Almeron -> Almeron vs. Michael T (Michael T welcome) (12/21/2019 11:35:29 AM)
My first AAR with Warplan, so let's see how it goes. I wish to give any opportunity for my opponent (Michael T), to react my posts, therefore I will delay my uploads. T01 actions, and overall strategy So, the main strategy is to fight west in the following two clear turn, and try to capture Belgium, Holland and Denmark, before the bad weather hits me. I decide to sent all my main efforts (for an early victory) west, and beat Poland with infantry. So all my air forces moves west, without any action on east, and the southern panzer corps railed west as well (one infantry corps moves closer to the german-danish border). The second panzer fights around Poznan, and his end hex is in rail hex, preparing for the next turn transport. Some of westwall garrisons are activated, because I need extra muscle early. My fighters, and panzer units receive extra fuel, keeping their supply high, for the upcoming battles (-14 fuel) Luxemburg was occupied, before the allied side did that move. My subs moves to raid, but unfortunately I forgot to place them on raid stance, so they where it badly (next turn).