Hubert Cater -> RE: Join the first official tournament (5/28/2021 1:30:41 PM)
Hey everyone, very sorry to hear that some players were gaming the system here. We'll have a good think on how to prevent this in the future. For the one game with an 80:20 split, this just sounds like the full DECISIVE victory conditions were not met as the points are set by the VICTORY CONDITIONS once the campaign has been played along far enough. Players that play too slowly should be penalized with a reduced score for timing out, you'll see this in the scores with I believe a small T shown along side. For resignations, this is potentially a bit problematic which is why they are not allowed by the tournament server. For example: 1) If you resign, do you possibly deny your opponent a haul of points which would otherwise have been theirs? 2) Alternatively, if you resign and are heavily penalized for doing so, is it fair that the ‘winner’ gets a large haul of points worth more than a hard fought victory would have brought? You either deny points to your opponent which isn't fair, or if you heavily penalize, then there is no longer any incentive to resign. This is why with mirrored games, both players are encouraged to play to the end as how you win and how you lose should reflect in the score. But with players gaming the system this potentially introduces a new layered issue to all of the above which we'll address for the next time around.