Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertWolf101 (A) (Full Version)

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szmike -> Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertWolf101 (A) (10/1/2020 2:34:53 PM)

Welcome everyone,

I was convinced by my esteemed opponent to start AAR of our game, despite me being just a long time lurker of forum - since original Witp release I think, before registered.

My WitP:AE PBEM experience is minimal, only 2 games on Allied side which were put on pause by my opponents when covid situation started, and I doubt they will ever resume by now. They didn't go past 1942 either. I think I have fairly good knowledge of game mechanics, but I have trouble actually applying it correctly to the game situation. I consider myself lacking in operational and strategic department, at least compared to active AAR players. I've studied my opponent previous game AAR when he was playing Japanese side and I'm very impressed. It seems I'm jumping in very deep water, but I hope for good learning experience. I will also appreciate all input by readers.

Due to real life commitments I won't have time for regular AAR - so expect weekly/monthly summaries. Doing a turn takes priority.

We are playing DaBabes scen 28 on extended map with stacking limits. It's DaBabes version of scen 1.

Settings are pretty standard: FoW, advanced weather effects, Allied dmg control, realistic R&D, Dec7th surprise, PDU are on, with slight reinforcment variation.

House rules:
- no new TFs on T1 for Allies, no air groups relocation (except for China)
- no T1 CV hunting by Japanese, no deep raids e.g. Mersing gambit
- PPs for border crossing (China, Manchuria, India) - Thai and Indian units allowed in Burma
- no 4E naval bombing under 10k
- sweeps on second best maneuver band
- night bombing of ports/airfields by no more than 50 bombers per target
- no unlocking of restricted combat units through unrestricted air HQs to save PPs - base forces and AA units are OK
- no landing of troops on non-dot/base hexes
- paratrooper units must be recombined before they are dropped on another target again, but can be split dropped when whole
- no strategic bombing in China by either side (including Hong Kong).

RangerJoe -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/1/2020 2:56:46 PM)

Good uck. If you do update more frequently then you could also ask for suggestions.

Nomad -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/1/2020 3:32:17 PM)

Questions when you are not sure can be a big help, so ask away and we will try and help.

bradcue -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/1/2020 4:15:33 PM)

Good luck! Playing the Empire for first time in PBEM can be alot. Post frequently and you can get help on the forum. Particularly things like R&D and Economy, you probably want advice there if you haven't played Japan before.

Bif1961 -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/2/2020 4:55:47 PM)

Have fun and it is always a learning experience no matter how long one has played.

PaxMondo -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 12:33:58 AM)


szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 6:00:05 AM)


There are several things I don't know yet.
What is decent reserve of HI/supply/fuel for end game?
To that end, how much supply could be spent expanding industry in scen1 type game and not get choked on war side? I aim at historical expansion with some lightly/not defended targets of opportunity which could cost my enemy time to retake. My gut feeling is it depends on how badly damaged are oil wells/refinieries captured in DEI. Resources are more abundant and LI is rarely target of strat bombing, especially in odd places. But then with LI RoI it's more of future insurance, while there are some benefits of not hauled/wasted resources.
As for possible industrial expansion my goal is to produce locally and avoid hauling, apart from resources/fuel needed by Home Islands + building reserve there. My opponent asked for no China strat bombing HR, so I'm going to benefit from it too here. The only question is how much could be spent.


I gathered much information from excellent players advice in other AARs, even if there were some differences in approach. Additionally I've run continuous head-to-head turns in background until begining of 1943 to check how much R&D actually progresses. I know it is RNG based, but it was still useful experience. To that end I decided to put:
- most effort in:
1. Rufe into A6M8 - while Sam would be nice to have asap, factories don't seem to repair much and I can reassign more later towards this project when chances of repairing increase. In essence it's better to have A6M8 in 1942 than Sam maybe somewhere near the end of 1943 if lucky, the difference between investing now and investing later doesn't seem to be more than a month or two progress. The disadvantage being more HI/supply spent due to double expansion/repairs. I may be totally wrong here with my maths, we will see.
2. Frank
3. George
- medium effort in:
1. Grace
2. Judy
3. Tojo
4. Sam - too tempting
- small effort in:
1. Peggy T
2. Frances
3. Myrt night fighter
4. Randy night fighter
5. Ki-83
6. Shinden
I also left starting R&D factories of Toka, Tsurugi, Tabby, Judy recon and Zero night fighter for possible group resizing.

I realize my R&D may be too fragmented, but I'm ready to pay the price for it. I want to have some flavour too.

Aircraft production

I need many Oscars asap, until Tojos arrive. I also need many Zeroes for group resizing - using Taiyo for that - KB will be busy and spare aircraft will be lacking for quite some time anyway. Jakes and Dinah are in deficit, so they are produced. Some production is run for replacements of Mavis, Sallies, Betties, and transport Tinas, Sallies.

I couldn't decide what to do with my torpedo bombers production between Mabel, Kate1, Kate2 - the only differences between them are SR and engine used. I went for Kate2 because of SR1 instead of SR2 of the others, but I'm still not convinced and it's not too late/costly to change my mind yet. Kate1 has otherwise useless engine and I could spare Ha35 sooner for R&D bonus. How much of a disadvantage is SR2 on carriers?

RangerJoe -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 6:16:05 AM)

Not that much of a disadvantage for an SR2 on carriers for your Kates unless you plan on flying them turn after turn.

You might want to increase your LI in Fusan (Pusan) to encourage more resources to go there for shipment to the HI.

If you expand HI, if you do so in Manchuria, do it by 10 units at a time then check your supplies. I think that it would be better to make smaller increases in many places than one large increase at one place.

You might want to look up Mike Solli's AAR "Once More Into The Breach." It gets detailed about the logistics and has a nice discussion about aircraft research.

szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 8:12:50 AM)

Vehicle production

I converted armament factory in Korea and expanded others to a total of 210.


Shinano is stopped. 1944 dated CVs are accelerated, Akitsuki type DDs are accelerated for use with KB. Yamato will be halted for a week then run when there are points to spare. I think I can afford a delay of her. Will there be clash battles to warrant her use? She's costly in fuel, as are all Japanese BBs, even if Kongos are slightly better here.
I also think of stopping all slow or short range submarines. I'm afraid they will become depth charge fodder. But some could be used as deep convoy nuisance, and lucky torpedo here and there (on enemy carrier maybe?) could be very useful.

I stopped production of most xAKs. I build tanker convertible StdA and StdB only. I may build some Aden class when necessary e.g. losses are high.
I accelarated LSDs (whole 2), AMC and CVEs slated for 1943.
Other ship production will be decided on case by case basis depending on needs.
Spare merchant shipyards are converted.

Ship conversions and designations

AKEs are needed badly, Lima class ships are designated as they have big enough holds to rearm BBs. On the other hand losing one means big supply loss, so smaller ships will also be used for forward rearming of cruisers and destroyers.
There will be several AD conversions of Akasi/Ehime class, DDs are rather fragile and ADs not only provide torpedoes, they also assist with repairs. They will be deployed forward and I expect some losses.
No AS, AG conversions are planned at this time, until the need arises. AGPs/AGs will be used later for PT support. Existing AGs will be used in small ports for escort rearm.
With many float plane groups available I think of converting couple more AVs for forward search when didbanded in dot bases. I have to think more about it and decide soon as conversions take 180 days.
AR conversions are not available until April/May 1942, so we have to wait. Meanwhile Kyushu/Husimi cargo ships will be used for safer, quick routes transport.
All possible cargo ship conversions to PB, AMc are undergoing.
Several ports have mines and no ACMs, so basically all To'su xAKL/AMc will be converted. I plan on using all mines available in key locations (choke points) on offense and defense. I also expect my opponent to use this tool freely, so minesweeper fleet is required. Slow Kiso class, which are not much use otherwise, will serve here, also as forward spotters of incoming surprises.

I have not decided on floatplane cruisers. There is enough time yet.

Convoy routes

I would like to use "magic" road Singapore to Fusan, if only for the sake of experiment. I have read much about it and I have mixed feelings when it comes to actual possibility, even if some people swear it works under circumstances. I tried against AI couple years ago and failed to notice significant moves, therefore good if it works, don't mind if not. Nevertheless Fusan is expanded as it has the shortest and the most safe route.
Other routes include: Hokkaido-Honshu, so Hakodate/Muroran ports are expanded; Sakhalin-Hokkaido; Taiwan, Okinawa, Amami Oshima to Kyushu.

Supply and fuel are needed for operations in Pacific, so convoys are prepared too. Forces in other areas will get what they need locally and from initial supply landings.

szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 8:23:23 AM)

Thank you all for comments and encouragement.


Not that much of a disadvantage for an SR2 on carriers for your Kates unless you plan on flying them turn after turn.

rather unlikely, but they may be better suited for some ASW while on route


You might want to increase your LI in Fusan (Pusan) to encourage more resources to go there for shipment to the HI.

it is one of locations for LI expansions


If you expand HI, if you do so in Manchuria, do it by 10 units at a time then check your supplies. I think that it would be better to make smaller increases in many places than one large increase at one place.

good, I didn't think about it


You might want to look up Mike Solli's AAR "Once More Into The Breach." It gets detailed about the logistics and has a nice discussion about aircraft research.

I was reading this AAR, may need to refresh points on logistics.

821Bobo -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 9:09:50 AM)


Vehicle production

I converted armament factory in Korea and expanded others to a total of 210.

Thats probably overkill. 100-120 are enough to fill up new builds. Of course more are needed to replenish losses but 210 seems to be just waste of supplies.

PaxMondo -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 9:29:53 AM)




Vehicle production

I converted armament factory in Korea and expanded others to a total of 210.

Thats probably overkill. 100-120 are enough to fill up new builds. Of course more are needed to replenish losses but 210 seems to be just waste of supplies.


PaxMondo -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 9:36:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: szmike

Convoy routes

I would like to use "magic" road Singapore to Fusan, if only for the sake of experiment. I have read much about it and I have mixed feelings when it comes to actual possibility, even if some people swear it works under circumstances. I tried against AI couple years ago and failed to notice significant moves, therefore good if it works, don't mind if not. Nevertheless Fusan is expanded as it has the shortest and the most safe route.
Other routes include: Hokkaido-Honshu, so Hakodate/Muroran ports are expanded; Sakhalin-Hokkaido; Taiwan, Okinawa, Amami Oshima to Kyushu.

Magic Highway can work, search for previous responses of mine on the how to. Fusan is the best, but also the most difficult to effect. PA/Shanghai are fairly easy. Key to any success is that you must start on turn 1 and persevere. You should see it starting to work by Feb, and by Mar (assuming you have cleared Changsha area) you should be drawing all the way from Saigon or even Singers if clear.

To do this requires practice and if you have not been successful against the AI, you may not want to attempt in a PBEM. The purpose is that it can save you a lot of ships and allow you to setup ASW traps - kill zones. Meaning, you are going to change your ship build. If you don't succeed, then you need to be sure your ship build is adjusted to that reality.

PaxMondo -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 9:50:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: szmike


I gathered much information from excellent players advice in other AARs, even if there were some differences in approach. Additionally I've run continuous head-to-head turns in background until begining of 1943 to check how much R&D actually progresses. I know it is RNG based, but it was still useful experience. To that end I decided to put:
- most effort in:
1. Rufe into A6M8 - while Sam would be nice to have asap, factories don't seem to repair much and I can reassign more later towards this project when chances of repairing increase. In essence it's better to have A6M8 in 1942 than Sam maybe somewhere near the end of 1943 if lucky, the difference between investing now and investing later doesn't seem to be more than a month or two progress. The disadvantage being more HI/supply spent due to double expansion/repairs. I may be totally wrong here with my maths, we will see.
2. Frank
3. George
- medium effort in:
1. Grace
2. Judy
3. Tojo
4. Sam - too tempting
- small effort in:
1. Peggy T
2. Frances
3. Myrt night fighter
4. Randy night fighter
5. Ki-83
6. Shinden
I also left starting R&D factories of Toka, Tsurugi, Tabby, Judy recon and Zero night fighter for possible group resizing.

I realize my R&D may be too fragmented, but I'm ready to pay the price for it. I want to have some flavour too.

If you have been reading recent AAR's, then you know that A7M is your most important plane, getting it early is a game changer. To get it early requires dedicating at least 12 and up to 18 RnD factories. By early, we mean early-mid '44. While there are no guarantees, with sufficient RnD committment AND the engine bonus, it is possible achieve arrival dates of 3/44 or even earlier. 18x30 RnD means that when you get it, you can fill out a KB airgroup with A7M in 3 days, in 3 weeks completely convert the KB. The A7M in combination with the N1K is a very strong position for the IJN through end game.

The same can be said for getting Frank in mid-43. A game changer. Ki-83 later in the game is nice, but it isn't the game changer like Frank is. George is about the same impact as Frank, but you only need one of them to have the game impact. Hence, most players go for Frank for the IJA and then A7M for the IJN. You can only really focus on 2 AC RnD, so choose the 2 that give you the most bang for your buck.

Just my thoughts ...

PaxMondo -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 10:00:22 AM)

Your discussion about A6M and A7M, most players would disagree. A6M is outdated when the F6F arrives, period. The F6F was designed to kill the A6M and it does that very effectively. The A7M is designed to kill the F6F, and that is what it does. So, the KB is very vulnerable, and worse, at a serious strike disadvantage once the USN deploys the F6F until the KB gets the A7M. There are scores of AAR's that clearly establish this; failed KB attacks and then disastrous inability of the KB to defend.

That doesn't mean the A6M is a bad plane, but you need to look at it with the tactical perspective of how you want and need to use it.

Just some more thoughts, use as you see fit ...

szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 10:35:01 AM)

Initial plan and opening moves


China is the reason this war even started. Ingame goal however is to knock it out as soon as possible, and while it won't make Allies peace out (not enough for autovictory), it would free considerable forces to fight Allied war machine elswhere. I'm of an opinion that it is easier said than done without big investment, especially against competent player. In my 2 Allied games I managed to dishearten my opponents to de facto cease fire here. I consider my current opponent to be very good at land warfare, so I will not be surprised if China stalemates eventually, especially with no strategic bombing HR.
To this end supply flow from India must be stopped and Chinese industry captured, while I will have to waste more of their supplies than is produced to starve them. Oil there is also useful.


Probing attacks by elements of 55th Division are planned in Burma initially with capturing of Moulmein as goal and thus getting base for aircraft to deny any shipping going to Rangoon. Flying Tigers are consideration, but at the time there are no assets available to use against them until other enemy bases have their air cover depleted in DEI.


DEI with its resources has to be conquered quickly. Singapore is the major blocking point to that end, so capturing it is priority and gets the most focus. 7 divisions with associated major armour and artillery units are tasked with the goal. Initial convoys are rearranged and the forces will land in Kota Bharu - 18th Division, Signora and Pattani - 5th Division. Imperial Guards Division is going in via rail. 2nd Division is unloaded and will be repacked into more efficient convoy arrangement at Home Islands. Other divisions are waiting for assigned transports/escorts.

Port in Singapore will be bombed by IJN airforce, while major airfields on Malaya Peninsula are to be closed by IJA airforce, specifically Kuanatan, Kota Bharu, Alor Star.

I consider all-in Mersing too risky without carrier support.

Hong Kong

It is major base and thorn in the side, threatening nearby convoys and bases. To capture it quickly initial group will be reinforced by elements of 104th Division from Canton. Patrols of DD and CL/DD divisions are dispatched to deal with RN destroyers and PT boats around, but far enough to avoid running into minefields by reactions.


While UK bases there are not threatening by themselves, they could house enemy float planes or patrol boats, and fuel enemy warhips. I expect my opponent to naval attack my forces with any float planes/patrol boats available as it became prevalent and quite efficient tactics. I would rather prevent it where possible.


48th and 16th Divisions are to land there, capture Clark Field and split enemy forces. With stacking limits it is not feasible for Allies to keep all available forces in one place, and abandoning Bataan is rather unlikely either as it would remove major obstacle for Japan, so I expect enemy to spread his units a bit. With Clark Field Japanese could bomb remaining forces to starvation, so the goal is to capture it and contain enemy. Bombing campaign will keep Clark Field closed until captured. B17s are major threat and have to be destroyed/damaged on airfields and contained to smaller bases to limit their impact.


Major landing is planned in Cagayan. Goals are: capture lvl 4 airfield for Nells/Betties denying it to enemy and destroy any B17s caught there. Rjuyo airforce is to bomb it and damage any bombers it possibly can.

Other DEI consideration is the need for ports, lvl 3 at least, for any close emergency repairs when warships are critically damaged and too far from Babeldaob/Cam Rahn Bay.


I was considering giving my opponent his own medicine and attack Australian ports with its shipping, but decided against it. It could be done at any other time as well e.g. in a month or so, and I'd rather have KB cover landings and deny free reign to Allied carriers, while my convoys are at sea between Japan and Pacific bases. Striking PH is not to be underestimated either, although results vary between pathetic and major damage. Killing any Catalinas is good bonus.
Thinking of Catalinas and having TF of destroyes set to bombard Midway by default got me thinking why not capture it outright? Widen the gap of no eyes in Central Pacific, while getting eyes at the same time.
Thus capturing Midway T1 is the goal as well as Guam, while 144th Regiment could be free to use elsewhere. Wake will have to wait for KB cover.

szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 11:04:54 AM)




ORIGINAL: szmike


I gathered much information from excellent players advice in other AARs, even if there were some differences in approach. Additionally I've run continuous head-to-head turns in background until begining of 1943 to check how much R&D actually progresses. I know it is RNG based, but it was still useful experience. To that end I decided to put:
- most effort in:
1. Rufe into A6M8 - while Sam would be nice to have asap, factories don't seem to repair much and I can reassign more later towards this project when chances of repairing increase. In essence it's better to have A6M8 in 1942 than Sam maybe somewhere near the end of 1943 if lucky, the difference between investing now and investing later doesn't seem to be more than a month or two progress. The disadvantage being more HI/supply spent due to double expansion/repairs. I may be totally wrong here with my maths, we will see.
2. Frank
3. George
- medium effort in:
1. Grace
2. Judy
3. Tojo
4. Sam - too tempting
- small effort in:
1. Peggy T
2. Frances
3. Myrt night fighter
4. Randy night fighter
5. Ki-83
6. Shinden
I also left starting R&D factories of Toka, Tsurugi, Tabby, Judy recon and Zero night fighter for possible group resizing.

I realize my R&D may be too fragmented, but I'm ready to pay the price for it. I want to have some flavour too.

If you have been reading recent AAR's, then you know that A7M is your most important plane, getting it early is a game changer. To get it early requires dedicating at least 12 and up to 18 RnD factories. By early, we mean early-mid '44. While there are no guarantees, with sufficient RnD committment AND the engine bonus, it is possible achieve arrival dates of 3/44 or even earlier. 18x30 RnD means that when you get it, you can fill out a KB airgroup with A7M in 3 days, in 3 weeks completely convert the KB. The A7M in combination with the N1K is a very strong position for the IJN through end game.

The same can be said for getting Frank in mid-43. A game changer. Ki-83 later in the game is nice, but it isn't the game changer like Frank is. George is about the same impact as Frank, but you only need one of them to have the game impact. Hence, most players go for Frank for the IJA and then A7M for the IJN. You can only really focus on 2 AC RnD, so choose the 2 that give you the most bang for your buck.

Just my thoughts ...



Your discussion about A6M and A7M, most players would disagree. A6M is outdated when the F6F arrives, period. The F6F was designed to kill the A6M and it does that very effectively. The A7M is designed to kill the F6F, and that is what it does. So, the KB is very vulnerable, and worse, at a serious strike disadvantage once the USN deploys the F6F until the KB gets the A7M. There are scores of AAR's that clearly establish this; failed KB attacks and then disastrous inability of the KB to defend.

That doesn't mean the A6M is a bad plane, but you need to look at it with the tactical perspective of how you want and need to use it.

Just some more thoughts, use as you see fit ...

Thank you for your input.

Based on it I have to notice though, that whatever course of action I apply R&D wise, KB is of no use in 1943/early 1944, unless with really good odds and good LBA support, and certainly not against Deathstar. Which means it could be good to force beneficial carrier battle in 1942 to at least remove some Allied carriers off the board which is neither easy nor a sure affair, so I'd have to count on enemy mistake. Either way it doesn't look encouraging.

PaxMondo -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 3:15:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: szmike

Based on it I have to notice though, that whatever course of action I apply R&D wise, KB is of no use in 1943/early 1944, unless with really good odds and good LBA support, and certainly not against Deathstar. Which means it could be good to force beneficial carrier battle in 1942 to at least remove some Allied carriers off the board which is neither easy nor a sure affair, so I'd have to count on enemy mistake. Either way it doesn't look encouraging.

Very true. Alas, most allied players will not oblige any carrier action until they have upgraded their CV's AND have F6F on board, which is about 5/43 or so. The key is that if you are able to get the A7M in early '44, the KB is almost as big as the DS at that time. The difference usually is that the F6F is so superior that the allies will take CV combat figuring at worst an even trade of CV's which is a crushing loss for the IJ. However, with the A7M, you can distort that outcome; 2:1 or even higher is definitely in the cards. That is really a stalemate, which for the IJ is a win as you delay further allied action in the pacific for 6 - 8 months ... meaning pushing them into '45.

PaxMondo -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 3:30:26 PM)

BTW, all of my comments relate to Scen 1. I've never played S28, but my understanding of it is that the above should all be even more true than in S1.

Q-Ball -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 5:01:02 PM)

Seems like you are on the right path, a couple additional comments:
--I would produce the B5N1 (early Kate) just to use up those old engines. The SR2 does not hurt CV operations much at all. But there are alot of demands on the Ha-35 engine, better to save those for Oscar/Zero etc.
--YAMATO I think can be easily delayed if you are strained for NSY. Work on it as you can. I kind of prefer to run it with MUSASHI, so delays into fall '42 not a big deal.
--Very minor point, but build a small factory for the Topsy I, just to use up the engine pool on that. You don't really need to expand Ha-31 line, this will help you keep it small. Topsy I is nearly identical to Topsy II otherwise.

RangerJoe -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 7:04:00 PM)

For mine sweeping, the Ansyu PB can take a mine hit then disband into the port. They will slowly clear the minefield but you should not lose any ships. You need to have one real mine sweeper in the hex to put the Ansyu PBs into it but the real minesweepers do not need to go into the mine sweeping TF.

If the To'su were to convert to the CMc first, do so and then lay the mines when an ACM gets there. Then the To'su can convert to something else.

For your supply and troop convoys, make a Fast Transport convoy first and put your escorts into that, then load supplies. Then put then into the supply and troop convoy. It may not be many supplies nor efficient in fuel to move supplies that way, but it is more efficient than having empty ships sailing. The Ansyu PBs can carry 1000 supplies and may survive a torpedo hit.

szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 7:39:18 PM)



For mine sweeping, the Ansyu PB can take a mine hit then disband into the port. They will slowly clear the minefield but you should not lose any ships. You need to have one real mine sweeper in the hex to put the Ansyu PBs into it but the real minesweepers do not need to go into the mine sweeping TF.

That seems like really inefficient way to clear mines. I have plethora of AMc which should do the job. Ansyu are fast enough to run with convoys, not that they can do much against subs anyway, but do fine suppression in amphibious TF if no CDs present.


If the To'su were to convert to the CMc first, do so and then lay the mines when an ACM gets there. Then the To'su can convert to something else.

ACMs have small mine load anyway


For your supply and troop convoys, make a Fast Transport convoy first and put your escorts into that, then load supplies. Then put then into the supply and troop convoy. It may not be many supplies nor efficient in fuel to move supplies that way, but it is more efficient than having empty ships sailing. The Ansyu PBs can carry 1000 supplies and may survive a torpedo hit.

That could be useful, if micro intensive.

RangerJoe -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/3/2020 8:11:40 PM)

Those CMcs get FREE mines when they convert. ACMs do not come with mines unless that are loaded on to them.

Those loaded escorts also will work with your invasion convoys as well.

Yes, the Ansyu PBs are slower but you don't have to clear each mine, just a decent path to render the minefield ineffective. Besides, when you capture the base, since there are no enemy ACMs in the port, the minefield starts to degrade anyway. Also, until you capture enough resources to haul back to the HI, you don't need the Ansyu PBs for convoy escorts. Singapore, when captured, will be able to repair a mine damaged Ansyu PB quickly and if you capture Singapore before Java and Sumatra with those resources, what convoys are they escorting?

szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/14/2020 5:09:00 AM)

December 7th 1941

The war started with good results. First 3 RN destroyers were found and promptly sunk almost without a shot. I spent small fortune of PPs on changing non-suitable skippers of all warships, starting from carriers ending with destroyers and I hope it pays off.


Day Time Surface Combat, near Kwangchowan at 74,64, Range 19,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
DD Fubuki
DD Usugumo, Shell hits 1
DD Shirakumo, Shell hits 1
DD Isonami
DD Murakumo
DD Uranami

Allied Ships
DD Scout, Shell hits 20, and is sunk
DD Thanet, Shell hits 13, and is sunk
DM Thracian, Shell hits 20, and is sunk

Then Pearl Harbour was struck with OK result - West Wirginia had magazine explosion.


Morning Air attack on Pearl Harbor , at 180,107

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 118 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 44 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 66
B5N2 Kate x 144
D3A1 Val x 135

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 9 damaged
B5N2 Kate: 6 destroyed by flak
D3A1 Val: 27 damaged
D3A1 Val: 4 destroyed by flak

Allied aircraft losses
PBY-5 Catalina: 110 damaged
PBY-5 Catalina: 4 destroyed on ground
SBD-1 Dauntless: 30 damaged
SBD-1 Dauntless: 2 destroyed on ground
B-18A Bolo: 19 damaged
B-18A Bolo: 2 destroyed on ground
B-17E Fortress: 17 damaged
P-40B Warhawk: 33 damaged
P-40B Warhawk: 2 destroyed on ground
B-17D Fortress: 26 damaged
B-17D Fortress: 2 destroyed on ground
A-20A Havoc: 11 damaged
A-20A Havoc: 1 destroyed on ground
P-36A Mohawk: 22 damaged
P-36A Mohawk: 1 destroyed on ground
O-47A: 7 damaged
O-47A: 1 destroyed on ground
F4F-3 Wildcat: 3 damaged
F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 destroyed on ground
R3D-2: 3 damaged
C-33: 1 damaged
OS2U-3 Kingfisher: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships
BB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 4, Torpedo hits 1
DD Farragut, Bomb hits 1, on fire
BB Arizona, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 1
BB West Virginia, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
BB Maryland, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
BB California, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
BB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
BB Nevada, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 7, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
DD Shaw, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CA New Orleans, Torpedo hits 2, heavy damage
DD Case, Bomb hits 1, on fire
CL Phoenix, Bomb hits 1
CL Detroit, Bomb hits 1
AE Mauna Loa, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Allied ground losses:
10 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Repair Shipyard hits 6
Airbase hits 32
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 76
Port hits 8
Port fuel hits 4

Magazine explodes on BB West Virginia

Singapore port was attacked and bombers caused some damage, but lost couple of their own.


Morning Air attack on Singapore , at 50,84

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 33 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 12 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18
G3M2 Nell x 72
G4M1 Betty x 27

Allied aircraft
Buffalo I x 11

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M2 Nell: 2 destroyed, 13 damaged
G4M1 Betty: 5 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Buffalo I: 1 destroyed

Allied Ships
xAP Klang, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAP Matang, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP Dominion Monarch, Bomb hits 1
TK Spirilla, Bomb hits 2, on fire
xAK Neleus, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires
xAP Hong Kheng, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
DM Stronghold, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
CL Mauritius, Bomb hits 9
CM Kung Wo, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Demodocus, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires
ML No. 310, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
AMC Manoora, Bomb hits 2
AMC Kanimlba, Bomb hits 3, on fire
DD Isis, Bomb hits 1
AG Vyner Brooke, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
TK Pleiodon, Bomb hits 2
DD Jupiter, Bomb hits 1, on fire
DD Encounter, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
DD Vendetta, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
AG Ban Hong Liong, Bomb hits 1, on fire
AM Ballarat, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAK Zannis Cambanis, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAK Silverbeech, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAK Wulin, Bomb hits 1, on fire
PG Herald, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
HDML 1062, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
AM Toowoomba, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Repair Shipyard hits 6
Port hits 4
Port supply hits 1

And the same happened in Manilla raid. I hoped for better effects, submarines will be quickly repaired in Manilla/Surabaya shipyards. We plan further strikes.

Clark Field was also bombed by IJA bombers, and B17s were damaged and couldn't strike back, while the base is damaged and won't be used against us.


Morning Air attack on Manila , at 79,77

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 34 NM, estimated altitude 6,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18
G3M2 Nell x 36
G4M1 Betty x 81

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M2 Nell: 7 damaged
G4M1 Betty: 7 damaged
G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed by flak

Allied Ships
SS S-41, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
SS Stingray, Bomb hits 1, heavy damage
AM Bittern, Bomb hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
AV Langley, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Pope, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAKL Dos Hermanos, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
SS Shark, Bomb hits 2, heavy damage
SS Seadragon, Bomb hits 4
SS Porpoise, Bomb hits 3, heavy damage
SS Pike, Bomb hits 2, heavy damage
DD Peary, Bomb hits 2, on fire
SS Sturgeon, Bomb hits 1
SS Tarpon, Bomb hits 1, heavy damage
SS Snapper, Bomb hits 1
SS Sealion, Bomb hits 2, heavy damage
SS Spearfish, Bomb hits 2, heavy damage
SS Swordfish, Bomb hits 1, heavy damage
SS Seawolf, Bomb hits 1
AS Holland, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
SS Saury, Bomb hits 2, heavy damage
SS S-40, Bomb hits 2, heavy damage
SS Sculpin, Bomb hits 4, heavy damage
AM Lark, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Capillo, Bomb hits 1
SS Perch, Bomb hits 1
xAKL Corregidor, Bomb hits 1
SS Sargo, Bomb hits 1
PT-33, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Tantalus, Bomb hits 1
SS Salmon, Bomb hits 3, heavy damage
SS Skipjack, Bomb hits 2, heavy damage
AO Pecos, Bomb hits 1
PT-32, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Ethel Edwards, Bomb hits 1, on fire
xAKL Compagnia Filipinas, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage

Port hits 8
Port fuel hits 6
Port supply hits 2

Morning Air attack on Clark Field , at 79,76

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid spotted at 26 NM, estimated altitude 11,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 8 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 18
Ki-21-IIa Sally x 18
Ki-48-Ib Lily x 27

Allied aircraft
P-40B Warhawk x 1

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-48-Ib Lily: 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
P-40B Warhawk: 1 damaged
P-40B Warhawk: 1 destroyed on ground
O-47A: 2 destroyed on ground

Allied ground losses:
30 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Airbase hits 22
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 41

Meanwhile Midway was bombarded, invaded and captured. But the base is wrecked as much by our action as by American garrison destroying facilities.


Naval bombardment of Midway Island at 158,91 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
PBY-4 Catalina: 7 damaged

4 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
CA Chikuma
CA Tone
DD Ushio
DD Sazanami

Allied ground losses:
231 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 21 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 6 (2 destroyed, 4 disabled)
Vehicles lost 3 (1 destroyed, 2 disabled)

Airbase hits 8
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 26
Port hits 3

CA Chikuma firing at Midway Island
CA Tone firing at Midway Island
DD Ushio firing at 6th Marine Defense Battalion
6th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Ushio
DD Sazanami firing at Midway Island

Pre-Invasion action off Midway Island (158,91) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

28 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
xAK Taifuku Maru, Shell hits 1
xAKL Kosho Maru, Shell hits 4, heavy fires
DD Hayashio
DD Oyashio
xAK Macassar Maru, Shell hits 1
xAK Nittai Maru
xAK Shinsei Maru

Allied ground losses:
34 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

6th Marine Defense Battalion firing at xAK Taifuku Maru
5in Mk 15 CD Gun Battery engaging xAKL Kosho Maru at 7,000 yards
DD Oyashio firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
5in Mk 15 CD Gun Battery engaging xAKL Kosho Maru at 7,000 yards
DD Oyashio firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
5in Mk 15 CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Macassar Maru at 7,000 yards
DD Oyashio firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
xAK Taifuku Maru fired at enemy troops
xAK Macassar Maru fired at enemy guns
xAK Nittai Maru fired at enemy guns
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 4,000 yards
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 2,000 yards

Amphibious Assault at Midway Island (158,91)

TF 13 troops unloading over beach at Midway Island, 158,91

Japanese ground losses:
48 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

17 troops of a SNLF Inf Squad 41 accidentally lost during unload of 9th JNAF Coy
17 troops of a SNLF Inf Squad 41 lost in surf during unload of Kure 2nd SNLF
15 Support troops lost from landing craft during unload of Kure 2nd SNLF /3

Ground combat at Midway Island (158,91)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 2438 troops, 19 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 71

Defending force 1774 troops, 38 guns, 9 vehicles, Assault Value = 36

Japanese adjusted assault: 31

Allied adjusted defense: 6

Japanese assault odds: 5 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Midway Island !!!

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
PBY-4 Catalina: 8 destroyed

Combat modifiers
Defender: disruption(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+), supply(-)

Japanese ground losses:
452 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 31 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 8 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Allied ground losses:
2214 casualties reported
Squads: 30 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 87 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 5 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 48 (48 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 9 (9 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 2

Assaulting units:
Kure 2nd SNLF
9th JNAF Coy

Defending units:
6th Marine Defense Battalion
116th Base Group

Bases in Malaya are also bombed and some Allied planes damaged.
Forces are landing in Kota Bharu, Patani, Signora in Malaya, Mirri, Brunei, Jesselton on Borneo, Laoag and Aparri on Luzon, also on Guam.

Full combat report attached.

szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/14/2020 6:05:47 AM)

December 8th 1941

Boise affair... [X(] [&o]
we have to give her credit, she single-handedly caused much wreck in our plans and severly damaged whatever ships were in her path. We lost a destroyer - single salvo caused 50+ damage in all categories, also fires... we had to scuttle her after battle.

Houston was also involved, but That don't impress me much.


Night Time Surface Combat, near Dinagat at 82,87, Range 8,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Maya, Shell hits 1
CA Ashigara, Shell hits 3
CL Natori
DD Yamagumo
DD Satsuki
DD Minazuki
DD Fumizuki
DD Nagatsuki

Allied Ships
CL Boise, Shell hits 1

Improved night sighting under 85% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions and 85% moonlight: 8,000 yards
Range closes to 10,000 yards...
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 8,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 8,000 yards
Moran, E. crosses the 'T'

Night Time Surface Combat, near Dinagat at 82,87, Range 8,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
PB Aso Maru #3
PB Kiso Maru, Shell hits 5, heavy fires
xAK Imizu Maru
xAK Asahisan Maru
xAK Seian Maru
xAK Tamashima Maru
xAK Maebasi Maru
xAK Seikai Maru, Shell hits 1
xAK Yomei Maru
xAP Kokuryu Maru

Allied Ships
CL Boise

Japanese ground losses:
11 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Improved night sighting under 85% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions and 85% moonlight: 8,000 yards
Range closes to 11,000 yards...
Range closes to 10,000 yards...
Range closes to 9,000 yards...
Range closes to 8,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 8,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 8,000 yards
Moran, E. crosses the 'T'

Day Time Surface Combat, near Dinagat at 81,87, Range 19,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Maya, Shell hits 2
CA Ashigara, Shell hits 2, on fire
CL Natori
DD Yamagumo, Shell hits 3, heavy fires
DD Satsuki
DD Minazuki
DD Fumizuki, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Nagatsuki

Allied Ships
CL Boise, Shell hits 9, on fire

Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
Range closes to 19,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 19,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 19,000 yards
Moran, E. crosses the 'T'

Day Time Surface Combat, near Siargao at 83,88, Range 19,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Myoko
CA Nachi
CL Nagara
DD Kuroshio
DD Hatsukaze
DD Natsushio, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Amatsukaze
DD Tokitsukaze

Allied Ships
CL Boise, Shell hits 20, heavy fires, heavy damage

Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
Range closes to 19,000 yards...
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 19,000 yards
CONTACT: Allied lookouts spot Japanese task force at 19,000 yards
Kiyota, Takahiko* crosses the 'T'

Day Time Surface Combat, near Siargao at 84,88, Range 20,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Myoko, Shell hits 2, on fire
CA Nachi
CL Nagara, Shell hits 2, heavy fires
DD Kuroshio
DD Hatsukaze
DD Natsushio, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Amatsukaze
DD Tokitsukaze

Allied Ships
CA Houston, Shell hits 12, heavy fires, heavy damage

Maximum visibility in Overcast Conditions: 20,000 yards
CONTACT: Japanese lookouts spot Allied task force at 20,000 yards
Japanese launch Long Lance torpedoes at 20,000 yards before allies detect Japanese presence

Day Time Surface Combat, near Siargao at 84,88, Range 20,000 Yards

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
SOC-1 Seagull: 3 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CA Maya
CA Ashigara, on fire
CL Natori
DD Satsuki
DD Minazuki
DD Nagatsuki

Allied Ships
CL Boise, Shell hits 27, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Day Time Surface Combat, near Siargao at 83,89, Range 16,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CA Maya
CA Ashigara, heavy fires
CL Natori
DD Satsuki
DD Minazuki
DD Nagatsuki

Allied Ships
CA Houston, Shell hits 26, heavy fires, heavy damage

Day Time Surface Combat, near Siargao at 83,89, Range 18,000 Yards

Allied aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft losses
SOC-1 Seagull: 3 destroyed

Japanese Ships
CA Maya
CL Natori
DD Satsuki
DD Minazuki
DD Nagatsuki

Allied Ships
CA Houston, and is sunk

I bet if she had more ammo, she would wreak even greater havoc.
As a result of whole action both american cruisers are sunk for a cost of DD Natsushio and 3 cruisers in yards when we need them most. Also our Mindanao invasion forces retreated halfway to Babeldaob. I consider it Allied victory.

Allies also try several low level naval attacks and have some success [8|] ...more bomb hits than planes flying


Morning Air attack on TF, near Brunei at 65,87

Weather in hex: Partial cloud

Raid spotted at 7 NM, estimated altitude 5,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Allied aircraft
OS2U-3 Kingfisher x 3

No Allied losses

Japanese Ships
xAK Igasa Maru, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x OS2U-3 Kingfisher bombing from 1000 feet
Naval Attack: 2 x 250 lb GP Bomb

...while we sink some cargo ships near Hongkong


Morning Air attack on TF, near Hong Kong at 77,61

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 29 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G4M1 Betty x 9

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
xAK Ming Sang, Torpedo hits 1
xAK Nanning, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Hong Kong at 77,61

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 30 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 6
G3M2 Nell x 9

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
xAK Fatshan, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
xAK Hanyang, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x G3M2 Nell launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 45cm Type 91 Torp
Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Hong Kong at 77,61

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 59 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 18 minutes

Japanese aircraft
B5M1 Mabel x 5

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
xAK Ming Sang, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
xAK Hai Lee, Torpedo hits 3, and is sunk

Aircraft Attacking:
5 x B5M1 Mabel launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Naval Attack: 1 x 45cm Type 91 Torp

At Midway Argonaut attacks ships unloading supply.


Submarine attack near Midway Island at 158,91

Japanese Ships
xAK Taifuku Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Argonaut

xAK Taifuku Maru is sighted by SS Argonaut
SS Argonaut launches 2 torpedoes at xAK Taifuku Maru

Submarine attack near Midway Island at 158,91

Japanese Ships
xAK Taifuku Maru, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS Argonaut

xAK Taifuku Maru is sighted by SS Argonaut
SS Argonaut launches 2 torpedoes

Meanwhile in China...

... CAP traps are put by American fighters and we run into one of them. Ouch [sm=00000106.gif] we have to be careful, no happy bombing of Chinese troops everywhere.


Morning Air attack on 62nd Chinese Corps, at 77,58 , near Canton

Weather in hex: Heavy cloud

Raid spotted at 11 NM, estimated altitude 8,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-36 Ida x 21

Allied aircraft
P-40E Warhawk x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-36 Ida: 14 destroyed

No Allied losses

Chinese are moving several corps to Ichang, but we move reinforcements. They also try encircling manoever on the East side, but we are ready. While the base isn't that important at this stage of war, we cannot abandon it and give it for free. The same deal about Singyang. We split all available plane groups, including Nates, and send several bombing runs just to slow down their approach.
As our forces are all over the place, we concentrate them and move garrison troops around in order to free as many divisions as possible.

At other theatres invasion sites are captured. Notably Kota Bharu is wrecked by retreating forces. We spared bombing it, so we could capture it intact, but alas...

Full combat report attched.

szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/21/2020 7:03:20 PM)

December 9th to 16th

Naval warfare

Not much happens on seas during that time, my opponent is very cautious.

Kuma is hit by 2 torpedoes from PTs in terrible weather, while covering ships unloading at Luzon. Perfect conditions for PT ambush.


Night Time Surface Combat, near Iba at 78,75, Range 1,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
CL Kuma, Shell hits 1, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
DD Asakaze
DD Harukaze
DD Matsukaze
DD Hatakaze

Allied Ships
PT-31, Shell hits 1, and is sunk
PT Q-111
PT Q-112

Low visibility due to Rain with 57% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Rain and 57% moonlight: 1,000 yards

My opponent is also moving in RN torpedo boats from Hongkong, but they suffer heavy losses at hands of Imperial destroyers.

We bombard Wenchow in China with Fuso in order to make port/airfield there unusable.

We invade Nauru and Ocean Islands in the Pacific and lose big cargo ship due to Lousville interference. I expected her to be close, but my cruiser division (Tatsuta, Tenryu, Yubari) arrives a day late.

On Dec 16th we capture Wake Island with help of KB.

What about enemy carriers? We briefly see CV TF North of Midway (poor detection though), KB arrives the next day, but finds no sign of enemy. They manage to escape quickly.


Where are Manilla refugees???

My subs and several SAGs are roaming Sulu Sea and Phillipine Sea to almost no effect. My forces sank about 6 small cargo ships. No sign of any other shipping. We invade Mindanao and Ternate and establish air search to no effect either.

Naval losses so far are rather light. Some information is simply false in regards to Allied losses.


szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/21/2020 7:31:22 PM)

Air warfare

It goes rather badly. Any unescorted raid is countered by fighters on LRCAP, especially in China. And I didn't know one could do this from lvl 1 airfield, shows I have some knowledge gaps to fill/remind. Also due to weather and base overstacking we suffer from poor coordination, aviation support is rather scarce and it takes much time to move it forward. I notice IJA figthters refuse to escort IJN bombers, but that may be just a bias. I studied coordination guide again and it seems my settings are OK. Bad weather also covered Singapore and Manila for several days which didn't help at all.

We are losing way too many Zeros in air-to-air combat sweeps. Where did my opponent get so good pilots this early? I don't want to load Allied side of this scenario, but it seems he put the best he got there.

Then he harasses my bases with unescorted B17s and my fighters can't do anything against them. I'm at a loss in this department. We damage them, but they still bomb anything they want to. We are losing Mirri oilfields quickly. I should have brought AA already, so that is one lesson learnt.

Any advice is appreciated.


mind_messing -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/21/2020 9:23:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: szmike

Air warfare

It goes rather badly. Any unescorted raid is countered by fighters on LRCAP, especially in China. And I didn't know one could do this from lvl 1 airfield, shows I have some knowledge gaps to fill/remind. Also due to weather and base overstacking we suffer from poor coordination, aviation support is rather scarce and it takes much time to move it forward. I notice IJA figthters refuse to escort IJN bombers, but that may be just a bias. I studied coordination guide again and it seems my settings are OK. Bad weather also covered Singapore and Manila for several days which didn't help at all.

We are losing way too many Zeros in air-to-air combat sweeps. Where did my opponent get so good pilots this early? I don't want to load Allied side of this scenario, but it seems he put the best he got there.

Then he harasses my bases with unescorted B17s and my fighters can't do anything against them. I'm at a loss in this department. We damage them, but they still bomb anything they want to. We are losing Mirri oilfields quickly. I should have brought AA already, so that is one lesson learnt.

Any advice is appreciated.

Some thoughts:

- On the Zero sweeps, stack your advantages. Use them en-masse, the game rewards concentration of force. Make sure you're optimising their altitude for sweeps (preferably higher than the defending CAP, but not too high that they're at a manuver disadvantage. Pamper the pilots. By that, I mean to make sure they're well rested and good to go (low fatigue, high morale).

- On the Miri/B17 problem, you've already touched on some aspect that you can do to help (AA and CAP). Don't be too worried if the defending fighters (I assume Nates, Oscars or Zeros) aren't shooting them down - this is normal. B-17s have high durability, and early war IJ fighters have quite weak weapons. Even if the B-17s are not being shot down, the damage will spoil their aim and take a while to repair when they return to base. Even a strong CAP of Nates will wear down the B-17s eventually, as the damage will accumulate to the point that there are fewer and fewer planes flying. Of course, the best defence for Miri is to take all the airbases capable of supporting B-17s in range, but solve the immediate issue first before looking for a long term solution :)

- On the air war generally, looks like you're running a lot of unescorted raids. To my mind, this is bad practice and in effect free EXP for Allied fighters. While you CAN run unescorted raids, if doing so you need to be quite flexible with target choice, and effectively fly a different mission every turn, so there's a situation where Allied CAP is playing a lottery to see where gets bombs that turn. Even then, you'll still lose from time to time.

A better approach in my mind is to concentrate all your air power on a specific mission, to allow a combined effort. If you're bombing a base in China, have a sweep of Oscars set to go ahead of the bombers, and some Nates dedicated to escorting the bombers. The result you'll end up with is a co-ordinated attack - the Oscars will sweep the CAP away, the Nates will protect the bombers from anything that's left and the bombers will get through. Do that for a turn or two then move on to a new target.

It's much more effective than using your bombers in penny-packets and having the occasional unescorted raid get mauled. Change targets often and keep the Allies guessing.

szmike -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/22/2020 1:43:26 PM)

Thank you for the summary. I definitely need to be more strict when it comes to air operations. I've already checked all commanders (including air HQs) and I monitor fatigue/morale on daily basis.

What do people think of splitting KB? It is somewhat tempting, but I tend to think it is bad proposition if Allied carriers are alive and kicking somewhere and will probably appear in force soon.
I kind of expect at least one of them in DEI, so reinforcing CVLs with Kaga could work better in such case. On the other hand I'm going to push Rabaul/PM and KB here would likely prevent much of Allied interference. Then 3 CVs vs 5 is a fight Allied might go for.

Bif1961 -> RE: Against all odds - szmike (J) vs DesertFox101 (A) (10/23/2020 2:43:59 PM)

The American carriers have low pilot experience and skills early on and the planes, especially Devastators, are sub-par. His best plane are the SBDs and most squadrons are of the smaller size and he has to include Buff squadrons to round out his ship carrying capability. You have the advantage in everything but damage control, but even early war American damage control can fail quickly. So splitting the KB will be based on what your assumptions are on where and how many carriers he will deploy elsewhere or concentrate all 4 American ones in one place. You stated that you believe he will deploy one of the American carriers to DEI so that would leave 3 fleet carries with a compliment of 270. You have 6 CVs, 2 CVLs and 2 CVEs available so you can mix and match according to speed and designer aircraft strength to accomplish your mission and potential enemy forces. So a split of the KB maybe 5 CVs in one TF, 1 CV, 2 CVLs in another and CVEs escorting major invasion TFs. The 5 fastest CVs will give you about 350 aircraft in that TF and 2 fast BBs as bomb catches and anti-surface protection. The other TF with the slower CV, Kaga and 2 CVLs would be about 140 aircraft with 2 fast BBs to be bomb catches and anti-surface forces. So I call them KB 5 CVs and Mini-KB with 1 CV and the 2 CVLs. When the next CVL joins the fleet where you decide to send it will depend on your operational concept and the enemies possible reactions to those with his carrier forces American and RN. This should give your the balance you need for the first several months until he receives more fleet carriers. the Hornet in Feb-Mar and Wasp in Jun-Jul. that is assuming a historic TO&E mod of course.

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