rkr1958 -> RE: Axis Only. Ronnie vs Composer99. (2/19/2020 4:11:41 AM)
Turn 8. Nov/Dec 1940. End of Turn. (continued). [ax] Break Down Corps/Armies. Axis. none. [al] Return to Base Axis: As instructed. Commonwealth (1) Warships in 0 boxes of convoy pipeline zones return to Halifax, Liverpool, and Gibraltar, as required. (2) Both nav2s in Cape St Vincent return to Gibraltar. (3) The task force in the North Sea returns to Liverpool. (4) HMS Belfast and Sheffield return from W Med to Gibraltar. (5) HMS Rodney returns from Red Sea to Port Said. (6) TRS in E Coast returns to Liverpool. (7) One TRS in Cape St Vincent returns to Cape Town. The other returns to Liverpool. (8) Queens return to Aden. (9) Dutch TRS returns to Bombay. (Addendum to CW staying at sea: the Yugoslav cruiser also stays at sea, for want of a suitable port to return to at this point.) [ax] Production (Final). (1) Germany. 21 BP's for builds. 7 + 5 (newly saved) = 12 saved oil. (2) Italy. 5 BP's for builds. 2 saved oil. (3) Japan. 15 BP's for builds. 7 + 1 (newly saved) = 8 saved oil. (4) Vichy. 2 BP's for builds. 4 saved oil. [ax] Scrap Destroyed. Germany. none. [ax] Production. Axis. (1) Germany (21 BP's): Sub 4837 2nd (1), Sub 4841 2nd (1), LND(2), PIL(2), Arm(6), Mot Div(2), MIL(2) x 2, AT Div(3) (2) Italy (5 BP's): HQ-I(5). (3) Japan (15 BP's): MTN(4), INF(3) x 2, Sub 1st(1), PIL(2), Cav Div(2) (4) Vichy (2 BP's): 2 CP's. [al] Use Oil Axis: As instructed. Commonwealth: Spends 3 oil to reorg 3.25 worth of units. Soviet Union: Spends 1 oil to reorg 0.6 worth of units (HQ Zhukov.) (Other Allies didn't need to use any oil for reorg.) [al] Alied Final Production China: 4 pp x 0.75 = 3 bp; no new oil. Commonwealth: 14 pp x 0.75 = 11 bp; 10 new saved oil for 27 total. Free France: zip nada nilch United States: 38 pp x 0.25 = 10 +1 (Ja) = 11 bp; 1 new saved oil for 10 total. Soviet Union: 25 pp x 0.5 = 13 +2 (Ge) = 15 bp; 2 new saved oil for 10 total. [al] Allied Builds China: (3 bp) 1 GARR (2), 1 cav (1) Commonwealth: (11 bp) 1 amph (1st) (3), 3 cp (3), 1 ca (2nd) (1), 1 pil (2), 1 nav2 (2), 1 cvp0 (0) United States: (11 bp) 2 trs (1st) (4), 1 sub (2nd) (1), 1 pil (2), 1 mar (3), 1 cvp1 (1) Soviet Union: (15 bp) 1 arm (4), 3 INF (9), 1 CAV (2) Production Spiral. Jan/Feb 1941. [image]local://upfiles/31901/5DCC307EF6954194AFFC3000DF8C6EFF.jpg[/image]