Pi2repsilon -> Suggestion: Add map layer "radioactivity" (7/3/2020 11:43:26 AM)
I just played a test game with a lot of radioactive areas, and realized what the game desperately needs. Currently you need to click individual radioactive hexes while having the Zone tab active and looking in the bottom right corner to see the value of radioactivity in a single hex, and in large radioactive areas you need to inspect all important hexes to know how bad the situation is. This is inconvenient and does not provide the player, at a glance, with the important information - namely, "how radioactively dangerous is this area (in general, or for the selected unit)" HENCE, suggestion is adding a 7th map layer, shading the map in ever brighter shades of red depending on the strength of radiation: 1) If no unit is selected, all hexes are shading by radioactivity+building_rad_mod, no colour if <= 0 2) If a unit is selected, all hexes are shading by radioactivity+building_rad_mod+unit_rad_mod, no colour if <= 0 or unit unaffected by radiation