Energisteron -> RE: Map Views (10/19/2019 6:54:23 PM)
I regret to say that the map would appear to need considerable work. I've only been able to check the UK, or more specifically the England and Wales section of the map, but the placement of cities is shockingly inaccurate. The cities of Hull, Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool in reality form a crooked line from east to west across northern England with an approximate WSW slant. Leeds is actually marginally north of Hull, but on the map it is well south! Liverpool is near enough correct, but Manchester should be between Leeds and Liverpool not way south and halfway between Leeds and Birmingham! The east coast also is also wrong but that hardly matters in naval or aerial terms and is very unlikely to affect any land battle. I am well aware that hexagons prevent a totally accurate map, and I can make allowances for that, but these city placements make me question the remainder of the map.