis.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (9/25/2020 2:43:12 AM)

238 Sqn 25.9.40

1135-1550 - Squadron in 12 sorties patrolled 10 miles South of BRISTOL at 15,000 ft. He.111 escorted by Me.110 were intercepted on their way back after bombing BRISTOL. The squadron attacked in sections line astern. Separate engagements developed and the result was –
P.O. J.R. URWIN-KENN destroyed 2 He.111 = 2 He. 111 destroyed.
P/O. V.C. SYMONDS, F/O W. ROZYCKI (Pole), Sgt. Little and F/O J.S. WIGGLESWORTH each destroyed a He.111 = 4 He.111 destroyed.
S/L. Fenton and P/O. each damaged a He.111 = 2 He.111 damaged.
The total is 6 He.111 destroyed and 2 He.111 damaged without loss to the squadron of pilots but one a/c N.2597 was wrecked when Sgt. Sibley force landed at CHARMY DOWN.
1615-1725 – Squadron in 12 sorties patrolled BASE at 10,000 ft. without incident. P/O A.R. COVINGTON landed at ANDOVER. P.3223 P/O PRISON , was damaged beyond squadron repair.

First and Last Operational Missions

4 Sqn(Linton-on-Ouse) flew its first missions in the Lysander III and IIIA.
217 Sqn(St.Eval) flew its first mission in the Beaufort I.
225 Sqn(Tilshead) flew its last mission in the Lysander II.
241 Sqn(Inverness- Lysander I/II) flew its first mission of the war.
301 Sqn(Swinderby – Battle I) flew its first mission of the war.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (9/26/2020 3:47:26 AM)

401 Sqn 26.9.40

The King paid a visit to Northolt and came down to our dispersal. All officers present lined up and the King shook hands with each one and spoke a few words. He congratulated the Squadron on their work and took a keen interest in the proceedings. Later in the day there was a scramble but only one section was involved owing to the bad weather conditions. There is an epidemic of colds about and Flt.Lt. Reyno and P.O. Briese went sick today. The weather cleared somewhat during the evening and we had the usual attention from enemy bombers during the night.

Base Changes

504 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Filton

First and Last Operational Missions

150 Sqn(Newton) flew its last mission in the Battle I.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (9/27/2020 4:14:12 AM)

609 Sqn 27.9.40

The enemy sent a mixed force to bomb Bristol shortly before noon. For the second time in three days No. 10 Group Control positioned the squadron so badly that they had little or no chance of catching any of the bombers over the coast. Both Flight Commanders R/T having failed, Yellow Leader P/O. R.G.Miller led the Squadron into an attack of the escort of fighters that were seen circling over Warmwell, losing his life in a collision with an Me.110, in which both aircraft appeared to crumple in mid-air. Five other Me.110s and an Me.109 were destroyed by the Squadron, as follows:-
F/O. Dundas 1 Me.110 destroyed
P/O.Bisdee & P/O. Crook combined 2 Me.110 destroyed
P/O. Miller 1 Me.110 destroyed (in collision)
P/O. Staples 1 Me.110 destroyed
P/O. A 1 Me.110 destroyed
F/O. F 1 Me.109 destroyed
Deprived of the protection of their escort by 609’s demarche, the bomber formation appears to have been broken effectively by other fighter squadrons as testified by messages received from the Secretary of State for Air, the Commander in Chief, and from Sir Stanley White of the Bristol Aeroplane Company.

Base Changes

45 Sqn(Blenheim I) moved to Wadi Gazouza

First and Last Operational Missions

19 Sqn(Fowlmere) flew its last mission in the Spitfire IA and flew its first in the Spitfire IIA.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (9/28/2020 3:04:11 AM)

238 Sqn 28.9.40

The squadron in 12 sorties met 25 Me.110 flying in a defensive circle East of the ISLE OF WIGHT, accompanied by Me.109’s to starboard. The squadron attacked the Me.110’s, but were themselves surprised by the 109’s. P/O R (Pole) destroyed 1 Me.110. Sgt. BANN baled out and was killed because his parachute did not work. P/O HARRISON and SGT. LITTLE have not returned. P/O V.C.SIMMONDS landed at ANDOVER and crashed taking off, as he could get no petrol and his tanks had been depleted below take off level. This was a bad day for the squadron.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (9/29/2020 4:16:50 AM)

401 Sqn 29.9.40

A couple of patrols were made during the day with the usual escort of Me.109’s above but no contact was made with the enemy. Wing Comdr. Foss and Major Drury paid a visit to the Squadron. The Padre had a short well attended service in the afternoon. Attention from enemy bombers tonight was not as noticeable as usual.

First and Last Operational Missions

38 Sqn(Marham) flew its last mission in the Wellington IA.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (9/30/2020 4:08:45 AM)

401 Sqn 30.9.40

Three scrambles were made today resulting wit engagements with the enemy on all occasions. In the first brush with M.E.109’s at about 0900 hours three of our machines were damaged but all returned safely to base. In the late afternoon, contact was made with the ME.109’s escorting enemy bombers and Sqn.Ldr. MacGregor shot down a M.E.109 and P.O.Brown damaged another but his aircraft was in turn was damaged and he nosed up on landing at base. Air Marshall Bishop paid a visit to the Squadron at tea time. Bombing was carried out in the district by single raiders all night.

Base Changes

238 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Chilbolton

First and Last Operational Missions

320 Sqn(Pembroke Dock) flew its last mission in the Fokker T-VIIIW
600 Sqn(Redhill) flew its first mission in the Beaufighter I

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/1/2020 3:15:15 AM)

401 Sqn 1.10.40

The long patrols were carried out and visual contact was made with large numbers of M.E.109’s on each occasion but they stayed about 5,000 feet above and we were unable to engage them. Major Young R.C.A.R.C., from H.Q. spent the day with us as Captain Rankin is sick in Taplow Hospital. F.O.’s Nesbitt and Beardmore were back with the squadron today for the first time since their parachute jumps. There is a decided shortage of pilots at the moment as the C.O., Flt.Lt.Reyno, and F.O.’s Briese, Brown and Nesbitt are in hospital with colds. At midnight a stack of bombs dropped very close to the south boundary of the aerodrome but no damage was done.

Base Changes

82 Sqn(Blenheim IV) moved to Bodney

First and Last Operational Missions

320 Sqn(Pembroke Dock) flew its first mission in the Hudson I

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/2/2020 2:51:41 AM)

603 Sqn 2.10.40

Defensive Patrol - 09.20 - 10.57
P/O.DEXTER D.F.C., baled out, injured leg. Enemy Casualties. F/O.CARBURY.D.F.C. 1 ME.109 destroyed. P/O.HARTAS 1 ME.109 destroyed. SGT.BAILEY 1 ME.109 destroyed. F/O.HAIG 1 ME.109 destroyed. F/O.BOULTER 1 ME.109 probable. P/O.MATTHEWS 1 ME.109 probable. F/O.MARTEL 1 ME.109 damaged.

First and Last Operational Missions

225 Sqn(Tilshead) flew its first mission in the Lysander III

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/3/2020 3:11:18 AM)

401 Sqn 3.10.40

Weather, fair to cloudy, poor visibility, calm. Some patrols and air tests carried out.

Base Changes

103 Sqn(Battle I) moved to Newton.

First and Last Operational Missions

103 Sqn(Newton) flew its last mission in the Battle I.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/4/2020 2:57:54 AM)

66 Sqn 4.10.40

Interception patrols and base and cloud recco’s. No action. F/Lt. Gillies reported missing from an interception patrol. (His body was washed up at Covithe on 21.10.40.) Sgt. Pilot Hunt posted N/E sick to Biggin Hill.
Weather:- Low Cloud at 2,500 ft. Rain and slight drizzle. Vis:- fair. Wind:- SW 15-20

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/5/2020 3:28:11 AM)

401 Sqn 5.10.40

Three patrols were carried out today in Wing Formation. In the first contact, made with about 60 M.E.109’s and 15 M.E.110’s, considerable milling about resulted. F.O.Molson was wounded and baled out doing a delayed jump, being taken to Chertham Hospital near Canterbury and later to Taplow, where he is now reported to be as comfortable as possible. He was amply revenged as the squadron bag for the fight was three ME.109’s destroyed, one ME.109 damaged and two ME.110’s damaged.

Base Changes

77 Sqn(Whitley V) moved to Topcliffe.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/6/2020 3:21:33 AM)

303 Sqn 6.10.40

10.30 – Enemy attack made on the aerodrome by one aircraft, Sgt. Sudak was killed by a bomb which fell between the hangars. Aircraft totally destroyed.
F/Sgt. Kania rejoined the Squadron from No. 6 O.T.U.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/7/2020 3:13:16 AM)

605 Sqn 7.10.40

A very fine day. Three patrols were made. IN the first one 7 Me 109’s were encountered over London, one was damaged by S/L McKellar, 1 by Sgt. Wright and one by P/O. Muirhead. The latter was shot down and baled out near Dartford returning two hours later unhurt. The next patrol at 1500 hours was remarkable for the success of S/L McKellar. The Squadron encountered 15 Me 109’s with 40-50 more Me 109’s above and behind. 605 Squadron dived down upon the formation of 15 and a few of the larger formation then dived down upon them. A dog fight took place between Westerham and Maidstone during which S/L. Mckellar destroyed 4, P/O Foster destroyed 1, and P/O. Forde damaged another Me 109. P/O. English was shot down near Westerham and killed. During a later patrol the Squadron at 27,000 ft near Biggin Hill again were in a position to jump Me 109’s. They encountered four of them at 26,000 ft near Biggin Hill, S/L. McKellar destroying one and Sgt. Wright., Sgt. Budzinski and F/O. Passy destroyed another between them.

First and Last Operational Missions

103 Sqn(Newton) flew its first mission in the Wellington IC.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/8/2020 3:15:19 AM)

66 Sqn 8.10.40

Convoy and Interception Patrols. Some engagements in which P.O. Corbett was shot down and killed Nr. Upchurch. Sgt. Pilot Ward was also shot down Nr Rochester and was killed. Sgt. Cook damaged a ME.109. Information received that P.O. Cruikshanks was posted to No. 4 F.P. Pool w.e.f. 29.9.40
Weather:- Variable low cloud at 1,000 ft. Vis:- Mainly good. Wind:- SW to S 8-15 m.p.h.

Base Changes

17 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Martlesham Heath
25 Sqn(Blenheim IF) moved to Debden
257 Sqn(Hurricane I) move to North Weald

First and Last Operational Missions

312 Sqn(Speke – Hurricane I) flew its first mission of the war

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/9/2020 3:42:41 AM)

92 Sqn 9.10.40

1145-1320 12 Spitfires patrol Base with 72 Sqn at A.30. Sqdn. went to Dungeness – Hawkinge A.15. Sgt. Frith shot up, baled out, injured. Enemy Casualties:- Nil.
1350-1530 11 Spitfires patrol Maidstone A.15, then Base A.30. Some e/a were seen by two Pilots but were unable to contact leader. Cloud 5/10 at 3/5000 ft.

Base Changes

3 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Dyce

First and Last Operational Missions

25 Sqn(Debden) flew its first mission in the Beaufighter IF

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/10/2020 3:48:09 AM)

92 Sqn 10.10.40

0710 – 0845 Patrol Maidstone at A.15 then vectored on to a Do.17 E. of Brighton. Windscreens obscured by ice and reflector sights could not be used. F/O. Williams and P/O. Drummond collided in mid-air as confirmed by Sgt. Ellis who crashed but was uninjured. E/A. was only damaged.

1005 – 1045 Rendezvous with 66 Sqn. Over Base. 92 to lead Patrol Biggin Hill at A.09. Vectored Maidstone – Dover – Dungeness. Saw a few bombers at A.22. Climbed to A.17 then ordered to pancake.

Base Changes

102 Sqn(Whitley V) moved to Linton-on-Ouse and transferred to BC from CC
607 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Turnhouse
615 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Northolt

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/11/2020 3:09:26 AM)

66 Sqn 11.10.40

Interception Patrols. P.O. Brodie destroyed 1 ME.109. Sgt. Cook and P.O. Baker damaged a 109 each. P.O. Allen damaged a 109. P.O. Pickering was shot up and taken to Kent and Canterbury Hosp with injuries. P.O. Allen crashed at Hawkinge after being shot up and received a slight concussion. P.O. Kendal was discharged from Halton and returned for flying duties. Sgt. Willcocks crashed through bad vis. At Eastchurch but he was uninjured. Weather:- Small amounts of cloud at 2-3,000 ft during P.M. otherwise it was cloudless. Vis:- Mod to good. Wind:- variable and light.

Base Changes

302 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Northolt
303 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Leconfield
401 Sqn RCAF(Hurricane I) moved to Prestwick

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/12/2020 2:58:58 AM)

605 Sqn 12.10.40

Fog again, but clearing up by mid-day. 615 Squadron landed here and did two patrols with us. During the escorted patrol, P/O/ Ingle and Sgt. Howes each shot down a Me 109 in the sea off Dungeness. Sgt. MacIntosh is missing from the patrol. P/O. Rothwell and P/O. Thompson posted to the Squadron from 32 Squadron.

Base Changes

3 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Castletown
111 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Dyce
600 Sqn(Blenheim IF/Beaufighter IF) moved to Catterick

First and Last Operational Missions

16 Sqn(Weston Zoyland) flew its first mission in the Lysander III

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/13/2020 2:48:40 AM)

66 Sqn 13.10.40

Interception Patrols. Squadron engaged some ME.109’s and S/Ldr. Leigh damaged one. Sgt. Cameron, F/Lt. Oxspring, P.O. Cooke, P.O. Baker and P.O. Bodie each got a probable. P.O. Bodie was shot up but made a normal landing at base but was uninjured S/Ldr. Leigh also got some damage to his machine and forced down at Burnham, but he was uninjured. Sgt. Cook forced down at Hornchurch – plane wrecked pilot uninjured.

Base Changes

64 Sqn(Spitfire IA) moved to Biggin Hill
72 Sqn(Spitfire IA) moved to Coltishall
232 Sqn(Hurricane I) moved to Skitten

First and Last Operational Missions

300 Sqn(Swinderby) flew its last mission in the Battle I

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/14/2020 3:26:13 AM)

605 Sqn 14.10.40

A grey day clouds coming down to ground level by 1300 hours. In the morning a He.111 came over the aerodrome at 1,500 ft. and dropped a bomb about ¼ mile away. Two sections of 2 aircraft sent up about 12.30 only one aircraft landing here, 2 landing at Gatwick and P/O. Hope losing his way flew into the I.A.Z. where he was shot down or ran into a cable at South Norwood. Apart from being the only 605 Squadron original auxiliary still in the Squadron his charming personality and sense of humour and stability will be much missed by the rest of the Squadron.

First and Last Operational Missions

214 Sqn(Catterick) flew its first mission in the Beaufighter IF

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/15/2020 3:15:12 AM)

92 Sqn 15.10.40

0845 – 1015 Fighter Patrol eleven Spitfires. Rendezvous with 66 Sqn over Base, 66 to lead, then patrol Base at A.30. Gained height over London and ran into about 50 Me.109’s. Gave chase and came into range about half way between Dover and Cap Griz Nes and attacked. Sgt. Kingaby shot down 1 Me.109 and Sgt. Fokes 1 Me.109 and 1 He.111. Sgt. Parker missing.
1120 – 1330 Fighter Patrol nine Spitfires. Patrol Sevenoaks A.30 Vectored West when at A.27 and intercepted 50 plus Me.109’s at A.20. Sqdn attacked head on. Sgt. Fokes shot down one in flames and P/O. Holland got a Probable. P/O. Lund crashed in sea, but rescued by H.M.S.Nysan.

Base Changes

64 Sqn(Spitfire IA) moved to Coltishall
74 Sqn(Spitfire IIA) moved to Biggin Hill
141 Sqn(Defiant I) moved to Drem

First and Last Operational Missions

33 Sqn(Fuqa) flew its last OM in the Gladiator II
142 Sqn(Binbrook) flew its last OM in the Battle I
603 Sqn(Hornchurch) flew its last OM in the Spitfire IA

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/16/2020 3:03:41 AM)

249 Sqn 16.10.40

Squadron patrolled HORNCHURCH at 15,000 feet. P/O. LOFTS and SGT. BOUQUILLARD left formation to attack a lone Dornier 215 at which they both fired. P/O. LOFTS force landed with a bullet hole in the oil system of his aircraft near <unreadable>. Claim one Dornier 215.

First and Last Operational Missions

301 Sqn(Swinderby) flew its last OM in the Battle I

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/17/2020 4:16:21 AM)

66 Sqn 17.10.40

Interception Patrols. P.O. Reilly shot down nr Westerham and killed.
S/Ldr. A.S. Forbes D.F.C. Takes over Command of No. 66 Squadron.
Weather:- Much low cloud. Cloud clearing in the evening. Vis:- Poor becoming good. Wind:- S.W. less than 10 m.p.h.

First and Last Operational Missions

16 Sqn(Weston Zoyland) flew its last OM in the Lysander II
94 Sqn(Shoreham – Hurricane I) flew its first mission of the war
603 Sqn(Hornchurch) flew its first OM in the Spitfire IIA

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/18/2020 4:09:34 AM)

66 Sqn 18.10.40

No operational flying. S/Ldr. Leigh proceeds on leave prior to posting to No. 13 Grp. for Admin. Duties. Information was received that P.O. Cooke had been promoted to A/Flt. w.e.f. 5.10.40. Weather:- 10/10 cloud below 500 ft. Drizzle and rain p.m. Vis:- poor throughout being 500 yds. mostly. Calm early, but a N.E. Breeze at 5-10 m.p.h. later in the day.

Base Changes

2 Sqn(Lysander II) moved to Sawbridgworth

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/19/2020 3:18:50 AM)

66 Sqn 19.10.40

Interception Patrols, all recalled. Weather:- 10/10 cloud below 700ft. drizzle at times. Vis:- below 1,000 yds. Wind:- E. 5-15 m.p.h.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/20/2020 3:18:05 AM)

257 Sqn 20.10.40

During the afternoon 257 Squadron in company with 48 Squadron was sent up to intercept Raid 4. They sighted 30 Me 109’s which turned out to sea and the Squadrons were unable to catch them. Later in the afternoon 257 Squadron while on patrol sighted a number of Me 109’s going down the THAMES ESTUARY at 26,000 feet. As 257 Squadron was below them they were unable to catch the enemy aircraft.

warshipbuilder -> RE: Action This Day (10/21/2020 4:19:54 AM)

257 Sqn 21.10.40

The Squadron carried out a patrol a 14.15 hrs. but did not sight any enemy aircraft. There was another scramble at 15.32 hrs. the Squadron was ordered to land at 16.46 without seeing any enemy aircraft. The Squadron was released at 17.15 hrs.

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