USV's (Full Version)

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ARCNA442 -> USV's (2/16/2020 2:13:27 AM)

So with all the talk about unmanned warships and the USN's purchase of some prototypes, I was wondering if anyone had done any testing in CMO/CMANO of some of the ideas being discussed? And if you have what are your conclusions?

ARCNA442 -> RE: USV's (2/21/2020 4:16:46 AM)

There doesn't appear to be much interest, but I'll add some of my findings in case someone finds it useful.

I've used the editor to add some notional USV's to existing scenarios. These USV's included a magazine ship (commercial supply vessel with 32x VLS), an AAW sensor platform (commercial supply vessel with TRS-4D and SeaRAM), and a patrol boat (fast response cutter with Hellfire), as well as the Sea Hunter in the DB.

Rather than simply giving my side additional assets, I attempted to remove and equal value worth of traditional assets from the modified scenarios, usually by replacing a DDG with an FFG plus an assorted half dozen USV's.

I found the magazine ships to be mostly worthless. Their vulnerability meant they had to stick with the manned ships for survival, raising the question of why not just skip a step and put the extra VLS cells on the manned ship in the first place.

The AAW sensor platforms were valuable in theory, but in practice were decidedly inferior to AEW aircraft. They were less responsive, more vulnerable, and couldn't provide the same low level coverage.

The patrol boat was exceptionally useful in escalatory scenarios because it could be used to shadow and test unfriendly forces without concern for its safety. And in one scenario one of these crippled a Russian frigate with a full salvo of Hellfires after being fired upon.

The Sea Hunter was another great tool since its active VDS could clear large areas of submarines without putting manned ships at risk. However, it was extremely vulnerable in this role and I lost several of them.

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