rkr1958 -> RE: GLOBAL WAR COUNTER-FACTUAL (W1/Wilhelm vs rkr1958/jp) (4/29/2020 6:23:35 PM)
Turn 6. Jul/Aug 1940. Axis #3. USSR & China MPs. CCP. 4 of 5 USSR land moves. (1) cav corps. China 72,132 to 72,131. (2) Lanchow Warlord. China 73,132 to 72,132. (3) Mao HQ-I. China 74,133 to 73,132. (4) 1st inf army. Tianshui to China 74,133. Nationalist Chinese. (1) 1st cav corps. China 77,133 to Tianshui. (2) 1st inf army. China 79,134 to 78,134. (3) Chengtu Warlord. Ankang to China 79,135. (4) 2nd cav div. China 78,138 to 79,134. (5) 2nd cav corps. China 91,139 to 90,140. (6) Canton MIL. China 90,141 to 91,141. (7) 8th inf army. China 84,139 to 85,139. China. [image]local://upfiles/31901/6E02859B55054A1783A4713A4C785330.jpg[/image]