How many flags? (Full Version)

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n0b0dy2 -> How many flags? (4/21/2020 1:10:12 AM)

The Scenario Modding and Creation guide mentions "game event flag" values, as both test condition (if_flag=) and action effect (flag=).
I gather that these can be used as "or" gates, where any of a number of event script fragments can evaluate to set a given flag.

Each flag gets a number.
- What is the valid range of numbers available in a script?
- Are any flags already in use (hard coded) in the engine?

AlvaroSousa -> RE: How many flags? (4/21/2020 3:24:48 PM)


None are used in game.

The flags are just true false and saved with the scenario.

n0b0dy2 -> RE: How many flags? (4/21/2020 3:32:19 PM)

OK, 32 bits. These are latch-once settings, with no way to clear/reset them (?)

PanzerMike -> RE: How many flags? (4/21/2020 6:09:57 PM)

So, it works like this:
Flag=13 (flag 13 is now true)
If_flag=13 (returns true now)

There is no possibility to flip flag 13 back to false.


AlvaroSousa -> RE: How many flags? (4/22/2020 3:21:28 PM)

Correct use of flag.

No you can't reset it. Generally you shouldn't have to. SC has the same system of flag events. I will say I copied it from them.

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