vallu751 -> RE: Best ideology/government type? (8/30/2021 7:47:34 AM)
I usually start with Meritocracy, Government and Mind. Then try to drift towards democracy for at least a few turns for that sweet PP bonus. Government is often hard to maintain, so I try to keep the first two or three bonuses and get the first few from either Enforcement (better) or Commerce (okay if it means keeping a Corporation/leaders happy). In terms of the side-track of getting the Internal Council first and hoping for Recruit Talent, I've tried it but can't recommend it due to a few reasons: 1) It takes quite a few turns to get the first bonus of Meritocracy. Before that, the Internal Council is almost useless. You might luck with a Tax stratagem to net a few credits, but that's it. 2) As the screenshot shows, Recruit Talent requires 100 hrCardPoints. That's a ton of BP that need investing, even if the weighed roll tries to get the card. Which it probably won't before you get a ton of other cards. 3) Other councils provide more value for the low BP amounts you have at the beginning. Economy Council on high Discovery will net you Solar Power, which is crucial. It's beneficial to unlock it before researching three techs from the first tech box. Main reason why I often start with Econ instead of Military research. Once you have your BP production up, Internal Council becomes a lot more useful.