The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (Full Version)

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MonkeysBrain2 -> The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/23/2020 8:06:02 AM)

Preparation for war


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/23/2020 8:17:27 AM)

There was a rainy night in Berlin, on July 29th 1914.
German Emperor, Wilhelm II was waiting for a special guest that night... Max Hoffmann was able strategist, not by rank but by mind more so, and Emperor wanted to consult him about strategy for waging conflict against British Empire, France, and Russia, and Serbia...

When Max Hoffmann entered brightly lit room with hundreds of maps hanging all over or on the big table upon German Kaiser, Wilhelm II was bent over with his military advisors and aides... "Ah, General Hoffmann, you have arrived... Please make yourself relaxed, and tell me your strategic advice, what we should do in this big drama, fight of big old Empires, it will be a hard and long struggle..."

General Hoffmann (he was promoted some days ago[:'(] ) "Yes, your Majesty, it will be a long and tough struggle. But if you will listen to my advice, we will emerge victorious in the end... We cannot stop Schlieffen Plan in full but we will have to deal with Russians much more vigorously right from the start...."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/23/2020 8:34:58 AM)

Hoffmann continued ..."We will also have to bring Bulgarians on our side as soon as possible. And Turks as well. Entering of Italy on the side of our enemy must be delayed as much as possible. Turks must go on the offensive, we will help them with some reinforcements as soon as possible."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/23/2020 8:39:47 AM)

Kaiser Wilhelm II listened to Hoffmanns suggestions with great admiration and took some notes from time to time regarding
production of rifles and positions of reserve regiments... And then said "And what about our close strategic objectives even on a tactical level, we need victories, we will not defend on whole perimeter?"

Hoffmann answered "Your Majesty, I have a plan for early attack on Warsaw here in my briefcase... Let me explain it to you..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 6:42:49 PM)

Hoffmann continued "Well, your Majesty we will attack Warsaw right from the start from few directions and try to destroy Russian forces by encirclement, we will try to avoid bloody frontal assaults wherever possible. I will notify Your Highness of success of this operation, or failure"


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 6:48:34 PM)

"Here in the area of Lotzen we will defend for now. Some ground can be lost in East Prussia to get better defensive positions and shorter, we will recapture that later..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 6:51:33 PM)

"Also, Tilsit, Insterburg area will be defended. Memel can be lost, we must shorten front lines a little bit here, so Goldap is also abandoned we will get this back later...In our backhand blow, you see on some part of the front we will defend for now, and on some other we will advance. Operations cannot be prosecuted if they are too risky..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 6:55:39 PM)

"On a Western Front we will hit Belgians like a thunderhammer from Odin... We must capture Namur, Liege, Louvain, Bruxelles, Givet, Mauberge, Lille and later Antwerp, Ipres, Calais etc..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 6:58:06 PM)

"This is Luxemburg - Metz area... French, we will teach those bastards how war is to be waged but they are formidable opponents so there must be caution, we will attack only on good opportunity here..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 7:02:01 PM)

This is Metz - Verdun area... We will defend here for now, only if really great opportunity we will attack...


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 7:03:50 PM)

"And this is Strasburg-Mulhause area... We will defend here for now... Attack with arty, bleed French if they want to attack etc... Have some reserves here for possible counterattack"


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 7:12:04 PM)

And what about our cousins Austro-Hungarians, what's happening on their part of the front toward Serbia and Russia asked Emperor Wilhelm II, and Max Hoffmann replied:

"Your Majesty, Austro Hungarians will for most part of their front toward Russia -defend, when forces are concentrated and Russian attack sustained, we will be able here also to advance but better to defend for some time..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 7:14:39 PM)

"And here Krakow Breslau area, we will attack here on good opportunity..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 7:15:52 PM)

"This is Montenegro area, part of the Austro Hungarian Balkan front..., for now here we will defend..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 7:18:08 PM)

"This is Sarajevo-Krusevac area, front towards Serbian... We will attack here but only when success is guaranteed... Enemy has withdrawn some units toward interior, but maybe he will counterattack from here..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/24/2020 7:19:38 PM)

"And this is Belgrade area... We must concentrate some more forces here and then we will attack here as well... Maybe one German corps would do a difference here?"


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 9:06:10 AM)

August 12th, 1914
Rat Patrol From Fort Metz
German Emperor Wilhelm II was at most forward position in fortress Metz, he was watching with binoculars how heaviest shells explode among French trenches making earth goes up hundred paces in the sky... He also instructed Germans heaviest railroad guns to attack French airfield many miles in the enemy rear.
He was waiting for his special man General Max Hoffmann to deliver him reports of early combat that has errupted on Western Front, Eastern Front and in Serbia...
Max Hoffman arrived and after brief formalities started with his long awaited report to his Majesty... "Your Majesty, I am terrible sorry for being late but I've just came from Liege, that city is ours, we have destroyed fort garrison and one Belgian division. And another cavarly unit south of Liege... We will try here to likewise encircle Namur and destroy fort garrison and another Belgian infantry division. Our security regiment held two attacks by three Belgian infantry divisions, really brave unit, for recommedation! We want to destroy remaining Belgian units and capture Brussel, Louvain, Wavre, Antwerp as soon as possible.
Other attack is developing toward French city, Givet which is defended by French Cavarly division. We will attack that division vigorously and eject it from Givet, because we want to develop this axis toward capturing French Fort Mauberge!


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 9:09:25 AM)

Our next objective on this part of the front, Fort Mauberge.


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 9:15:43 AM)

...Max Hoffmann continued... "Your Majesty on this map you can see our latest positions and enemy positions around Metz and area around Metz... We are diginn in and bombard French concentrations of troops with our arty. Arty is powerful weapon in this. Sadly further south we lost one Morser regiment in one French counterattack on our positions... We will defend for now and try to bleed them out with our arty alone..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 9:19:17 AM)

"...Same situation further south around Mulhause and Freiburg, Strasburg... For now we will defend and only use arty to soften enemy up... Later some offensive here is an option but first we must weaken enemy... We will send reinforcements only when truly nececary for now fronts have enough but we will reinforce successful offensives...."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 9:28:00 AM)

"Splendid!" Kaiser was jubilant, he started to dance... and said "Ahem, pardon me, I got carried away little bit here... One victory or two means nothing in big wars, but excellent start on Western Front! What happened on Eastern Front and with our little cousins Austro-Hungarians?"

Max Hoffmann replied "Your Majesty, I will start with review of our situation in Montenegro. Our fleet is there in action shelling Montenegrian troops. Those mountainous peasants attacked us Sir, and cut us off from supply on the coast, we will have to deal with this situation and we will send some reinforcements just in case..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 9:33:15 AM)

"In Serbia, Austro-Hungarian forces managed to destroy few Serbian regiments and to capture Uzice which is now under counterattack by Serbian forces... Rather good start for our cousins Austro-Hungarians in Serbia! But, they are tough nut to crack so we have sent one German corps of HQ (arty), and two German reserve infantry divisions. This will help Austro-Hungarians to beat the crap out of Serbs much more speedily..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 9:40:20 AM)

"This is Belgrade area. As you see, Your Majesty, our cousins, Austro-Hungarians managed to encircle Belgrade! According to their Chief of Staff, Conrad Von Hotzendorf, they are ready to assault Fort Beograd, Kalemegdan and there is 2 thirds of Serbian division as garrison in Beograd so they expect heavy losses but Beograd must be taken!... They have also destroyed some Serbian units here and plan to cross Danube and advance here on broad front because majority of Serbian units are south around Kragujevac, Krusevac and Nis..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 9:48:45 AM)

"On this map, Your Highness, you can see how Austro-Hungarians have prepared splendid defenses of Czernowitze, very important, strategic city which we cannot afford to lose... See those Russian positions full with troops? AH guns are bombarding them and causing tremendous losses to them so no need for now for local counterattaks, except on one too daring Russian cavarly division... For now they must endure Russian assault, that's why they abandoned Tarnopol and Brody which I will show you on next map..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 9:54:33 AM)

"And this here is Tarnopol, Brody, Lemberg area... Everytime Russians like mad whores are attacking here like madmen possesed and this time will be the same we think... They are attacking here in strength so it is good that our cousins shortened the line and abandoned Tarnopol and Brody, it is hard to defend so exposed front...Okay, they will defend here and counterattack any incursions, and bombard with arty for now... Some reserves is good to have on hand in such parts of the front, memo to myself..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 10:05:12 AM)

"This is map situation of front in East Prussia, just south of Allenstein. Around Lotzen and Johannisburg we will defend but we will try to destroy that enemy grouping around Mlawa as this will benefit our advance on Warsaw from the north..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 10:08:40 AM)

"And this is area of Tilsit, Insterburg, east of Konigsberg... We will defend here for now, launch counterattacks if needed and bombard them to death with our arty... We have abandoned Goldap and Memel to shorten some front lines... Well, for now let them dig in and hang on there..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 10:10:37 AM)

"Katowitze, Poland border area... Still some Russian units left to be destroyed there...We are on the offensive here and want to reach Vistula asap..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/26/2020 10:12:47 AM)

"This is Kielce, Lublin... Poland area... We are here defending and also attack on few places. This wing must wait till we reach Vistula as if we advance too far here we can get in trouble..."


MonkeysBrain2 -> RE: The Great War 2.0 AAR For Kaiser and Fatherland memoirs of Max Hoffmann (5/28/2020 5:41:07 PM)

Commanding general Ludendorff, in charge of Ob Ost, was now transfered his HQ much forward, actually very near front lines on Eastern Front 1914. He was at Lotzen and he can hear thunderous barrage from the not so distant front lines...
Captain Wolfgang Shulze of intelligence corps was waiting in an ante room to be received by Ludendorff and to deliver him latest informations on battles on Eastern Front in till August 19, AD 1914. Fateful year.
Since the beginning of the war, front erupted and massive battles were fought, but cheerful news is that in almost all battles Central Powers have proved their fighting worth. Casualties inflicted to Russians and Serbs are enormous.... Some twenty Russian divisions were annihilated in gigantic battles on Eastern Front and few Serbians as well....
But, my dear readers, let's see what Shulze has to say....
Ludendorff "Come in, come in my dear Shulze, I've already heard that you are bringing me good news from the front?"
Shulze :"Jawohl, Herr Oberstubafuhrerr, oh excuse me Fieldmarshal Ludendorff, there is excellent news from the front. German and Austrian forces to some extent are tirring apart Serbs and Russians... Russian Bear is soundly beaten and it is good because we don't want that they get too ambitious here... We have teached them a good lesson in modern warfare.
Sir, I will start with this map. As you can see on this map, splendid victory on the Mlawa sector just north of Warsaw. We have annihilated 5 divisions of Russkies, only some remnants left to be destroyed and road to Warsaw is open. Maybe we will bypass Russian fortress of Zegrzh but just maybe, but Nowogeorgiewsk that mighty Russian fortress is on the road to Warsaw and will
have to be conquered. We expect high losses, there are some armored trains in Nowogeorgiewsk and they are tough in defense."


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