RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (Full Version)

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Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:08:44 PM)

The Brooklyns at Geraldton sink five MTBs during the daytime at Geraldton, while these two destroyers raid near Kuching...unfortunately they clash with a destroyer screen just prior. Still, they manage to cause a collision and damage a few ships..


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:16:18 PM)

Back to the Brooklyns at Geraldton, I suspect these are the destroyers that were escorting the task force off Exmouth yesterday....


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:20:06 PM)

The Buffaloes escort in one squadron of dive-bombers...half dozen Zeroes put up some defense.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:21:28 PM)

Another wave...


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:23:08 PM)



Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:25:35 PM)

Afternoon attacks...


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:30:24 PM)

New Orleans gives Geraldton some attention...the coveted daytime bombardment scores heavy damage!


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:32:22 PM)

Don't mess with Starling!


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:34:42 PM)

Still holding out here. Interesting that Japan is not bombing these guys.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:37:33 PM)



Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/17/2020 10:42:11 PM)

One of the destroyers at the clash at Kuching sinks on the return trip to port...a very good day I think overall.

First American troops should arrive at Cape Town today, first bombers in 3 more days...

Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/20/2020 11:30:56 PM)

Jan 9th, 1942

Allied night bombing cheese[:D] No flak at 8k.[:)]

Actually, it won't be that bad...I believe we have one HR, and that is no more than 50 planes total night bombing ports or runways. Even if it isn't a HR, I personally follow this rule...


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/20/2020 11:33:51 PM)

Light Cruiser Honolulu bombards...and does good work.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/20/2020 11:35:32 PM)

New Orleans hits them, even though they bombarded the previous day.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 11:27:12 AM)

Akyab invaded...plans here are to retreat towards line is secured and should make it.

Will fight now for southern India.

First American troops loading at Cape Town for Bombay.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 11:55:05 AM)

Using Chinese bombers for recon...they spotted the Ichang thrust and allowed for almost all troops to evacuate, and also spotted the missing IJA tank spearhead, which really can only be heading northeast on a loop around to Kungchang. Will try to setup in the mountain east of Kungchang...not sure I have enough time to do that though.

Tomorrow we will cut the last direct road, rail lines feeding his northern thrust. It won't stop supplies from flowing in, but will slow it and create wastage.

I still feel somewhat optimistic here, especially if I can keep Ledo.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 12:10:03 PM)

Getting to the end game in the SRA.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 12:18:04 PM)

Geraldton front, advantage Allies for now.[;)] Obviously the threat here is a pincer looping attack that isolates Perth.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 12:35:01 PM)

Mistakes were made here...

Up to five American Fighter squadrons now in Oz. Have to be careful as replacements are few and far between...a few P40s intercepted some Sallys bombing up near Cloncurry.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 12:39:25 PM)

Cats try bombing Mutsu near Wenchow, but Nates are flying CAP.

I forgot about my disbanded merchant ships at Ramree...goodnight.

Damaged Peary gets chased down and sunk by Ashigara.


Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 12:51:01 PM)

Did some damage at Palembang.[;)]

I can get 24 B17s to Singers easily enough...just now sure if it is worth it.


ny59giants -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 2:11:29 PM)


I can get 24 B17s to Singers easily enough...just now sure if it is worth it.

Yes it is!!. Unless Nat has changed from our game, he does NOT repair any Oil or Refineries outside Japan. I was surprised by this, but that's the way he plays.

RangerJoe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 3:07:02 PM)

If you want to try it, although it can lead to some supply spoilage, you can maximize the supply draw from Ledo into Burma at all of those dot bases with stockpiling. When they get overfull, then release the supplies but increase the supply request in Burma at Lashio and in China at Paoshan. You might have to increase the supply draw at Ledo first. But when you release those supplies, you might want to reduce the supply demand with no stockpile at Lashio and stockpile any other bases connected to it by rail and road so the supplies don't return to India. The idea is to get more supplies at those dot bases, keep them from going back into India but on to Burma and then China.

Sorry if this is incoherent, a cat wants to knead me with his sharp claws digging into my skin. [:(]

Edit: Paoshan might look like this with no HQ present. [:D]


BBfanboy -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 4:52:16 PM)



Getting to the end game in the SRA.


Looks like the Pillsbury task force could handle that TF coming north toward Balikpapan. Not sure of the total picture for where it goes after a run south.

Ambassador -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 6:38:14 PM)

Bringing bombers to Singapore might push him to remove squadrons from the front line to defend Palembang, or divert troops to conquer Singers.

Same from Mindanao/Jolo, if you can get bombers there and he takes Tarakan/Balikpapan.

Any damage done now is much more interesting, in my very humble opinion, than the loss of those bombers. Strategic VP are nice, and depriving Japan from that oil production, even if he repairs it, is time lost for his industrial production.
And it’ll increase four-fold the VPs he’ll have to amass to manage auto-victory in ‘43.

RangerJoe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 6:47:17 PM)

There are no strategic VPs for bombing in the DEI, at least as far as I can recall. What is worse is the loss of the oil production. If it gets repaired, that is 1000 supply units. If it does not get repaired, that is a lot of oil that won't get turned into fuel, thus HI and supplies.

Ambassador -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 7:25:48 PM)



There are no strategic VPs for bombing in the DEI, at least as far as I can recall.

Really ? I always refused to do it, as I thought IRL it would not have been done (after all, the Netherlands were an Allied nation), but it’d be great if it was reflected in the VP allocations.

ÉDIT: an old professor of mine used to say « when in doubt, read the law, everything is in the law », at least five times an hour. I checked the manual, p.264, and indeed VP are scored only for North America, Australia and Hawaii, for the Japanese, and for mainland Japan, for the Allies.
So, I always believed those house rules I was reading about not bombing industry in China was to avoid VP-farming. I was wrong. One learns something every day.

RangerJoe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/21/2020 8:20:50 PM)

The house rules for China bombing is to help keep the Chinese in the game. They are already short of supply but destroying it only makes it worse.

But the oilfields were bombed by the US, at least a few times.

GetAssista -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/26/2020 8:42:46 AM)

So, how is it all going? This is quite a big lull already, there are murmurs in the peanut gallery [8D]

BBfanboy -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (11/26/2020 4:31:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: GetAssista

So, how is it all going? This is quite a big lull already, there are murmurs in the peanut gallery [8D]

Shhhh! Our US members are having secret Thanksgiving AE planning conferences - necessary work of course! The turkey and beverages are incidental ...


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