Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.1 out now!] (Full Version)

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PanzerMike -> Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.1 out now!] (4/15/2020 7:52:53 AM)

Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth"


Version 1.1:

Download the zip file. Unzip it. Follow the included Scorched Earth Installation guide.pdf
It is really easy.

And most of all, enjoy the scenario! And DO let me know what you think! If you spot any goofs on my part, please report them here; I will surely correct them.

MorningDew -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/15/2020 7:28:06 PM)

Looks incredible. So glad to see Norway matter!

Look forward to giving it a test spin.

Does it include graphic mods already or should we install any of your other graphic mods as well?

PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/15/2020 7:34:55 PM)

The scenario needs the provided png files in the zip. Those png files contain numerous custom tiles especially for Scorched Earth.

So the existing map mod (version 6) is not compatible with Scorched Earth.

You can use any unit mod you like though of course.

By the way, you CAN use the map png files provided in the Scorched Earth mod with ANY scenario (like the vanilla Europe 1939). The extra custom tiles are simply not used in that case.

OxfordGuy3 -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/15/2020 8:19:26 PM)

As mentioned in the other thread for PanzerMike's original map (which displays fine for me) and counter mods, I'm seeing a weird blue graphical glitch in the eastern corner of every hex on the map for this Mod, see attached. Is anyone else getting this?

magic87966 -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/15/2020 11:05:48 PM)

Can you give a quick rundown of the differences in your mod? Thanks.

PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/16/2020 12:28:26 AM)

There is a PDF in the download that describes the differences. It is quite extensive, some 40 pages.

Magpius -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/16/2020 1:01:03 AM)


PDiFolco -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/18/2020 1:34:39 PM)

Nice ! Are current map mods compatible with your scenario ? (I suppose counter mods are)
+ if you could also fix some French geography issues and typos, like
Vichy N of the Loire i/o South..
"Creusa" should be "Creuse"
"Saome" should be "Saône"

OxfordGuy3 -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/18/2020 3:19:47 PM)



Nice ! Are current map mods compatible with your scenario ? (I suppose counter mods are)

Counter mods certainly are, I prefer the simpler/cleaner look of the Packed WP NATOs_v3.1 – Counter Mod and this works fine with Scorched Earth

PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/18/2020 4:04:33 PM)

Yes, any counter mod will do, including the older ones I made. For the map however, you really need the included graphic files. I have made many new tiles, that don't exist in vanilla. Without them the map doesn't show properly.

PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/18/2020 4:06:25 PM)



Nice ! Are current map mods compatible with your scenario ? (I suppose counter mods are)
+ if you could also fix some French geography issues and typos, like
Vichy N of the Loire i/o South..
"Creusa" should be "Creuse"
"Saome" should be "Saône"

Will do that in version 1.1

Marco70 -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/20/2020 3:14:51 PM)

cant go through suez with allies ships, it must be a bug

PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/20/2020 3:40:57 PM)

Quite possibly, but likely a bug in the engine, not in the mod. I think you will also have this bug in vanilla. Can you please check that? If so, a bug report for Alvaro is necessary. Thanks!

Marco70 -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/20/2020 6:42:26 PM)

i checked it in several hotseat games, i dont have it in vanilla.

MagicMissile -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/20/2020 8:00:36 PM)

Yes I did two hotseat games one scorched earth and one 1939 standard. Both on same patch Beta 1,07U51.

In normal 1939 british fleet can enter the Red Sea in Scorched Earth it cant. I know this was a bug in some version of the game and then got fixed. Maybe your scenario was created based on the 1939 scenario when it had this problem. I dont know how these things work but I hope you can fix it. Love the map and especially the counters so really would like it to see it work.


PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/20/2020 8:08:21 PM)


I made my scenario off an older copy of vanilla. I have kept it in synch though with the chnages/fixes in vanilla. I hope I can fix this in the scenario editor, but I am not sure I can. I figured this was an engine thing.

MagicMissile -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/20/2020 9:13:43 PM)

Yes I think Alvaro said it was a scenario thing unfortunately [:(] here on the forum somewhere but I am not sure where.

Edit: i saw your link yes that was it I think.


PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/21/2020 7:11:44 AM)

Fixed it. Uploaded new version 1.1. You can download it in the first post of this thread. Thanks for the feedback. Keep it coming please.

OxfordGuy3 -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/21/2020 8:54:58 PM)

PanzerMike - something to be aware of for a future version of your Mod, the Italian infantry corps nerf mentioned in the manual (–1 firearms, –1 artillery) is not actually implemented for small corps (which is all the Italians can build), nor was this in the vanilla scenarios, but Alvro has now said that this will be fixed in all scenarios, see:

PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/22/2020 12:05:39 AM)

Thanks, I keep SE synched with vanilla. Don't worry.

Rosseau -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/22/2020 1:04:35 AM)

Thanks Mike for this labor of love. I am going to save it for my first multi-player game, probably on Steam, with an agreeable opponent.

I assume I can paste in your counter mod, and if my opponent does not that is okay?

Anway, I may wait for the next patch on Steam first. We'll see.

Thanks again!

PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/22/2020 5:53:02 AM)

You can use any counter mod you like. Your opponent can even use a different one from you.

And you're welcome[:)]

OxfordGuy3 -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/22/2020 6:48:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: PanzerMike

Thanks, I keep SE synched with vanilla. Don't worry.

Great, thanks!

klzlueylx -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/22/2020 4:25:50 PM)

Hi my game seems can't show the mod, and I am pretty sure I copyed the correct files into correct directory, any idea?

My game is steam version, 1.0006

Soooooo sorry, i did copied it in wrong directory.[:(]

baloo7777 -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/23/2020 9:59:07 PM)

Thanks for this great Scorched Earth mod PanzerMike, and the many units one. Newb to the game (not gaming) and really like it a lot and the map you made with this mod is fantastic.

PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/24/2020 6:14:07 AM)

You are welcome. I will release another update when patch 1.07 is released. Mainly small bugs identified in vanilla will be fixed in 1.07 and those fixes will also be done in SE by me.

OxfordGuy3 -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/25/2020 2:59:51 PM)

Hi - I think there is an error in the Mod with the beach hex 151,81 north of Bergen, even in clear weather this cannot be invaded, but can be invaded in the vanilla game, even with your Panzer Map Mod. To test something, in the first turn, I declared war on Norway, then I loaded up the German division in Bremerhaven (152,64) and moved to hex 151,81, I then try to invade, but no hexes are shown in red as possible to invade in, even though I have sufficient landing craft. In the vanilla game. hex 151,81 shows in red and you can invade it.


PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/25/2020 5:33:47 PM)

Hmmm, I will check that out. Thanks.

OxfordGuy3 -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/26/2020 8:20:42 AM)

I've tested this multiple times with the same result, so something is up. Obviously if it's just this one hex, it's not a game-breaker, but maybe some other hexes that you ought to be able to invade have this issue too?

PanzerMike -> RE: Europe 1939 "Scorched Earth" [v1.0 out now!] (4/26/2020 8:18:27 PM)

I will have a look at this tomorrow, together with the myriad of changes to the vanilla 1939 scenario which have to be ported over to Scorched Earth.

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