RoryAndersonCDT -> RE: The Mystery of Dyatlov Pass (6/12/2021 3:33:27 AM)
Dyatlov Pass is one of my favorite mysteries, as nothing adds up when we factor in all the evidence. We then must discard evidence, based on likelihood. Given it occurred in 1950s USSR, I am inclined to disregard much that was reported by the search teams. But, I think the medical state of the bodies wouldn't have been misreported, and perhaps the state (but, crucially, not location) of the tent. Without considering anything other than the severe injuries of 3 of the members of the expedition, and the damage to the tent, the most likely conclusion is a tree fell on their tent while they were sleeping. The members would then have to cut their way out of a crushed tent, at night, which explains the damage to the tent. I think a tree fell on their tent during a windy night, they then passed away due to injuries/exposure. Then their bodies and tent were later moved by someone, perhaps part of the search team, to the location they were found. I found the book, 1079: The overwhelming force of Dyatlov Pass, by Igor Pavlov (which was published this year!), this was one of the theories the book put forward. And I found to be quite convincing and satisfying.