z1812z -> Curious about ToTH future. (1/11/2021 6:31:28 PM)
It is very unfortunate that the developer has suffered health problems, and understandably development has been interrupted while he recovers. I am just wondering if there is any future development underway or any plans for optimizing the interface. The game is wonderful, however I wish some optimization could be done. For example. Reduce the mouse clicks. Double click on units to select the whole stack. An option to magnify the map by 50%. In addition to the current way of moving, make movement less clicky by showing the full extent of hexes that can be reached, with the ability to click on an available hex and have the unit move there. I wonder if any thought has been given to converting ToTH to a boardgame format. I think it would work very well.....and provide an additional income stream.