havoc1371 -> RE: Air Micro is an Issue (2/8/2021 5:52:19 PM)
ORIGINAL: ncc1701e quote:
ORIGINAL: havoc1371 The level of micromanagement necessary in the game is why I stopped playing it. I got board with "administrating"; I prefer to play a game focused on the conflict, not on administration and logistics. If you want to micromanage, fine, but the rest of us would prefer the ability to automate some of it. having to change settings on a half dozen units to make a coordinated attack is tedious, as is tracking oil supply. Strategic Command: War in Europe may be more simplistic, but its definitely more playable and enjoyable. Half dozen units... this is not WITE. I quit Strategic Command because I was not finding it realistic. Last time I have checked, there was no oil management and no manpower at all. And invading Norway by an event is not what I was looking for. Sure a very different game. Oil management in SC: WatW is generally applied based upon a country's control of oil resources, and affects all the countries forces equally. As opposed to playing War Plan were if you aren't vigilant, you can suddenly run out of oil and then operations for air, sea, and mech come to a sudden halt. I actually think SC's version is more realistic as fuel is distributed through a nation's armed forces equitably and one particular force can't just drain the stockpile, leaving all the others dry.