Platoonist -> RE: Search and max range (8/14/2020 2:50:13 PM)
ORIGINAL: thephalanx1453 quote:
ORIGINAL: Platoonist Why do you feel submarines should be easy to kill? Even when the Allies were at the height of their ASW powers subs could be notoriously difficult to find, track or sink. Because my mod is called Mahan's Revenge, and its premise is Mahan woke up from his grave and changed the laws of physics to make his doctrine come true. Mahan lived in the age of steam, but postulated his ideas from the studies of the age of sail. When a ship of the line embodied the totality of a nation's naval strength. The doctrine of the "decisive battle" kind of died at Jutland. No single naval defeat in the World War II ear, no matter how devastating could break a nation's military power because by then command of the sea rested on too many elements. Not just submarine and aircraft but logistical systems, mines, base facilities, flotillas of lesser vessels. Even Midway as devastating as it was to the Japanese didn't end the war in one battle. It's your mod idea, but I guess I just don't get it. I have a feeling this game is not the right platform to try it.