BlueTemplar -> RE: relevance of depots? (1/26/2021 3:38:02 AM)
ORIGINAL: yutowap33 Does physical storage building only raise the maximum storage? or is there any other benefits to it e.g. working as logistical distribution hub, providing emergency stocks in case of supply issues, a resource goody that can be captured.. Yeah, they also helps for items to not be wasted (and maybe even prevent shortages in rare cases ?) if your logistic network is being stressed... Also if you have item consumption higher than ZONE storage (and I guess also more item production in the zone than ZONE storage ?), you can end up with wasted items ! [image][/image] And your SHQ won't even notify you about the waste in that zone that depends on it; since it' not SHQ's OWN storage that had waste : [image][/image] (I don't remember, is SHQ not-sold items waste featured in the Urgent Issues Overview too ?)