Niedowidek_slith -> PBEM-- - tool to facilitate multiplayer team games (2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4) (3/7/2021 4:31:57 PM)
Commanders, I would like to present you an utility that (I hope) could help in managing PBEM team games i.e. games with two or more players on each side. Telemecus described team games in details here: PBEM-- has two parts. Client is a Java program that you use on your computer. Client connects to Server part which has a database and stores team games (called "matches"), users, orders, reports etc. So, in essence, it works a bit like Matrix PBEM++ but allows to play 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4 players (and any other combination including co-op games against AI). It is however an external program so you need to upload and download savegames using Client. Before I say more, please bear in mind that this is the first publicly available version, so treat it like a beta version. Improvements will come and in fact are necessary. Here is more detailed manual: but below I provide a short description. First, you download Client from my Dropbox: (If you don't have Java installed, follow instructions found here: ) Then double-click downloaded JAR file. Window like this should open: [image]local://upfiles/46790/AF4A235BBA2144BAB51ACAE972F7178E.jpg[/image]