IdahoNYer -> RE: Any suggestions for best employment of B-29's? (6/18/2020 3:45:02 PM)
I've doing discovery learning with the B-29s in my PBEM against Large_Slow_Target. Here's what I've learned so far, going into Dec'44. - As Alfred said, keep them in normal range, which minimizes the value of the Marianas. - Focus them on High Value Targets only. That's dependent on your game strategy of course, for me it was Oil until I could range the HI, then went to manpower. Couple of exceptions from time to time of course, such as opportunity long range mining missions to ambush returning IJN elements (low success probability). - I've learned the hard way that night is your friend. The B-29s in daylight are still vulnerable to fighters in a PBEM, and they are too valuable to risk to a CAP trap or if fighter sweeps/escorts don't fly. A lesson learned the hard way. Altitude will vary with defenses, the lower the better, but Home Island AA can be deadly under 10k, even at night. Japanese night fighters are somewhat effective if they have radar, but they are few and far between. - Keep your bomb groups together and keep in range of their Air HQs. AF8 or better. - Rest often, by squadron or group. When you fly a mission, max effort, all squadrons fly, if possible to a single target. You should be able to fly a mission once a week or so with this method. Sometimes more depending on range to target and defenses. That also allows time to recon. - You'll also be short airframes until you get the B-29-25. I've even disbanded incoming squadrons to garner additional aircraft. Keeping squadrons full strength when they go from 7 to 10 planes will be challenging. Adjust your tempo accordingly. - Put your best bomber crews in your B-29s. Rotate out of other bombers to get guys with 80+ ground bombardment. - Recon, recon recon. Blanket likely targets to spread your opponents defenses. By end of '44, you should have plenty of long range recon. Hope this helps!