aaffins -> RE: Catfished! A grudge match - Cheesteak (J) v. Aaffins (A) BTS (4/25/2020 3:42:45 AM)
Thanks guys, appreciate it. It has been a pretty interesting game, in my opinion. Although I've certainly chipped in with some pretty dire play. The Negative Waves game has been fairly quiet, our opponent has been a bit busy so we're more at a 3-4 turns a week pace as opposed to our original one a day. Don't want to say too much more because I know he reads this thread. Hi Adm. Yamaguchi =) 3/29/20 3 CLs hit Calcutta tonight, these bombardments are starting to present a little problem. With just cruisers he can't really close the airfield, particularly considering how many engineers I have, but he did knock out 5 a/c...that's attrition I can't really afford long term. A quartet of BBs, including the Yamato have a go at Bataan. It's attriting supply but not the devastation you might expect, presumably because he's having to bombard from long range to avoid the mines. The KB has stood off, we take advantage and get in a pretty effective bombardment of Perth with a couple CAs: Japanese ground losses: 631 casualties reported Squads: 1 destroyed, 19 disabled Non Combat: 4 destroyed, 45 disabled Engineers: 0 destroyed, 5 disabled Manpower hits 2 Fires 393 Airbase hits 2 Airbase supply hits 6 Runway hits 15 Port hits 4 CA Portland also has a nice hit on Johnston I. Broome falls. 3/30/42 In response to the increasingly problematic bombardments of Calcutta by IJN cruisers we try to get the CM Abdiel upriver to lay mines at Calcutta, but a couple of DDs playing 'goalkeeper' at the river mouth at Diamond Harbour chase her off. The air battle over Calcutta resumes, our Hurricanes perform well, getting about 3:1 against two groups (one zero, one oscar). Mohawks flying at a lower altitude aren't so good, as would be expected. 3/31/42 He gets a 1:1 at Clark Field, but we do get 100 disabled squads. A Hurricane squadron ambushes his bombers over Dimapur and takes out a half a dozen Liz's (Japanese 4E's for those who haven't tried BTS) 4/1/42 Quiet turn. We sweep his leading ground elements approaching Asansol. Abemama falls. 4/2/42 RN CLs Dauntless and Caledon have been cooped up at Calcutta since Diamond Harbor fell, the break out past the 'goalkeeping' IJN DDs, no damage to either side. His leading elements arrive at Asansol (couple hexes north of Calcutta). He's now getting to the edge of where he can effectively LRCAP so we get the RAF Blenheims and Wellingtons (just arrived!) into action. His leading elements appear to be 55th Inf Regt and 5th Tank Regt. We don't do a great deal of damage, but harassment and delay is the name of the game, right? Unfortunately we have only garrisoned with a couple Indian "armored" units that are just equipped with improvised AFVs, which he sweeps aside with no issues. I think he may be a little overextended here and I might have an opportunity. The RAF isn't exactly terrifying, but they're not a complete joke in terms of ground attack and he hasn't brought any air support to Asansol, so it will be difficult for him to cover his troops. Also some open terrain here and we know how that works for ground troops. Port Hedland falls. 4/3/42 He tries to get some Oscars up over Asansol, the AVG puts a quick end to that, sweeping them aside. I think the range is too far for them to be really effective. Our bombers begin hitting the airfield at Asansol. I figure we can get it out action now so he won't be able to bring up av support to cover his troops. Pamekasan, Baybay and Bacolod fall. 4/4/42 The RAF bombers go in before the sweeps at Asansol today and we lose a couple to Oscars, but they're not really capable of doing much. Surprised he's not putting more into this, both in terms of Zeroes and getting engineers/av support to the front. We've been able to evac the bulk of our troops from Perth toward Kalgoorlie, the 19th Aus Brigade and a LH MG Regt (kind of battalion strength weird mixed unit) stay at Cunderdin as a rearguard. They repulse what looks like an armor-only attack, albeit with pretty heavy losses. This concerns...apparently AIF squads don't have sufficient AT to knock IJA armor. 4/5/42 The SS Salmon gets 4 shots at the CV Amagi near New Caledonia, not sure if any hit, but none worked. The AVG gets back into action over Asansol, bagging quite a few Oscars. The Burma retreat has encountered a problem, we're not able to dislodge an IJA armored regiment (tried a shock attack by 1st Burma Div) blocking the road and now we're getting hammered by Japanese bombers near Tezpur. Maybe back into the jungle? KB is back off Perth, he hits our retreating units and we're predictably ejected from Cunderdin. Tandjoengselor falls. 4/6/42 Dauntless and Caledon return to Diamond Harbor and encounter an inbound IJN Bombardment TF. We think we got the CL Natori, but Dauntless has to go into Calcutta with heavy damage: Japanese Ships CL Sendai CL Nagara CL Natori, Shell hits 6, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage DD Arashi DD Harukaze Allied Ships CL Dauntless, Shell hits 10, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage CL Caledon Over Asansol our boys continue to handle the IJA Oscars with ease, Hurricanes taking up the torch today. Unfortunately further east the Burmese units are hammered by enemy air. 1:2 at Clark Field, but we're on the brink, he's starting to get a lot of destroyed squads, we start moving the trashed units back to Bataan.