zgrssd -> RE: Easy way to see total food/water/metal ect needed per turn? (6/22/2020 2:26:08 PM)
The most important rule for the SHQ is: "You need the resources in storage when you hit end turn". When it finally collects from zones, delivery to zones, delivery to units and even production has already run. - It is never bad to run a surpluss of food. A bit expensive in workers maybe, but if you got less then 50 surpluss you should upgrade ASAP. - Water you may want to limit to "just above what I consume", if the source is limited. Otherwise it is the same thing as Food - If you are full in storage, you can even see how much excess you got - everything sold or "lost due to storage full" is excess. Metal however is extremely variable. You primarily use it for construction and all the instant stuff you are doing with the SHQ (Rails, Ammo, Troops). And the zones try to get 1 whole turn of consumption for their projects, so it is extremely jumpy