New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (Full Version)

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.Sirius -> New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/21/2020 12:35:12 PM)

Hi Guys

here's a new one for testing, its rough around the edges and will require some tweek's, so would be great for some fresh eyes on it many thanks

Date: 30th June 2021/ 08:00:00 Zulu
Location: South China Sea
Duration: 1 Day
Playable Sides: UK & Coalition Forces

It was no secret that relations between the United Kingdom and China had soured over recent months. Already strained over issues such as Hong Kong, the countries’ links have suffered greatly during the fall from the Covid Pandemic.

Such issues have prompted London to reassess its relationship with Beijing, with the decision to deny Huawei an active role in Britain’s 5G Network heralding a more confrontational approach to bilateral affairs.

Considering this uncertainty, regarding the Asia-Pacific deployment of the UK’s new aircraft Carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, have taken on a new significance.

Carrier Strike Group 21’s potential visit to the disputed South China Sea may prove revealing to whether the UK-China relations have indeed entered a “new era” of competition.

British Military presence remains notable throughout the regional infrastructure with a Royal Navy “presence” in Singapore complementing a more conventional base in Brunei.

The United Kingdom remains a member of the Five Power Defence and had even recently sailed frigates through the South China Sea.


In June 2020, China cracked down by imposing a National Security Law for Hong Kong, entirely bypassing the city's own legislature.

This law grants Beijing sweeping new powers necessary to curb unrest; dealing a devastating blow for Hong Kong's freedoms.

Since it came into force, local political parties have disbanded, protest signs have been pulled down across the city, and Hong Kong residents are fleeing to seek asylum or refuge in other countries.

Due to the recent tensions in Hong Kong and with permission from the Hong Kong Government, units of the Queen Elizabeth CVBG have been detached to conduct "NEO" and evacuate Staff from the British Consulate.

Task Group 544.01 has established an overt presence in the Northern Sector of the South China Sea and is conducting Freedom of Navigation Operations until further notice.

Intelligence indicates that a number of Chinese Warships been deployed to the South China Sea towards your location, there intentions are unknown at the present time.

The Philippine Government have also complained to the UN of the continuing infringements by Beijing round the Spratley Islands.

With Hong Kong International Airport closed other countries have formed a joint NEO Task Group to pull out their citizens and transport them to the Philippines where they can then be flown to their respective countries.


Washington and Tokyo has given approval for there relevant Forces to come under OPCON of COMUKTG embarked in HMS Queen Elizabeth, relevant countries "Battle Staff" are now embarked.

1. Task Unit 544.01.01 HMS Queen Elizabeth CVBG has taken an overt posture to the West of the Batanes Islands to conduct "Freedom Of Navigation Operations" and counter any possible appearance of Chinese units coming from the Pacific, this group is also being supported by HMS Audacious.

2. Task Unit 544.01.02 sailed late last nght after a port visit to Nha Trang in Vietnam and are now heading to conduct "Freedom Of Navigation Operations" in the vicinity of the Spratley Islands.

3. Task Unit 544.0.1.03 and Task Unit 544.01.04 are now 60 nm off the coast of Hong Kong and have already deployed their own LCM / LCVP to recover their own countries Nationals, RFA Ft Victoria landed one Merlin to the British Consulate in Hong Kong, once evacuation is complete Task Unit 544.01.03 is to Support Task Unit 544.01.01 in conducting "Freedom Of Navigation Operations", whilst Task Unit 544.01.04 is to transit to the Philippines and anchor at "Area Safe Haven".

4. The Reagan CVBG left Singarpore afew days ago and will be conducting "Freedom Of Navigation Operations" in the vicinity of the Spratley Islands.

5. the Japanese 1st Escort Squadron which includes the JS Izumo with USMC F-35's embarked will be conducting "Freedom Of Navigation Operations" in the vicinity of the Batanes Islands.

6. USS Gabrielle Gifords which at present is in the vicinity of Woody Island to conduct Recon Operations of the area.

7. The America ESG has already departed Manilla and is now in transit to Nha Trang to assist Vietnam in their fight against COVID 19.


1. Due to recent developments by China, United Kingdom and Coalition Forces are operating at a heightened state of readiness and taking additional defensive precautions against a Chinese threat. Consequently, all aircraft, surface vessels, and subsurface vessels approaching United Kingdom and Coalition Forces are requested to maintain radio contact on bridge-to bridge channel 16, international air distress (121.5 MHZ VHF) or military air distress (243.0 MHZ UHF).

2. United Kingdom and Coalition Forces will take appropriate measures in self defence if warranted by the circumstances. Aircraft, surface vessels, and sub surface vessels approaching United Kingdom and Coalition Forces will, by making prior contact as described above, help make their intentions clear.

3. United Kingdom and Coalition Forces, when operating in confined waters, shall remain mindful of navigational considerations of aircraft, surface vessels, and subsurface vessels in their immediate vicinity.

4. Nothing in this warning is intended to impede or otherwise interfere with the freedom of navigation or overflight of any vessel or aircraft, or to limit or expand the right of self defence of United Kingdom and Coalition Forces. This warning is published solely to advise of the heightened state of readiness of United Kingdom and Coalition Forces and to request that radio contact be maintained as outlined above.


20 D Use of force, to counter force used to interfere with the mission NOT ACTIVE

10 C Use of force in individual self-defence ACTIVE

11 C Use of force in unit self-defence of Operation Freedom of Navigation units NOT ACTIVE

20 C Use of force, up to and including deadly force, to accomplish the mission NOT ACTIVE


Task Group 544.01

COMUKTG embarked in HMS Queen Elizabeth

HMS Queen Elizabeth Carrier Air Group

617 Sqn RAF - F-35B Lightning II [9]
207 Sqn OCU RAF - F-35B Lightning II [3]
VMFA-211 USMC - F-35B Lightning II [12]
VMM-365 Det USMC - MV-22B Osprey [2]
820 Sqn FAA - Merlin ASaC.1 [3]
820 Sqn FAA - Merlin HM.2 [8]
845 Sqn FAA - Merlin HC.4 [2]
815 Sqn FAA - Widcat HMA.2 [2]
847 Sqn FAA - Wildcat AH.1 [2]

Task Unit 544.01.01

HMS Queen Elizabeth - [CVA]
HMS Diamond - [DDG]
USS The Sullivans - [DDG]
HNLMS Evertsen - [FFG]
HMS Northumberland - [FFG]
RFA Tideforce - [AOR]

Task Unit 544.01.02

HMS Defender - [DDG]
HMAS Perth - [FFG]
HMNZS Te Kaha - [FFG]
HMAS Sirius - [AO]

Task Unit 544.01.03

HMS Kent - [FFG]
RFA Fort Victoria - [AE]

Task Unit 544.01.04

HMCS Ottawa - [FFG]
HMAS Toowoomba [FFG]
JS Shimakaze - [DDG]
JS Osumi - [LST]
HMAS Choules [LSD(A)]
HMNZS Canerbury - [AFS]
MS Asterix - [AUX]

Task Element 544.01.01

HMS Audacious- [SSGN]

Carrier Strike Group 5

USS R. Reagan - [CVN]
USS Antietam - [CG]
USS John S. McCain - [DDG]
USS McCampbell - [DDG]
USS Barry - [DDG]
USNS Walter S. Diehi - [T-AO]

Expeditionary Strike Group 7

USS America - [LHA]
USS New Oleans - [LPD]
USS Germantown - [LSD]
USS Curtis Wilbur - [DDG]
USS Benfold - [DDG]

1st Escort Squadron

JS Izumo - [DDH]
JS Maya - [DDG]
JS Murasame - [DD]
JS Ikazuchi - [DD]
JS Towada - [AOE]

Detached Units

USS Topeka - [SSN]
USS Gabrielle Giffords - [LCS]

Brunei International Airport

12 Sqn RAF - Typhoon FGR.4 [8]
77 Sqn RAAF - F/A-18B Hornet [8]
6 Sqn RAAF - EA-18G Growler [4]
2 Sqn RAAF - E-737 Wedgetail [2]
11 Sqn RAAF - P-8A Poseidon [2]
33 Sqn RAAF - KC-30A MRTT [2]
120 Sqn RAF - P-8A Poseidon [2]
10 Sqn RAF - Voyager KC.3 MRTT [2]
51 Sqn RAF - Airseeker RC-135W Rivet Joint [1]
95th RS USAF - RC-135W Rivet Joint [1]
44th FS USAF - F-15C Eagle [12]

Guam Air Force Base

5th RS USAF - U-2S [2]
11th BS USAF - B-52H Strato-Fortress [3]


COMUKTG embarked in HMS Queen Elizabeth


Road Runner - Restricted transmission on all sensors

Gunner98 -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/22/2020 1:46:22 AM)

Only played the first 4 hours or so. This has the makings of a great scenario, the ROE and instructions on disabling etc make it very tricky for the player, and it is quite a confusing situations. I'll leave it at that. Some points:

-Side briefing: ...National Securit Law for Hong Kong.. (security)

-Scenario start view. With CMO it seems that the best way of getting the opening screen to be at the correct elevation is to use the hotkeys (Z & X) to get to the zoom level you want. Then save, it will open at that zoom level after that point.

-You may want to consider setting the ready time for the NEO helo to coincide with the NEO plan. I departed immediately and thankfully stayed very low. Messages later told me I had jumped the gun.

-The first Location report MV Exodus – not sure what it meant, should I be looking for it? I had already found it. Shrugged and moved on. Later messages clarified but the first one was gave me a solid 'so what' moment. Perhaps with the 2nd msg you could change sides for the Exodus to simulate establishing radio coms, that way I would know the course & speed without having to have eyes on.

-There are several missions with locked RPs etc – Perhaps put them on another side or explain why they are locked. Its good to have control later but it seems like it is tying the players hands a bit.

-Not sure why the QE Gp is on a mission since the orders tell you what it needs to do. There is a single (I think) RP for the HK NEO, not sure what that is for.

-Interesting to see the Philippian PS 20 Magat – the oldest non-ceremonial warship in commission in the world

-Had to Googlemaps Batanes islands so maybe a geo-marker lua’d in with the message

-A bit of scenario creep but the UK would not be the only country doing a NEO, there are over 300K Hong Kong Expats in Canada for instance. Having lone ships from Canada, Japan, Aus, NZ that need protecting (perhaps on another side) or commercial flights out of Hong Kong would be another layer of complication for the player.

Only a few hours in so far so that may not be needed. Great scenario so far - thanks


temkc5 -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/22/2020 9:15:50 AM)


I agree with the points made by Gunner98 so far.

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/23/2020 7:10:46 AM)

Hi guys,

Thanks for the comments I'll start updating the scenario from your advice :)

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/23/2020 2:05:38 PM)

Hi will be re posting amended scenario this weekend, so far added a no play NEO Task Group comprising of RAN LSD, NZ Navy and Canadian Support ship, Japanese LST with Japanese DDG and Canadian FFG their task is a transit to the Philippines, Hong Kong Airport is closed due to the situation, MV Exodus after establishing VHF comms with HMS Kent becomes friendly after asking for assistance, will amend more as requests come in.
Once Scenario complete I'll push out with it a set of attached orders, Task Organisation etc

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/24/2020 7:44:51 PM)



Hi will be re posting amended scenario this weekend, so far added a no play NEO Task Group comprising of RAN LSD, NZ Navy and Canadian Support ship, Japanese LST with Japanese DDG and Canadian FFG their task is a transit to the Philippines, Hong Kong Airport is closed due to the situation, MV Exodus after establishing VHF comms with HMS Kent becomes friendly after asking for assistance, will amend more as requests come in.
Once Scenario complete I'll push out with it a set of attached orders, Task Organisation etc

Downloaded it and just noticed this. I'll wait for the second version before trying out this scenario.

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/25/2020 12:10:11 PM)

Hi Guys,

Scenario updated with previous comments

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/25/2020 10:01:04 PM)

Great! I'll get to work on it right now!

Just a quick comment: I love the inclusion of the USMC F-35s on board the QE, as is going to be reality!

Also, what does NEO stand for?

Lastly for this post:

A) One of the F-15s in Brunei is mis-labeled. There is no 44th FS #9, rather, it is called Eagle CAP 2 for some reason.

B) I think the Briefing and/or description should be tweaked to evaluate a little further the reason for the Coaltion and evacuation of diplomatic personnel and nationals at the scenario time. Nothing concrete is mentioned other than the new laws over Hong Kong, and those were passed a year before the scenario time.

I'm just not completely sure why the tensions got to the point of the Western Allies (plus Japan) mobilizing their forces and evacuating personnel.

Lionheart -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/26/2020 2:31:06 AM)

I believe NEO stands for Noncombatant Evacuation Operations.

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/26/2020 7:45:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lionheart

I believe NEO stands for Noncombatant Evacuation Operations.

Correct I'll add description to Brief as well as other comments mentioned

magi -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/27/2020 6:39:02 AM)

i am into this.... i like the idea of it.... however i do not like the exclusion zones... because they are ugly... so i deleted the ones over Taiwan and the Philippines....
i removed the groups from the fonops missions... deleted the p8 missions... kept the tanker tracks.. aew and group asw missions... will just shift them around some....
this looks like real fun... and am ready to squeeze the trigger.....

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/27/2020 6:52:28 AM)



i am into this.... i like the idea of it.... however i do not like the exclusion zones... because they are ugly... so i deleted the ones over Taiwan and the Philippines....
i removed the groups from the fonops missions... deleted the p8 missions... kept the tanker tracks.. aew and group asw missions... will just shift them around some....
this looks like real fun... and am ready to squeeze the trigger.....

No issues on any of your point "I can make the Exclusions better looking if you wish:) ".

HalfLifeExpert -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/27/2020 10:24:39 PM)

I played quite a bit of this and have some feedback:

1) The Airborne ASW missions provided have weapons free set against subs. I found this out when a Poseidon surprisingly dropped a torpedo on a PLAN sub when hostilities had not started. Didn't seem to effect much, but still.

2) Was the Helo in Hong Kong supposed to lift off on it's own? It seemed stuck to me so I sent it on a ferry mission to the Fort Victoria, but was shot down over HK. Nothing ever seemed to result from that.

3) When the CCG Engaged the MV Exodus, I returned fire, shooting down a Helo, blowing apart a RHIB, and fired ALOT of shells and some harpoons at the CCG ship to 'disable' it as the orders stated. It seemed to get to a point where things really were not happening.

4) Also, when the PRC and Philippines start shooting at each other, there doesn't seem to be any acknowledgement from higher up. I would expect there to be something sent to me to the effect of "hostilities have commenced between Chinese and Filipino forces, do not intervene at this time"

Perhaps I screwed up something by reassigning the HK helo to a new mission?

I've attached my Special Messages log. When I play a scenario with special messages, I Copy-Paste them into a WordPad document with lines separating them, so you can see the messages I received and the order I received them, but I don't have time-stamps i'm afraid.

All that being said, I do enjoy the scenario so far, especially since Shandong is in the area. 21st Century Carrier Battle!

Lionheart -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/28/2020 1:16:36 AM)

My NEO helicopter was also downed by groundfire on the way to Fort Victoria and I expected a signal from London at this point but nothing came and I put that down to chronic political indecision at Westminster!

I noticed that there are 3 Merlin ASaC.1s embarked on HMS Queen Elizabeth although the briefing mentions 5.

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/28/2020 6:41:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lionheart

My NEO helicopter was also downed by groundfire on the way to Fort Victoria and I expected a signal from London at this point but nothing came and I put that down to chronic political indecision at Westminster!

I noticed that there are 3 Merlin ASaC.1s embarked on HMS Queen Elizabeth although the briefing mentions 5.

Hi reference your first point the message pops up around an hour later, and a typo on my part as their are at present 5 Merlin Crowsnet available but only 3 deploying

Lukew -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/28/2020 2:58:50 PM)

I liked the political buildup to hostilities and scrupulously followed the ROE until ordered to strike Woody Island. Meanwhile HMS Audacious sneaked up on the Shandong Carrier Group to launch its' part of the Woody Island Operation. At this point I expected the entire PLAN and possibly the Chinese Coastguard to turn hostile but they did not for some reason. At this point I had HMS Audacious go to maximum depth to reload with Torpedoes. Having done so HMS Audacious was brought to Shallow Depth and declared selected carrier escorts as hostile. Audacious then returned to a depth just above the thermal layer, reloaded with torpedoes and came up to shallow depth to fire 6 spearfish into the hapless Shandong sinking this vessel without a trace. Still the PLAN did not turn hostile. Just for fun I maneuvered the Queen Elizabet group to Harpoon range. I did lose HMS Northumberland and USS Sullivan in the missile exchange. The DF-21 attack did occur and did a minimal level of damage sinking Sullivans (HMS Northumberland was sunk in the action against the remnants of the Shandong Carrier Group) All things considered I found it too easy to achieve a triumph.

This scenario is interesting but PLAN side needs some work to make them more of a challenge once the balloon goes up. At present it is too easy for HMS Audacious to do a "Belgrano" on the Shandong Carrier Group. You might also consider greater penalties for UK and US ships sunk or damaged

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/28/2020 9:17:39 PM)



I liked the political buildup to hostilities and scrupulously followed the ROE until ordered to strike Woody Island. Meanwhile HMS Audacious sneaked up on the Shandong Carrier Group to launch its' part of the Woody Island Operation. At this point I expected the entire PLAN and possibly the Chinese Coastguard to turn hostile but they did not for some reason. At this point I had HMS Audacious go to maximum depth to reload with Torpedoes. Having done so HMS Audacious was brought to Shallow Depth and declared selected carrier escorts as hostile. Audacious then returned to a depth just above the thermal layer, reloaded with torpedoes and came up to shallow depth to fire 6 spearfish into the hapless Shandong sinking this vessel without a trace. Still the PLAN did not turn hostile. Just for fun I maneuvered the Queen Elizabet group to Harpoon range. I did lose HMS Northumberland and USS Sullivan in the missile exchange. The DF-21 attack did occur and did a minimal level of damage sinking Sullivans (HMS Northumberland was sunk in the action against the remnants of the Shandong Carrier Group) All things considered I found it too easy to achieve a triumph.

This scenario is interesting but PLAN side needs some work to make them more of a challenge once the balloon goes up. At present it is too easy for HMS Audacious to do a "Belgrano" on the Shandong Carrier Group. You might also consider greater penalties for UK and US ships sunk or damaged

Hi thanks for the test, can you confirm the H-6 Badgers launched, will amend as per you comments

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/28/2020 9:22:51 PM)

Scenario updated and uploaded

Lukew -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/28/2020 10:30:06 PM)

Something launched (presumably some DF-21s given the failure of my attack on Woody Island. I thought the Chinese counter attack was extremely weak although this may have had something to do with the fact that HMS Audacious had singlehandedly sunk the Shandong Carrier and half the escort. I actually found the carrier very early on and moved Audacious into a shadowing position (a realistic enough move) Perhaps adding a second Chinese Carrier group around Varyag and some land based Chinese air power might also help to make a pre-emptive move like that I pulled off a little less deadly (the Spearfish Torpedoes are deadly and British resources need to be stretched a bit.

Maybe later on you might consider adding an additional US Carrier forces or some Japanese "on exercise" further north who might be brought in to assist the British.

Lukew -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/29/2020 3:12:28 PM)

A further point to add to the above. In addition to the second Chinese carrier group the Chinese, given that they are apparently preparing for an attack should have considerable additional air force assets available. Also adding some additional DF-21 batteries n mainland China would be a good idea since China plans a major attack against the Queen Elizabeth Carrier Group In the pre war phase China should be engaged on extensive reconnaissance and harassments of the Queen Elizabeth Carrier Group. There might be a chance that this will lead to the premature outbreak of hostilities. There are a number of possible flashpoints for this.

The outbreak of fighting between China and various Asia states was noticeable but needs some explanation when it happens. You might do this by means of a "Press Release" message (eg from Reuters (or other news agency of your choice) reporting that fighting between China and various Pacific States (Philippines, Malaysia etc)in the South China Sea. This will trigger a message from London to the Queen Elizabeth Carrier Group updating ROE and orders. Will the commander be instructed to increase defensive posture but avoid getting into hostilities unless attacked or does London want to take a more aggressive stance? If so what actions does London authorize at this stage bearing in mind this may precipitate war with China. How is Washington going to react (this is where the additional US Carrier Group I suggested might come in(or alternatively it could be a smaller Assault ship. This may or may not come under player control. This force might be engaged in military exercises somewhere and will be deployed as reinforcements if or when Washington decides to do so. Japan might make a similar deployment decision to reinforce the SCS area.

Remember also the importance of the SCS international shipping routes which will be busy with large cargo ships, oil tankers etc. This might result in an escalatory incident of its' own, possibly triggering deployments above and certainly messages concerning diplomatic protests and new military instructions. Also the presence of civilian flight routes should further confuse things with the possibility of a plane being shot down (or possibly a plane crash wrongly thought to be due to military action on someone's part due to the high military tensions in the region.

Probably a few satellites might also be added.

Since this scenario is probably intended to result in a military clash matters will always move in that direction but raising the tension will be important.

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/29/2020 3:21:55 PM)



A further point to add to the above. In addition to the second Chinese carrier group the Chinese, given that they are apparently preparing for an attack should have considerable additional air force assets available. Also adding some additional DF-21 batteries n mainland China would be a good idea since China plans a major attack against the Queen Elizabeth Carrier Group In the pre war phase China should be engaged on extensive reconnaissance and harassments of the Queen Elizabeth Carrier Group. There might be a chance that this will lead to the premature outbreak of hostilities. There are a number of possible flashpoints for this.

The outbreak of fighting between China and various Asia states was noticeable but needs some explanation when it happens. You might do this by means of a "Press Release" message (eg from Reuters (or other news agency of your choice) reporting that fighting between China and various Pacific States (Philippines, Malaysia etc)in the South China Sea. This will trigger a message from London to the Queen Elizabeth Carrier Group updating ROE and orders. Will the commander be instructed to increase defensive posture but avoid getting into hostilities unless attacked or does London want to take a more aggressive stance? If so what actions does London authorize at this stage bearing in mind this may precipitate war with China. How is Washington going to react (this is where the additional US Carrier Group I suggested might come in(or alternatively it could be a smaller Assault ship. This may or may not come under player control. This force might be engaged in military exercises somewhere and will be deployed as reinforcements if or when Washington decides to do so. Japan might make a similar deployment decision to reinforce the SCS area.

Remember also the importance of the SCS international shipping routes which will be busy with large cargo ships, oil tankers etc. This might result in an escalatory incident of its' own, possibly triggering deployments above and certainly messages concerning diplomatic protests and new military instructions. Also the presence of civilian flight routes should further confuse things with the possibility of a plane being shot down (or possibly a plane crash wrongly thought to be due to military action on someone's part due to the high military tensions in the region.

Probably a few satellites might also be added.

Since this scenario is probably intended to result in a military clash matters will always move in that direction but raising the tension will be important.

Hi all noted and will amend scenario [:)]

magi -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/31/2020 12:03:36 AM)

First I would like to say that I like the idea of the scenario a lot .... One feature I find very pleasing as what I call layers of events.... merchant shipping Biologics multiple nations with their own interests in missions ..... very cool I would add even more commercial shipping ....
However there are a few things I am not fond of ..... I do not see why Allied ships would be on separate sides .... it would be natural for them to coordinate their activities especially in changing events .....
I do not understand why the NEO group and group 14721 are both in the same area with two separate missions ....
Group 14721 seems unreasonably under escorted… The Japanese destroyer with them I do not even know if it’s in service any longer ....
I manually launch the NEO mission and had it received by 14721 .... I took the NEO Victoria group put it in the middle of the South China Sea and had it rendezvous with the Queen Elizabeth group ....

Possibly it is me but I found points in the briefing to be ambiguous.... especially in the actions I can take when being harassed or the counter aggressive behavior .... I finally decided any Chinese vessels aggressively approaching my assets were to be prosecuted ......
I don’t know what action I am able to take into defense of neutral states ....
When I do prosecute Chinese assets it is not trigger general outbreak of conflict… I did not know if that is by design ....

As I said in my original post I deleted most of the missions except some basic ones ..... I do not believe you need defined FONOP areas..... in the briefing you can give the missions objectives and general operating areas ...... and allow the player can manipulate his assets as he so chooses to accomplish the mission .....

It would be simpler if all the tankers are centerline boom enabled or they were more of each type .....

I would like to say that I really think this is very clever what you were doing here and it could end up being one of my favorite scenarios ever ...
I see that you posted a new version of this and I will download it after I am finished here so some of my comments may not be relevant .....

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/31/2020 8:48:49 AM)

Hi good points there I'm inthe middle of updating the scenario .

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (10/31/2020 7:27:29 PM)

Hi guys latest version will be pushed out in the next few days proberly Mon-Tue,I will strengthen NEO TG and put them under OPCON of UK and Coalition Forces, have added Reagan CVBG position north of Singapore, also added Japanse Task Group based around their latest "Helicopter Destroyer Carrier" with USMC F-35 embarked both these units will be under their own countries OPCON, will be adding mainland based DF-21 and addition PLAAF Regiments on the mainland. COMAIR added and shipping lane traffic

magi -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (11/2/2020 1:04:24 AM)



Hi guys latest version will be pushed out in the next few days proberly Mon-Tue,I will strengthen NEO TG and put them under OPCON of UK and Coalition Forces, have added Reagan CVBG position north of Singapore, also added Japanse Task Group based around their latest "Helicopter Destroyer Carrier" with USMC F-35 embarked both these units will be under their own countries OPCON, will be adding mainland based DF-21 and addition PLAAF Regiments on the mainland. COMAIR added and shipping lane traffic

wow.... cool.... but this will be big.... i think you should do it as a big and small version.....

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (11/2/2020 7:07:39 AM)





Hi guys latest version will be pushed out in the next few days proberly Mon-Tue,I will strengthen NEO TG and put them under OPCON of UK and Coalition Forces, have added Reagan CVBG position north of Singapore, also added Japanse Task Group based around their latest "Helicopter Destroyer Carrier" with USMC F-35 embarked both these units will be under their own countries OPCON, will be adding mainland based DF-21 and addition PLAAF Regiments on the mainland. COMAIR added and shipping lane traffic

wow.... cool.... but this will be big.... i think you should do it as a big and small version.....

It's getting more like a "LIVE DLC" every update[:)] got some of my (I'm ex RN) Military friends on HMS Queen Elizabeth who play CMO, I'll get them to test it also

Lionheart -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (11/2/2020 10:20:24 PM)

Enjoyed this. Really intriguing narrative.

Seeing as most of the countries in the UK & Coalition side are FPDA/Commonwealth I thought that the potent Republic of Singapore Air Force might have been brought into play instead of a US CVBG airwing.

The 'unfriendly' Chinese Coastguard ship CCG 2901 that sunk MV Exodus and attacked HMS Kent didn't change posture to hostile.

I thought the Singaporeans and Malaysians have too much autonomy when I saw their Hawks attempt to attack the Chinese SAG, maybe grant player control.

Looking forward to the next version.

.Sirius -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (11/3/2020 8:30:25 PM)

Hi Guys

Scenario updated and uploaded.
1. NEO Task Group now part of UK and Coaltion Forces so under your OPCON.
2. Added COMAIR and Shipping Lane VLCC's.
3. Added Singaporean F-16's to Labuan Air Base.
4. Added additional Chinese CVBG and SSK's.
5. Additional DF-21 Sites added
6. United States side added with Reagan CVBG and LA SSN.
7. Japanese Task Group added with latest DDH carrYing USMC F-35.
8. Added New Report pop up

this is still work in progress and will be amending as I go along

magi -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (11/5/2020 5:11:05 AM)







Hi guys latest version will be pushed out in the next few days proberly Mon-Tue,I will strengthen NEO TG and put them under OPCON of UK and Coalition Forces, have added Reagan CVBG position north of Singapore, also added Japanse Task Group based around their latest "Helicopter Destroyer Carrier" with USMC F-35 embarked both these units will be under their own countries OPCON, will be adding mainland based DF-21 and addition PLAAF Regiments on the mainland. COMAIR added and shipping lane traffic

wow.... cool.... but this will be big.... i think you should do it as a big and small version.....

It's getting more like a "LIVE DLC" every update[:)] got some of my (I'm ex RN) Military friends on HMS Queen Elizabeth who play CMO, I'll get them to test it also

darn.... thats great.....

magi -> RE: New Scenario for Testing "Right of Passage" (11/5/2020 5:13:09 AM)

i will check this out......

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