rkr1958 -> RE: Axis Only. Ronnie vs Composer99. (1/18/2020 5:43:35 PM)
Turn 4. Mar/Apr 1940. End of Turn. (continued) [ax] Breakdown. Axis None. [al] No Allied breakdowns either. [ax] Production Final. Germany. 22 PP's x 0.75 = 17 BP's. 2 Sent to US. 4 Additional Oil Saved. 13 Saved in total. [ax] Production Final. Italy. 6 PP's x 0.75 = 5 BP's. 1 additional oil saved. 2 saved in total. [ax] Production Final. Japan. 16 PP's x 1 = 16 BP's. 1 Sent to US. 1 additional oil saved. 8 saved in total. [al] Axis final production confirmed as per above. [ax] Thanks. [al] Allied Final Production: - China: 5 pp x 1 = 5 bp; no new oil saved (1 oil total). - Commonwealth: 22 pp x 0.75 = 17 bp - 2 (Fr) = 2 bp; 6 oil saved (15 oil total). - France: 9 pp x 0.75 = 7 bp + 2 (CW) = 9 bp; 1 oil saved (3 oil total). - USA: 40 pp x 0.25 = 10 bp + 1 (Ja) = 11 bp; 1 oil saved (7 oil total). - USSR: 23 pp x 0.5 = 12 bp + 2 (Ge) = 14 bp; 1 oil saved (7 oil total). [ax] Scrap. German. Scrap both B-109 fighters. [al] Done. [al] CW will scrap the Hurricane I fighters. [ax] Production. German. 15 BP's. FTR2(2) x 2. PIL(2), Arm Div(4), Eng Div(3), Sub Repair(1) x 2. [ax] Production. Italy. 5 BP's. CP(1), Sub Repair(1), Sub 1st(1), MTN Div(2). [ax] Production. Japan. 15 BP's. Terr(2), Para Div(3), PIL(2), FTR(2), NAV(3), Mech Div(3). [al] Axis production completed as directed. [ax] Thanks. [al] Allied Production: China (5): 1 INF (3), 1 MIL (3). Commonwealth (15): 1 CV (rep) (2), 1 CA (rep) (1), 1 cp (1), 1 pil (2), 1ftr3 (3), 1 INF (3), 1 MIL (2), 1 cvp1 (1). France (9): 3 MIL (6), 1 ft2 (2), 1 saved bp (1) (saved in Tououlse). USA (11): 1 BB (2nd) (3), 1 AMPH (1st) (3), 2 cp (2), 1 SUB (1st) (1), 1 TERR (2). USSR (14): 1 ARM (6), 2 INF (6), 1 GARR (2). [al] Germany conquers Belgium. New Belgian home country is UK. [al] Sent game at factory destruction. [ax] got it. [al] I think there might be something wrong with the game file. The Belgian units in Antwerp are still there. The hex has converted to German control, as is proper, but the units are still in the hex. [ax] Yes, I just noticed that. [al] The units ought to have been removed from the map into the Conquered Pool. [al] Now I come to think of it, the Brussels and Amsterdam MIL are still in the reinforcement pools, although they also ought to have been moved into the Conquered Pool. [ax] Yikes ... [ax] What about if you file a bug report and I edit the file to move the units to conquered pool? [ax] I've never moved units to the conquered pool but I think I can figure it out. [ax] This might take me a while, so do you want to pause here for tonight then. [ax] Factory destruction. Germany. Blue factory at Rotterdam. The Incomplete Conquest Bug and Magic Editing Fixes. {Actually it turns out it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to move the appropriate Dutch and Belgium units to the conquered pool. Knowing the tricks to make safe edits to the game file sure makes getting through a game a lot easier. One might say necessary but that's definitely an opinion based on my lengthy experience with MWiF; especially playing games through to the bitter end.} [image]local://upfiles/31901/8E49A7D397CF42A2B6F22B148286C747.jpg[/image]