sillyflower -> RE: Invincible uboats? (6/1/2020 10:07:54 AM)
OK, I think there may be a bit of misunderstanding about my point. My complaint is NOT about losing X merchants per turn, which is now 8 per turn because sveint's subs have v. high experience. It is about the apparent loss of the allies to ability to 'attack' the uboats by going adjacent, or when uboats go past them. Bad luck would be that those combats sank no uboats, but there is simply never any combat. Carriers do do air attacks but achieve nothing either beyond perhaps +1 spotting once in a blue moon (?5% of strikes). All this is is what is making the uboats invincible: it is the inability to engage in combat with them. I've done more testing of '39 scenario with uboats attacking the trade route which goes up the western side of Ireland., accumulating about 100 turns of futile efforts by every allied warship I could find. Not 1 combat and that's with usually 4 groups of allied warship trying to stop the slaughter. I can't even get any allied reaction when I dance the uboats between/under them trying to get attacked. NB the uboats are outside the range of land-based air, so I haven't tested that issue. The only result from my posting is that another of my opponents (it would be impolite to name him but he's posted on this thread so I know he's read it) is now using his uboats the same way with impunity [sm=sign0063.gif] I know that there haven't been any relevant rule changes recently. However, these results are wholly different in character from the many other games I've played to date where there has always been fights between the uboats and allied navies with both sides having casualties so I believe that this is not currently WAD. Sveint's experience to date has been the same as mine, and all the AARs I've read tell the same story of actual battles. To answer Roadwarrior, if nobody else has this problem, there must be a problem with my installation of the game. However, if others find the same issue, then it's a game problem ADDENDUM I ran each test until lack of oilers intervened. I reckon about 20 oilers refuelled allied ships adjacent to uboats and about 10 supplied uboats after sailing past, or through, allied fleets to reach the uboats. No oiler was ever intercepted.