CapAndGown -> RE: Russian units (7/5/2020 10:05:20 PM)
Warning: I am not an experienced player. What follows is likely wrong. Nevertheless: You have the manpower and production capacity to quickly rebuild your rifle divisions. I would not disband those. Most of you AP points at the start should be used to evacuate AAA units from front line cities that will soon be overrun. You will also need to disband fortified regions in danger of being overrun. These uses will eat up most of your Admin Points. Tank divisions, OTOH, seem like prime candidates for disbanding, even if they are not currently routed, but only have a TOE of 50%. There is no hope of rebuilding these divisions in a reasonable time frame due to limited production capacity, and having them at 50% or less TOE% makes them extremely brittle, ready to be routed after just one attack. I have come to the conclusion that early tank divisions are only good for one battle before they become combat ineffective. Rather than leave them laying around soaking up equipment, I think it best to disband them to help fill out the few divisions that remain.